"let's eat this then we can climb Boggs rock," says Tommy to his friend Billy.
"Boggs rock it's too high we will never do it"
"We will I have done it before" lies Tommy
"No, you ain't nobody has"
"Yes, I have you calling me a liar?"
Billy looks at Tommy "ok then when did you do it."
"Last week" replies Tommy.
Billy sits quietly for a few minutes eating his sandwiches his mum had made
He looks at Tommy they had been friends for seven years, both 13 and in the same school which was how they had met Tommy and his mum had come to mango grove 7 years ago they had moved into number 8 and billy lived at number 5
"Ok then let's do it."
Tommy looked over this wasn't what he was expecting he was just saying it to make him look big, he didn't think Billy would do it but he couldn't back out now. trying to buy a bit time, "let's look at it first and plan it."
"ok," say Billy glad of the extra time.
after eating their sandwiches they start to walk to Boggs rock.