The day passed quickly and, if I wouldn`t pay attention to the fact, that today is summer, I could say - too fast! However, I`m not interested in time now. Summer has just started and I have already completed half of the plan, which I was so long and zealously composing during the lunch break! Glad to you, Julia! This really will be the best summer! Anyway, feeling bad about it will be a bad decision. I have 3 moths of summer and I can make it be more epic, like I wanted. The day wasn't so easy, I'm even glad, that it passed so fast. On such moments I want to get rid of clothes, turn off the phones, fill the bath with hot water and switch on the Jacuzzi mode. It's a pity that I don't have it... But I have everything else! It remains only to force myself to move!
Throwing the bag on the couch, I slowly walked to the bathroom and turned on the hot water. When I remembered that in the morning, leaving in a hurry, I closed my dog in the kitchen, I turned around and went there. Fortunately there was an exit to the backyard and it remained to hope, that he didn't dare to spoil the aura of my favorite kitchen with his own, not very pleasant, but still a gift. When I reached the door, I heard a happy barking. It remained only to calm down and open it. For all 23 years I lived here, I had to get out of the situation much more difficult than opening the door, really I can't do this?! I've always hated myself for this weakness before making a decision.
Throwing all my thoughts aside, I reached for the handle and opened the door. Immediately my Doberman jumped on me and I was near to fall. He was happily and cheerfully jumping around me, showing with his whole body how much he loves me. Of course! What more do you need for happiness? Everyone would be happy if every day they were fed, hugged and somebody would went out with them, where they will want. I've always been envious of them for that. Although in human life there were pluses, but unfortunately, I haven't founded them yet.
After I checked the kitchen, I once again stroked Festival on the head and again went to the bathroom. This time I came there not alone, but in the company of my faithful friend - Fest. Throwing off all my clothes and putting them on the washing machine, I climbed into a much-desired bath. It was really hot and pleasant so I "hid" in this soft and snow-white foam. Festival stood for a while, watching how my pupils increase from pleasure, and then decided to lie down. Laying my head back to the soft corner, I stared at the ceiling, reflecting on what had happened at work today. Yes, I was very glad that for the second month I have a permanent place of work. What if I hadn't met that guy from the restaurant? And he wouldn't offer me a job as a waitress. Many reasons exist, because of which I couldn't now enjoy a hot bath, thinking about a day's work or any other useless!.. And what kind of thoughts did I have? I must end this.
Looking at my watch, I realized that my "short" meditation lasted 37 minutes. This fact forced me to get out of the bathroom and reach for the towel. Festival all this time watched my movements, lying next to the door. As soon as I wrapped myself in a towel and approached the door, Fest got up and pushed it with his paw. Walking along the well-lit corridor, I reached my room and flopped down on the bed. Only closing my eyes, I felt a not very strong push in the side, and then another one. It was Fest, who desperately tried to remind me, that I hadn't fed him yet. I had to get out of bed and go to the closet to get dressed, because in the morning, I give the last packet of food to him. Opening the doors, I began to sort out my clothes and threw a white shirt and dark jeans on the bed. After putting on my beige underwear, I went to the bed and put on a shirt and jeans. I fastened my shirt and approached to the mirror and began to comb my long hair. Fortunately it was straight and I needn't a lot of time to comb it. I quickly went down to the first floor and reached for the jacket that hung on the hanger. When I put it on, I went to the nightstand and took out a collar and a leash from the top drawer. "Equipping" Festival, I thought for a moment and guiltily looked at the dog, then went to the sofa and fell with a crash on him.
"I'll lie down a little, and we'll go to the store, okay? This time I'll buy you that delicacy, which I had seen two days ago, do not be angry." I apologized to the Festival and felt that he was lying next to me, hiding the muzzle under my hands. Smiling, I hugged him and closed my eyes, falling into the kingdom of Morpheus...
In fact, I couldn't figure out whether it was a dream or not. But I've clearly been seeing my house, and more specifically - sofa on which I fell asleep. When I got up, I went to the output and opened the door. The sun was shining on the street, and people around were slowly strolling along the paths. I went to the store. In front of me flew a bird, or swallow, or sparrow, one thing is clear - I couldn't identificate it!.. She flew back next to me, and I noticed that she had green stripes on her back. They were long and thin, like blades of grass. The third time she stopped right in front of me and looked into my eyes for a long time. Her pupils increased, her gaze began to frighten me, and I stamped my foot, leaning slightly in her direction. The bird flew away, and everything again became as before. Honestly, I did not even notice that it was five minutes ago that I was standing in front of the store. Shrugging, I walked to the entrance, but nothing happened. Is the store closed on a Saturday morning? No, it shouldn't be so! I went to the other door and pulled the handle. Going there, I found myself in a dark forest ... or a jungle? Most likely, the second option, since the local fauna pointed out exactly this. It became noticeably colder, but I didn't pay attention to it. In front of me again appeared that bird, again peering into my eyes. But this time, she changed. Some metal parts could be seen on it. I had the impression that I was in an old American film about aliens. Suddenly, I heard a loud shot, and turned in his direction. But this didn't help me, there were only trees and flowers around which I had never seen before. I shook my head and turned to the bird, but it disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. Only now I realized that the temperature dropped to about 17 degrees, as my hands and feet trembled. And maybe it's just a dream? It's cold, because I forgot to turn off the air conditioner. It is logical. Then another question - how to wake up? As soon as this thought occurred to me, I felt a strong pain in my left leg. Everything around me disappeared, and I began to fall into the darkness.
The sensation of a blow to the ground made me twist and turn on my back. Next to me sat Festival and looked at me with an incomprehensible expression of muzzle. Finally, I realized why he behaved this way, and who helped me wake up. I was exactly at the place where I was in a dream. And it was Festival that woke me up. I tried to get up, but my whole body hurt. Is it still a dream? Then why do I feel pain? Maybe I fell off the couch? Or did Fest lie down on me? He often likes to do this, and I always can't drive him away. He starts to bite my hand and growl softly. I'm sure, this is just another crazy nightmare! I can't lie down at home and wake up in the jungle!..
Well, since I'm in a conscious dream, why not walk around the jungle? I recently read about such dreams. They say that you can do everything that your heart desires, while you're sleeping! And then wake up and be full of energy. Great!
I took the lead of Fest and headed for the side where the shot thundered. Nevertheless, I was wondering what happened there. Even if it was a dream. Passing by the tall trees and colorful flowers, we confidently moved in the direction of the noise. Going out into the glade that was lit by the moon, I noticed a man who was sorting something on the ground. I walked closer to him and tried to look at his face. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and pressed me to the trunk of the tree with a sharp movement. At that moment, the dog began to bark, but the man did not pay attention to this and continued to look fiercely at me. A couple of seconds he looked at my face, then hissed:
"What did you hope for when you approached me so uncovered?" Without loosening his grip, he pointed the gun at me. The weapon was very different from what I saw in movies and at police officers. But if it's a dream, why it can't look such strange? Although feeling a strong pain, I began to doubt it.
"I don't wish you anything bad, I just wondered what you were doing. Especially in my dream. If you are here, then I saw you in real life ..." I mumbled, trying to slide down and free myself from his hands. Unfortunately, I didn't succeed.
The man looked at me for a minute, probably trying to scroll through our short dialogue. Suddenly his quiet laugh pierced this awkward silence. But he still didn't weaken his grip. He reached into his back pocket and took out his handcuffs. Hooking them to me, he let my wrist and pushed the Doberman, that had tried to bite him all this time, away. I misunderstood his movements but called Festival to me. Feeling how my heart began to beat harder, and my breathing became more frequent, I realized that it wasn't a dream at all! I rewound our conversation, but now with new facts and was horrified. Although it was already late, after all, a man in biker clothes already handcuffed me... I tried to step away from him a couple of steps, but he didn't turn and pointed at me with his index finger then pointed to my past place. There was nothing left to do, except to sit by the tree and wait for further instructions. "Well done, Julia, now you are taken prisoner by a man with a strange gun, dressed like a biker from the pubs, by which you passed every evening on the way home!" I swore in my mind, but continued to look at the stranger. He was doing something in that place where I first saw him. Five minutes ago I didn't feel cold because of the adrenaline, but now I started to tremble again. I heard a small sigh and noticed that the man stood up and came to me. He motioned for me to follow him, after he has shown me a black device with a dark screen and buttons. He pointed to the handcuffs and I realized that they are somehow connected and, it's not worth resisting. However, I didn't want to. I doubt if I would have escaped him. And if I ran away, where can I go? Judging by the stranger's look, it's not very safe to walk here at night. It only remained to obey and, taking the leash of the Festival, go after him.
He walked at a fast pace, constantly looking around and back. But he didn't look at me, but at what was behind. Perhaps he knew the dangers that await people in this place and did not want to meet them. And about me, was he really sure that I wouldn't try to escape ?! Oh yeah... Handcuffs, why should he worry about it when I don't want to escape. On his back he had a small backpack, similar to those sold in military themed shops. Behind, he looked like an ordinary military man, who could be seen on the square during the parade on 9th May. Wide shoulders, muscular arms, khaki pants and boots on a not very thick sole. My dad has such boots, he wears them when he goes to airsoft. Sure, my parents! They don't know where I am. And I don't know, if I can somehow get in touch with them? Although how? I'm walking behind a man, stuffed with all sorts of strange things, which is not even going to explain anything to me... We turned right, and he accelerated his step, forcing me sometimes to run to catch up with him. Looking at the Festival, I realized that he likes this walk, I couldn't have looked the same in this situation. Finally we left, or rather, he left and I ran out to a small glade near the cave. Entering the cave, it became even colder. We walked along dark corridors, it would seem, nowhere, just went ahead. But, here he stopped and putting his backpack near the wall, began to mess around with the branches that were collected in a heap. He took from his pocket one more thing that was incomprehensible to me and lit a fire. When everything was ready, he sat down in front of me, examining my clothes. I understood why. When we were in the forest, it was dark and almost nothing could be seen. I decided to look better at him, too. Short hair, bristles, brown eyes and thin lips. And he constantly blinked, as if we were now not in a cave, but in a desert where the sun shines brightly. Hands in gloves, most likely of leather. And he's always twirling this black thing in his hands, which he threatened me with. It was like a plastic walkie-talkie, which is sold in the markets. Although this one looked more threatening. Again an awkward silence hung over us, now it's my turn to get out of it.
"I'm sorry, but why did you handcuff me and get me into the cave? I didn't do anything wrong." Was I scared? Yes. I wanted to run? Yes! But still, to begin with, I would find out where I was. The main thing is to find out this information and then it will be possible to escape and catch the car, which will take me to the nearest airport or railway station.
"I way you to sit down and to not try to do anything wrong." The man replied in a hoarse voice, not taking his eyes off me. "What year are you from?" The question sounded rather strange, if don't take into account that he wasn't looking like an ordinary person.
"Now is May 30, 2016, we can say that the summer has already begun. But why are you asking?" And yet, I was more interested not in this, but why he asked this question in such a tone, as though he had completely forgotten, in what time he was. "Maybe you'd remove the handcuffs? I won't run away..."
He didn't answer me, continuing to peer into the dance of the flames. I felt like Festival, all this time examining the cave, lay next to my feet. I looked at him and stood near a smooth stone, that reminded me of the bricks from which the pyramids were built. Sitting next to Fest and leaning on that stone, I felt a little warmer, since the dog was now warming me, and I was closer to the fire. Strange evening I have today, an incomprehensible dream, and then this forest and stranger. Or maybe it's a dream but my walk to the store was real? But then how did I find myself here? Heck! I'm confuse what is dream and what is not? And also this man, looks like an American soldier from films, only more realistic. Where doesn't tell me where I am? Does he keep me handcuffed and then he wants to ask for a ransom? My father had enemies, but someone like him - no! .. They could only overturn a tank with garbage. The worst thing that our neighbor did - break the window in the bathroom. But then his wife paid us for the damage done. What did my father do, that I fell into such an unusual situation?..
I no longer had any time to think for nothing, a walking in darkness, in an area unknown to me, badly affected me. As soon as I was here, I felt that my body was getting heavier and I was getting pulled down. It seemed that even the air here was completely different, unlike the one I'm used to. It was heavier, with an unpleasant smell of dust and had to inhale deeper, so as not to choke. This also affected my condition. What happens if I fall asleep here? Will he leave me in this cave as soon as he gets tired of following me? Or I'll catch a flew from the cold floor, and it will be even more difficult for me to be here. I found something to worry about, cool!.. Putting my head on the shoulder of Festival, I felt that it was hard for him to breathe. In fact, I was glad that he was here, even though I was worried about his friend. I listened to the beating of his heart, and my eyes closed. Well, again!.. I want it to end as soon as possible! Deep inside me, an unknown voice shouted to me... Not even so! It screamed and begged me to get up and run! Run as far as possible to hide from everyone and stay there until someone will find me and save me. But no matter how loudly this voice will scream, I couldn't control myself. The stupefying smell of unknown flowers wrapped me around and, with the accumulated fatigue, plunged me into a deep sleep. I didn't care how I looked or how I was lying, for the first time in my life, I just wanted to get away from it all...
"Festival..." I whispered and felt the dog turning its head in my direction, then again put its face on its paws and quietly snuffled.
It seemed that a couple of minutes ago I fell asleep lying near the stone. Not a very pleasant feeling, I agree. But suddenly... Blow! And then one more. No, they weren't very noticeable, but unpleasant. From the edge of my ear I caught a quiet growl, turning into barking, it was Festival. He either tried to wake me up, or felt my life leaving my body. Approximately so I felt myself. One, in a strange place ...
"Get up or I will leave you here in handcuffs." His voice lifted my spirits, that means I'm not alone.
I looked up and tried to see the face of that man. It was dark in the cave, not all the rays of the sun penetrated here. He looked exactly the same as yesterday, in the forest. I tried to get up, but my body was pounding, and my head felt like a bag of potatoes. I once again looked at the man and put my head in my hands.
"Leave us here, no one will take me, nobody needs me." I muttered, turning on my chest. In this position, the back ached even more. Before I had time to calm down properly and bring my breathing back to normal, I felt that the man had taken off my handcuffs. I was able to remove one hand from under my head and pull it forward. But at that moment he grabbed my wrist and, with one sharp movement, lifted me from the ground, as if I was a broken toy that he did not mind cutting. I just squeaked and tried to pull my hand out of his grasp, which I did, this time.
"Don't thank." Again looking at me sternly, he said. "And now we'll go."
He spoke as if he didn't understand why I should be taken with him, but he couldn't leave me. A small flame of hope burns in his eyes, but he doesn't believe in that. You don't need to be a professional psychologist to notice this. But so, what exactly he does believe in? What could I do, or what could I be used for? However, since he demanded this from me, and even took off the handcuffs, I should have followed him. I took the leash of Festival in my hands and followed him to the exit. I could barely move my legs and finally saw the light. But I wasn't happy about it at all!.. It was too bright for me, and the air I was trying to get used to in the cave, became even more unpleasant. I looked out the silhouette of the stranger and hobbled in his direction. He stood a couple of meters from the forest and peered at the screen of device. It's strange to call him a stranger or just a man. I should ask how to continue to call him, because I feel that we won't split up soon... Coming close to him, this time from the side, and not behind his back, I, peering at the screen, asked:
"Since you don't want to leave me, won't you say your name? Should I at least know how to address to you?"
"Duh." Briefly, without even turning to me, the stranger answered. Although, what kind of stranger is he to me? Now I can call him Spirit. Strange name for a person. But here's a good side, from this nickname, you can come up with many others such as - Ghost! God, what am I thinking about right now?