“You cannot ignore it anymore Oswald. Our patients are dying. They are getting killed by someone who is still out there. Every patient’s life is in danger. We have to do something Oswald.”
“No one care about the patients Clarissa. To us it’s just one retard less. Less inmates means less work.”
“And what about those who were murdered, Viktor? They need justice. This. Can’t. Be. Ignored. Anymore.”
“I don’t care Twill. Do what you are supposed to do.”
“Of course I will.”
Someone is out on a killing rampage in West Baskerville Psychological Institute. Targets aren’t particular. Patients are chosen like the numbers in the game of Bingo. Random. The first victim was an inmate from the building A, The building for the criminally insane. No one seems to find any pattern or similarities, but there is a peculiar exception. Their eyes were carved out of the eye sockets before they died.