-Having bills due directly on your pay-day can make life a lot easier. Reach out to those you owe money to and ask to change the due date on your payments. Most of the time they are willing to work with you, and this can be so much less stressful than hoping you'll have enough money a week after you get paid.
-It is TOTALLY OK to cry. Bad days happen. Bad weeks happen. Even bad years. You need to let that shit out, don't let it build up, because things are so much worse when you haven't properly processed how things are making you feel.800Please respect copyright.PENANA1YRxgIVViA
-If you have a pet and are living in apartments, consider having them registered as a companion animal, as it exempts you from having to pay a deposit or rent on your pet every month. This can save you a lot of money down the line, or the stress of having to hide an additional pet from your landlords and risk eviction for breaking your agreement. Talk to a councilor or doctor and request a companion pet form to begin the process.
-If you're short on money and cannot afford food, search online for food pantries in your area. They can provide you with a decent amount of food a few times per month. Most are religiously founded, but are willing to extend their help to people of any walk of life.
-Do not spend your money until you have it. Do not rely on an upcoming paycheck or your credit card to justify your purchases. Unless you can pay for it twice over, then you cannot reasonably afford it!
-Doordash and other self-reliant jobs can be a great source of extra income. Registering as a dasher is pretty easy, and you can choose what days and times you want to be working. A few hours work can easily net you $20 - $40, depending on the volume of orders and the tips. If you have a vehicle and extra time but don't feel you can work an official second job, this may be a good option.
-If you currently have a loan or a credit card that you've had for some time, consider refinancing the loan, or asking for a larger credit limit. These can help boost your credit score, or make payments more doable for you.
-Credit Karma is a great, free website to track your credit score, as well as get helpful tips for how to increase it. This score is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Not only does it affect your buying power for a car, but also your loan limit for a home, the down payment rates when leasing an apartment, the rates and amounts you can extend on new credit cards and lines of credit, any big purchase you may need to finance and make installed payments on, and even discounts or deal with phone carriers. So many things rely on your credit score. Keeping this as high as possible is critical.
-Now that you're an adult, it can be easy to think that you can drink to your heart's content! But guess what? Alcohol is EXPENSIVE! When it comes down to paying for food or buying another pack of booze, you'll realize quickly that Thirsty Thursdays may need to be put on hold until you're in a more financially stable position.
-Plan things with friends. Working around everyone's schedules can be difficult, but at least make an effort to socialize with your closest friends when you have the opportunity. It can be easy to isolate yourself from everyone when on your own, and this can be pretty unhealthy if done long-term.
-Pets are not cheap. Maintaining healthy pets comes with hidden costs, such as the food, grooming supplies, beds and toys, vet visits, litter box items (if you have a cat), and they run out much quicker than you would anticipate. Not to mention, they require time and effort to take care of. While you may think you can just leave your pet to their own devices, pets can develop depression or anxiety if they are ignored by their owner for most of the day. If you intend to own a pet, please consider beforehand both the money and time you'll have to put in to keep them happy and healthy.
-Have a box of your most treasured memories. This is more of a mental and emotional health tip, but if you don't already have a small collection of your most cherished memories, start one! On days you're feeling low, or even if you're just in the mood to reminisce, it can be helpful to have it around. Keep important cards, trinkets, tickets, passports, coins, and other keepsakes to look back on in the future.
-It's super handy to have a calendar where you mark down all of the bills you owe on the days they are due. This helps avoid confusion or forgotten payments, and it'll give you an idea of how much you owe per month and how to manage your money to be able to pay on time.
-If you are close to the end of your lease and you don't intend to re-sign it, be sure to give the apartment office notice AT LEAST 60 days in advance in order to avoid additional fees. Some only require a 30 day advance notice, but it is better to be ready beforehand to do so.800Please respect copyright.PENANAZK5I5UKBBZ
-Check your bank account balance frequently. I know. It can be super scary and you may not like what you see, but this is essential to making sure you're aware of your expenses at all times. Plus, if you become the victim of fraud, you can catch it quickly and stop any further charges from being placed in your name. Trust me on this, I've had my entire account drained the day before an important bill was due, and I had no idea it had been going on.
-Communicate. Whether it be with your signficant other, landlord, utility companies, phone carrier, dentist, doctor, manager, or your mother, just communicate! Most things can be resolved by having a discussion, no matter how uncomfortable, and will save you time and stress down the line.
-Do not lie to your healthcare practitioner. It is their job to make sure you are healthy, not to judge you for your life choices! Whether you had sex before wedlock or smoke before the legal age to purchase vapes or cigarettes, it is not in your best interest to lie when they ask you their typical check-up questions. Withholding information that could have saved you sickness or injury down the line is crazy. Be safe and healthy, rather than save yourself a 5 minute awkward conversation.