There was no sign of who the card was from. I put it in my pocket and went back into my locker. My schedule looked really simple. I start my day with art and then political science, after that it was shop class and wildlife, algebra 2, another art, English, and then I went home. From my locker I grabbed a notebook and pencil and off to first period I went. On my way down I got a little bit dizzy but the spell went away. Into the class room I walked. I sat down and a moment later my friend walked in. We exchanged our greetings and went on about the class. It was mostly just an introduction day so nothing great was going to happen. Second through fifth period was just rules on how to behave and sixth was just drawing. Seventh period we sat there and talked the whole hour with nothing to do. The teacher forgot to plan something for the first day of school. The next few days were still slow, people trying to figure out what classes they needed or wanted. I got an assignment here and there but nothing major. I was sitting at home doing my work when I started to feel a bit light headed. I stood up and started to walk to the bathroom. Collapsing on the ground I started to cough up blood on to the floor. Laying in my own blood not being able to help myself I just passed out. I started to dream about the craziest of things. I was in this house made of concrete walls and white tile floors. So I started to walk down one of the hallways and saw nothing but closed doors. I took a left and noticed one of the doors was cracked open. Inside was an empty room. The only things there were a bed and a tv. I walked in and some person came up behind me and jabbed me with a needle. "Sweet dreams" said the voice and I fell to the floor. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAUCzdWQdnPN
I had woken up from my dream to find myself sleeping in a hospital bed. I coughed a little bit and then fell back into the bed. No body else was in the room so I started to panic. As soon as I stood up this alarm went off and then some nurses came running into the room. The nurses tried to hold me down but I was to much for them. Eventually I got tired out of trying to escape them and I just gave up. An older guy walked into the room. I'd say he was about forty maybe fifty, about five-two, five-three. He was already going gray in his appearance. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAjDw4Cl8sy8
"Are you the head guy around here?" I asked the old man. I went and sat back down on my bed. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAiQ9ZbhywAK
"Yes, and I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me but they can be answered at lunch. You will meet me down in the mess hall with three other patients of mine. You are to come with nothing but a empty stomach." The old man said. The old man walked out of the room and the nurses closed the door. 814Please respect copyright.PENANA4QXjIZhvaV
"Here are some clothes. Please change into them and then we will take you down to the mess hall." The nurse said. I took the clothes from her hand and put them on. They were blue jeans with a plain white tee. I walked out of my bathroom and the nurse was still standing at the door. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAF8kWNnmLr8
"Are we ready?"she asked. I gave a nod of my head and out the door we went. We walked a long white hall with a few pictures here and there. We passed a room with a bird cage inside it. We walked through a set of double doors and we were in the mess hall. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAAWyBtSfn3r
"Go to the counter and show them your slip. You'll be able to pick up your food that way." The nurse said. Your slip tells the cook what you are able to have and what you can't have. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAwBg3jSc6d2
"Ummmm. Mam I don't have a slip."814Please respect copyright.PENANAUAXfRRuIAD
"Check your pockets should be in one of them." I searched my pockets and found a little pink slip with my name on it. I handed her the slip and she scanned it. She gave it back to me. My plate of food was made right in front of me. 814Please respect copyright.PENANABUK8Y2U6AW
"Now make sure you eat everything you have a big day ahead of you." I walked over to a table and sat down. The doctor walked in the room and got his food. He came over to me and sat down. 814Please respect copyright.PENANA4WdMCzbLx6
"Hey kid how yah feeling?" He asked. He took a bite of his mashed potatoes and looked up. 814Please respect copyright.PENANA0gAv3XrZ7q
"Ok I guess."814Please respect copyright.PENANAmJTmUlEYPL
"Are you ready for your big first day?"814Please respect copyright.PENANAGfwUmZZy6S
"What do you mean sir?" I put down my spoon. I looked at the doc.814Please respect copyright.PENANAWJOuDheqhE
"Well kid today we are going to find out what happened to you when you passed out coughing."814Please respect copyright.PENANAqScyT3zXAH
"And how are you going to do that?" A few other kids started to walk through the door. They lined up to get their food from the cook. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAI4sX2KXnED
"Well kido stop by my room when your done eating and we'll get started. Whatcha say?" The doc stood up and grabbed his tray. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAr8StoD4GuM
"Sure why not." I continued to eat my food. It was pretty good for being hospital food so that was one up to this place. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAr7WTZHg9xF
"You must be the new kid." A voice came from across the table. I looked up from my tray to see three kids standing with their trays in hand. "Mind if we sit?" 814Please respect copyright.PENANARms8fg5Lq4
"Oh no no go ahead please." I didn't want to come of rude to them. They began to eat. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAhrfMZmF7ka
"So what's your name new kid?" I looked up from my tray and made eye contact with them. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAsGi2bru4cx
"Bradly" 814Please respect copyright.PENANAF5TbLgIZhN
"Hmmm. Not bad I for one would have thought you a Gene, but bradly is cool to." 814Please respect copyright.PENANA8yUiOZwL1V
"And yours?" I replied. I finished off what was left of my food. Cleaned my hands off with a napkin and threw it on my tray. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAkvzWGfkzJY
"It's Charlie this is Buck and she is Molly."814Please respect copyright.PENANA1wco7aL4xx
"Well Charlie could you tell me what is this place?"814Please respect copyright.PENANAPkWqQN38yQ
"It's a research facility."814Please respect copyright.PENANAInranmpV1r
"What are they researching?" 814Please respect copyright.PENANAQVXAaXGZY6
"Best you find out for yourself" Buck said giving a little chuckle. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAFvMw6atGQR
"You better go see the doc now he'll be waiting for you now that your done with your food." Said Charlie. I stood up and returned my tray to the drop. I exited the doors and walked down the hall to my left. I walked a ways then took a right. I found the docs room and walked in. There was a dentist style chair in the center of the room. It had some machines hooked up to it and placed around it. I stepped a little closer to it. I sat down in the chair. It was very comfortable. The room around the chair was pretty dull. A door to the hallway and a door to a room with a window. I wanna say that behind the window is just the viewing room but my mind is not putting it at ease. The doc walks out of the room with the window next to it. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAxPf5yFwoD5
"Well kido are you ready?" Doc walked over to the chair in the middle of the room. He started to move a few things around on it and reposition some wires. I walked over to him. 814Please respect copyright.PENANA7zWwSBEF06
"Not till you answer some of my questions. You did say you would do it at lunch but you didn't."814Please respect copyright.PENANAQo8uDTXkX3
"Ah yes. Well go ahead ask me." Doc walked over to one of the computer towers and booted it up. 814Please respect copyright.PENANA0xHoMraTF6
"Why am I here?" I asked the doc. As uneasy as this whole thing felt, I thought that any info would put me at ease. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAueWlpfJ8iA
"Well I talked to your parents shortly after you had been taken to the hospital. I asked them if I could bring you to my lab for testing and see if we could figure the cause and diagnosis of your condition. At first they fought it but then I convinced them of my overall goal with this project."814Please respect copyright.PENANAWQHMcqJ1ia
"What is this project you are doing?"814Please respect copyright.PENANALJUZpA2md0
"Project Stopping Death. We are set on curing people of terminal illness and hoping we help them live their natural lives. The only thing is we wanted to test it on someone who wasn't terminal." Doc said. 814Please respect copyright.PENANARreiUsQ8IV
"And that's me isn't it?"814Please respect copyright.PENANAIezBFNn1Ys
"We'll I'm not sure yet. That's what I wanna figure out right now. With this machine though you might experience some things that may seem like a dream but are not. Everything that happens will lead us closer to a cure but may also put you at harm. Enough about that don't want to scare you to much. Now please lay down." 814Please respect copyright.PENANAMzHQ9gIuE2
I walked to the other side of the chair and laid down. The doc put my arm in a wrap. He stuck some wires to it and then strapped them down. 814Please respect copyright.PENANA6ebtfr9Zpp
"Now your going to feel a little pinch in just a moment but don't worry." I saw the doc hold up a needle and then he grabbed a hold of my arm. I watched the needle enter my arm then I was out. 814Please respect copyright.PENANA36qedZ8PaX
I looked at my arms and I had no wires no bandages what so ever. I stood up and walked to the door. I opened it and stepped out into the hallway. I thought to myself, the doc said that this is not a dream. What could he mean by that? I went to my room and saw flowers everywhere. There were people around my bed. I caught a glimpse of someone in the bed, but it wasn't me. It was a girl. She had to be my age, a light pixie styled hair, pristine face. Just gorgeous looking, but I feared something was wrong. I looked at the faces of the people. They were sad. Some of the women had makeup running down their faces. I couldn't take the sadness in the room so I left. Back out In the hall I saw a kid sitting up against a wall. He had his head covered by a sweatshirt and his face buried in his hands. Tears were dripping off of his hands. I kept on walking back to the room where I started. I sat back down in the chair. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAKjPTNdlZJE
I woke up and found myself still in the chair. I still had my bandages and wires hooked up to me. The door behind me opened and the doc came out. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAL3D6kZvUG4
"We'll I have some good news and bad news. The good news is you made it back ok."814Please respect copyright.PENANAqGiumlvBuJ
"What do you mean made it back ok?"814Please respect copyright.PENANArlX6uFOXDZ
"We'll when we did simulations. Some people would lose their minds when dreaming. That was only computer simulations though."814Please respect copyright.PENANAywzd0nTfL0
"Ok then what's the bad news?"814Please respect copyright.PENANAfuVdsLTgFI
"The bad news is we didn't figure out the cause of your epidemic." The kids I met at the table walked through the door. 814Please respect copyright.PENANANHRiQFsn54
"So what did you see?" Asked Buck. I sat there on the chair trying to recollect my thoughts. I looked at buck then back at the floor. Should I tell them what I saw or just make up some sort of lie? 814Please respect copyright.PENANAXM9ceKqq8b
"Oh nothing important just walking the halls of the facility." I told them. I tried to stand up. I stumbled a little and then fell. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAIQQbOIwJEp
"Woa there bucko take her easy for a bit. You still need to get your land legs back." Charlie came over and helped me back up and put me in the stasis chair. "These dreams from this point on will only get worse every time you use that chair. Just becareful not to die the effects could be fatal." 814Please respect copyright.PENANAb1tBlbBat7
814Please respect copyright.PENANAoT2DpDkwBY
814Please respect copyright.PENANAFXUS5gYCgA
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