...Keep your eyes close. Like hell I am trusting this idiot with my life. "Justin..." "Alright, alright. Open your eyes."
We are flying.
"Justin, you are so dead once I am done freaking out." I screamed out to my idiot boyfriend. The git just chuckled delightedly.
"Oh you are so dead you little -AHHHH! Justin what the f -" My words were muffled as Justin's large hands covered my mouth. "Do not, I repeat Do not corse in front of the pilot. He will just push you out of the darned helicopter without any parachute." His voice was hard to catch due to the wind whipping on our faces.
Of all things to do for fun Justin chooses Sky Diving. I can't believe the guy. It's a miracle how I manage to live with his crazy arse self for 2 years.
"Justin John Anderson, if I die today from cracking my head open on a rock then I swear to my dead goldfish grave, I will kill you." I screamed as he handed me the parachute. "Oh trust me. You will never forget this." He said and gave the pilot a thumbs up to open the helicopter's doors fully.
"Now listen to me. Pull this whenever I say. Never let go of my hand. Okay?" He said to me. I nodded in response. "Okay?" He said more firmly. "Alright." I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness.
"On the count of three. One." I checked upon the parachute. "Two." He held my hand tightly. "Three." We jumped.
"Ahhh - I am going to die! I am going to fudging die! Oh god, I am too youn-" My screaming was cut off by Justin squeezing both of my hands. I looked at him with wide fearful eyes. He smile softly.
"Maria Lily Adams, the love of my life. I love you more than anything in this overpopulated and stinky-but-homey world. I knew I loved you when you smashed your lamp on my head when I climbed up to your bedroom window at dead midnight. I love how you act lady like in most un-ladylike ways. So, I ask you with my deepest love, WIll you marry me?"
"You searched it up online?" Was my answer. Justin snorted. "No, you dunderhead. Now will you answer me?" He said with a fond smile. "Answer you what?"
"Maria, I swear. The land is coming close and I will not open the parachutes if you okay dumb. And then we will be pancakes."
My eyes widened as I looked down. We were going down with speed. Closer to the ground. In my haze of panic I did the only thing I could. I jumped on Justin, wrapping both my arms around Justin's neck and smashed our lips.
Justin's eyes widened as he opened both of our parachutes. "I'll take that as a yes."
As both the parachute opened, the Pilot saw two words etched on the parachute heads.
Happily Married.