The nasty rats were everywhere, It took hours before the passageways cleared. Shivering as the wet cramped passageway had soaked his fur.
859Please respect copyright.PENANA2i2ntVQnEk
Just as he was about to step out the awful human Kar called out. Heart racing he jumped out, then shot into the small tunnel right below.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAOb4Yy8vJ9d
Crawling through it his paws chilled from the slick muck. Ugg, pitooy, blea. He slid belly first down a ramp that jettisoned him outside.
859Please respect copyright.PENANA9PqChBFQIz
859Please respect copyright.PENANASARrtMglXe
He rose in an arc before falling on top a prickle bush.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAWnbBTOfn4X
859Please respect copyright.PENANAIndFBYRJb6
This was different from the cage.
And weird pink goo room. So many snells, mummm!
859Please respect copyright.PENANAEZScdjpefb
A bird! I missed your pretty chirps. He moved and a burr poked into him arm. He hissed. He sat on his rump removing them, the icky things tangled even worse when pulled on.
859Please respect copyright.PENANArrpJ6V6rRQ
Good smells out here. Kar and the rats, so mean poking me with scary needles all day. Going to eat you some day, can't poke me then! He growled deep and huffed.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAfj6RwtswYZ
And for Mama too. Leo sniffed. Big tear drops spilled over his The snout. He wiped it off on the back of his paw.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAgfGrfRSaDH
He sniffed again. What is that?
859Please respect copyright.PENANA751pArStTa
859Please respect copyright.PENANA4rZmQMOpSq
Not human, no more woodsy and peppery.
859Please respect copyright.PENANALkcaXByiCM
The scent stretched off in the distance, he followed it for a good few hours.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAlqc60gTuz2
Houngry, wish some of those meat cubes were around here. He kicked a rock, it rolled into a small hole.
859Please respect copyright.PENANA4PdZKsRkgm
859Please respect copyright.PENANADUILH75qLr
His ears tilted forward. Hey, meat? He drooled while dropping back on all fours and dug his claws into the soft earth.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAPahnLZnQn5
A mouse jumped out. He snapped it up gulping it down. Not bad, crunchy.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAykvpbP2u4J
There it is again. Another wiff of the scent passed by, he trotted after it.
859Please respect copyright.PENANADLIZOgwLwY
859Please respect copyright.PENANAo0GOtPet0q
Several weeks pass, the scent long gone, but he kept going anyways. On the rare occasion when a stinky human didn't run away, he asked them about the pointy lady.
859Please respect copyright.PENANA7b3wTF0RNN
In a cave, he found several cages, each a dead bugbear. Far in the back one was whimpering.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAFNxWIXERcf
He crouched down on his haunches next the cage.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAiWtc0DXhq1
"You alive?"
859Please respect copyright.PENANAemme03e0Qr
"If I wasn't would I be making any sounds?" The bugbear sat up, her grey fur matted and dirty.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAxlh8k6Dr3R
"Well? Get me out all ready."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAg95Ov3zna1
859Please respect copyright.PENANAbaoBIyqqq1
A heavy thing smacked the back of his head. Annoying!
859Please respect copyright.PENANAbcJCrCwHlc
Turning, he caught the handle of a shovel held by a human male mid swing.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAiqcXskoWGq
"Dummy!" He shook the handle, then let go. The human made a weird noise and backed away.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAqBPtUdZlBQ
Leo turned back and pounded on the cages latch. The door swung open then fell off with a thud.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAbZqX8eY4OW
"Boy, your head made out of rockwood?"
"No." He shook his head several times.
I'm, Granny got it?" She pointed a claw at her chest.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAHSsIwaD2qn
"Yup. Got it!" It was great to find someone, another bugbear.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAc77fGRP7WS
"I'm going home. We'll have to come back later to bury them."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAxGXcjVG8Gh
She took him out to the outer edges of the city nearby, then lead him down a steep cliff. On the southern side was a old carved stairway.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAi6pjxdcEqb
"Take care not fall, it's a long drop." She said then went down it.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAimzSQfRZoT
He looked over the side, a fast river filled with jagged rocks sticking out all over.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAEIOelilwlA
"Wait up, granny!"
859Please respect copyright.PENANAgUzXaUz9H2
He jogged behind her.
He stayed with her for a month. One morning she just didn't wake up. Could just pretend not to know.
The tears were worse then last time, and his nose ran too. He wiped his snout on the blanket before wrapping her in it. Better, way better then the cold ground. Goodbye.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAN9oTquOGQp
He took the pack she'd made him and headed north outside. After a few days he found a snow covered pathway that winded up a mountainside.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAb1BwhXFfSy
A few hours later a small crack in the mountainside drew his attention. It smelled thick of human and of cinder. Yuck human, they smell like rotten fish! He rubbed his nose trying to clear the stench away.
859Please respect copyright.PENANACfNSuUY0L6
He dug his claws into the cold rocks, fighting to climb up the mountainside. The harsh winds buffeted on all sides, its howling winds yowling.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAUe6HdLvzJs
The brave human said a party had headed this way, after that he didn't know where they went. Have nobody left, maybe she would know. It was a long shot, but better then being alone.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAsXQubjkJwE
He scrambled down and dropped in front of another cavern. This one had a bridge inside that stretched across spanning both sides. The waters below smelled faintly of her. Have to hurry must be catching up.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAmgE85SAelt
His skin tingled with each breath, magic had been cast here. He sniffed, breathing in deep. Holy magic? He sniffed again. Ya, it was. Her scent was definitely above the water. Weird as most scents vanished around water.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAdjb6xtCMSE
Hate baths, hate being wet. Turning back, he climbed off the bridge, then sank his claws into the supporting stone pillar, gorging large holes into it.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAnKmNzaQnMm
A moment later he dropped down into the water, then swam to the edge of the cavern lake off ahead.
Pulling out was thankfully easy. The cavern floor wasn't too slick, he braced his footing before shaking out his fur.
He stopped. A light snoring. A shadow on the floor moved and stretched. He patted over. Shadows didn't move, so? 859Please respect copyright.PENANA0sHotfmXGg
The shadow grew in shape and color, it was a purple cat-like creature with horns and long claws. It was sprawled out in the middle taking up most of the cavern room. Talk about pretty. Leo stood tall and strained his neck. Where was the exit? Was it laying on it? 859Please respect copyright.PENANAhjLkloUzFz
859Please respect copyright.PENANAc7sXokQ0ju
Inching closer he patted the creature's shoulder.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAyB5kMzXz2l
"Can you help me?"
859Please respect copyright.PENANA8y5TLOwk0W
The creature cracked one eye open. "What is it pest?"
859Please respect copyright.PENANAhplpmu8U87
The creature raised its head sitting up on it's haunches, looming over him.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAIl7HDTMRIB
He swallowed. "How do I get out of here?"
859Please respect copyright.PENANABHc5oDomFZ
"Whatever it takes to have some peace first annoying morsels cut my nose-" He pointed to a healing gash- "And now you! Go back under the water and through the tunnel."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAj5w0N5xQW1
He flopped over onto his side; snoring.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAKxtjZVa8v8
859Please respect copyright.PENANATyiJU4CxuY
"Go away pipsqueek-sleep-" The creature muttered. It's snores started again.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAg0FFk3VA9t
He slid into the water diving deeper until a tunnel cavity appeared. It was just wide enough to pass through, he kicked hard swimming up, the exit above him.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAlRLfTY8Lwa
It was a tight squeeze he pulled and wiggled out pushing up with his arms. That's enough baths for a year. Ah, outside again. The morning sun warmed his fur, he sat there until it dried.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAXODNp6TXDh
A days walk later he found a forest made of silver trees that had crystal droplets hanging from the leafs. The thin lines laced over the nearby leafs connecting from top to bottom.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAvOUkOXsosI
It was interesting watching them move almost like they moved on their own. He shook his head, na that's silly.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAi681NvgClr
A sign hung from a tree's branches:
859Please respect copyright.PENANAIfuxqleMn2
Great Silver Forest
859Please respect copyright.PENANAs0fxPz3GgM
Under these words it said in thick lettering:
859Please respect copyright.PENANAf5w54vSE7E
Evil dies here.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAPEZD2vNbNO
He stepped closer to the sign a sharp shock darted over his back, the fur puffed out. Errrg!
859Please respect copyright.PENANAQVmZLCJJn5
Backing off the sensation left. A warning? He stepped over to the sign again. Not the sign.
859Please respect copyright.PENANANW0S0BDhcQ
Am going in there traps or not! He took two steps onto the forest.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAkaL3Kq3bqu
"Ah ha! Ha!"
859Please respect copyright.PENANAJbWs93I1em
It didn't shock this time. He sniffed. Small sparks lit up a darker area ahead, the warm scent of brimstone tickled his snout; of home and peace.
859Please respect copyright.PENANArEuI548JMe
A light shock danced over his skin, as did a whole new sensation that had no words. This was much like last time, but richer. Magic again a different kind.
859Please respect copyright.PENANA2gggwVf5uT
Leo sniffed again, while taking a few steps closer toward the sparks.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAjqD68UceC6
"Elanener." No. No. "Elemental." Ya, fire smelled just like this. The sparks had gone, but the warm scent remained.
859Please respect copyright.PENANArE91H4Jpbe
The sparks stoped as he closed the distance.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAsYb3kL8SJ7
A strange creature sat on a massive nest. Atop the creature's head a large crest that that thined as it reached its neck. The long golden feathers shimmered orange that ended with deep purple at the tips. The rest of it was also this coloration.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAN3tFuxPqK4
A rabbit spooked from behind a tree and the creature turned its striking blue eyes his way.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAe9BxNwVIbr
"For your sake, you had better not try it."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAURm5BYlp4x
"Try what?" He shook, trying not to look tasty.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAFDJOSYBSbB
The look on her-definitely a female it was in her tone of voice.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAyCDWN8I5YY
"I ... I want to find my way out of this forest, O grand one!" Shifting his feet onto the dirt.
859Please respect copyright.PENANArcxxNHzJ1R
She chirped for awhile before the sound clicked. A laugh.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAmD2uBIxnQ6
"You don't need to be quite that polite. All right then, you're not after my eggs?"
859Please respect copyright.PENANA51qfStyCBy
"No, no! I'm trying to find someone. Granny said this was my journey. Whatever that means."
859Please respect copyright.PENANADDmVelZ7T8
He relaxed a little, but kept ready in case the creature attacked.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAMJN7MVfuvX
"Come up here, it's time to eat, and have a chat shall we? Tell about Granny and your someone."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAulL3ivHxfl
He eyed her. To eat with or be eaten?
859Please respect copyright.PENANAj2cAao4T21
She taped the edge of the nest with a rose colored talon.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAQGYmwdbXIA
He gulped. So sharp.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAMmaAERtyFH
"Don't eat me!" He sobbed and cried. He rubbed his eyes with the back side of his paws.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAxO6y1dJgIE
"I didn't mean to frighten you. Are you a child?" Her voice was softer and way less scary.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAVheEfw0nSC
He sniffed, nodding. "Ya, I'm almost two. Next year ill be as big as my brother!" He held out his arms out wide and then up high.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAkeEA23ZQEb
She chirped again. "Here you look famished."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAsxnnl3H76j
She bent her long swan like neck down over the side of the nest. A dead rabbit landed at his feet.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAJRT7pG0FM1
"Yum! Thanks!"
859Please respect copyright.PENANATqWORl3193
After a few bites he looked up again. "What are you?"
859Please respect copyright.PENANAuq6T2AYKOa
She waited for him to finish.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAbhKbvm8SpQ
"Now little one, where is your mother? You should not be out in these dangerous woods alone!"
859Please respect copyright.PENANAglYDTmNpN8
His stomach became sour and he started sobbing, the baby tears streamed down his cheeks wetting the fur.
859Please respect copyright.PENANALYCqt7jfoh
"Mama! Is gone!" He sucked in great gulps of air and sobbed harder.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAgRTstINVeh
That bad, horrible day. It all came back. He curled into a ball and pushed his paws into his face; hard. My fault mine, mine, if I been good mama would be here.
859Please respect copyright.PENANA9RgQZKWOHy
"My fault. I ran off."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAU2BSoh2Vkq
The ground disappeared under him as a wing scooped him up. He froze. Gona' die.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAS6lWfN7OAO
"I don't wanna'!" Can't even call for mamma.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAbgkVxgWg6y
He shivered. Then landed on some soft straw.
859Please respect copyright.PENANA43kGwrpIpo
"Look at me."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAfCOsNYUyvc
859Please respect copyright.PENANASic0bnfe0m
He grabbed his tail and curled up tighter.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAVeptGEPAAd
"I'm not going to eat you."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAGSP5X5jjUE
He peaked at her between paws. She wrapped a wing around him.
859Please respect copyright.PENANA1du1gZgj51
"I'm a bird ... of sorts."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAimCwFAImh1
"Okay? A big one!" He spread his hands out.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAmHoHXbtSVs
"I did not mean to upset you. Here come closer. A nap will do you good."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAcWN8r1AVQ9
He cuddled up beside her drifting off under the warm feathers with her chest rising up and down.
859Please respect copyright.PENANASfs3j58sph
859Please respect copyright.PENANAYT8J5CXQK1
The bird's chicks hatched a month later, he tossed the deer over his shoulder watching them play. Their gray fluffy down was almost gone and the colors of flame poked through.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAy0bdAawrqN
Mama Blaze had adopted him and even gave him a name.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAcFNAAcq7Lj
"Hi mom, look what I can do, I've been practicing!" said Leo.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAcgYMSsmxV2
She turned around as he placed the dead deer on the forest floor. He had a handful of her feathers, and assorted herbs in some small pots.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAweVOPTwfmk
Smearing the crushed herbs all over it, then placed one feather on its side. He sang, it was choppy as his new fangs messed up the tone. It didn't matter as after a while the feather glowed a bright red. The deer sprang up and bounded away.
859Please respect copyright.PENANANdOFvAr95n
"You did well and remembered each step, very good."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAllehHopP8R
"I finally did it right!"
859Please respect copyright.PENANAc8zyYsg7Vw
"You would have been a good Phoenix." She preened the top of his head.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAIlLtxT3SSn
She straightened. "It's time you finished your mission. The spirits that travel in the ebb and flow if time whisper of disruption, chaos and an eclipse."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAHbwwMrRLOb
"Why cryptic?"
859Please respect copyright.PENANAiQEVT1GCkY
"It's tiring for them to talk, at most three words is all they can manage."
859Please respect copyright.PENANANK0pMa8adN
"Take these before you go." She pushed over a flat piece of bark covered in molted feathers.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAVzq6U0fMB1
Bending down, he picked them up and stuffed them in his pack.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAzbJgYJD9qw
"I'll come back."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAFsqAPQXQGp
She shimmered and shook her head, she opened her beak painting.
859Please respect copyright.PENANALNfBD5hH2s
"Try not to for at least two moons. It is the time if offering that I told you about. It'll be far too hot here."
859Please respect copyright.PENANAwftnQPMnvj
"May the sun follow you," he said.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAmDeHfEVYc5
"And warm your journey," Mama Blaze replied.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAB7lcUW7p76
Hugging her burned his paws some, don't care. He left the forest and headed West.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAbsihXkciq2
He slipped past the town of Badgervill careful to avoid the mass of stinking humans. A small shack just past the town was near the road. He spotted a large rusted wood axe lying in the grass beside it. Bending down he picked it up, looking at it. This will not be missed, it is pretty old.
859Please respect copyright.PENANAnR6QY1DM0I
There it was again, her scent lead him back near the Great Silver Forest. Several days later he found upon a waterfall with a lake and a winding river; only stopping to swipe some fish out and sleep.
859Please respect copyright.PENANA3K2L0OI9aq
A long deep canyon was at the forest's end. Its bridge split and broken in two on both sides. He went over to a part of rope cable that was caught on a pointed rock and pulled out several blue hairs. Definitely was going this way.