No Plagiarism!5cZcHODS4XCs1kRmcZWNposted on PENANA How to give a critique and have
writers listen.
720Please respect copyright.PENANASfz4TbrrB8
Its bad manners to critique on a writer's work unless you are invited to do so. There are a few writers who just can't handle feedback, and often these are the ones who won't ask for it.
720Please respect copyright.PENANA5kwzZqz2f6
Chances are, they're just going to defend their work to the bitter end, so your feedback will be little more than a waste of time. So just go in your head: "Arrrg Typos! Fix them dang it!" and move on. Doing anything else makes you look like a jerk.
720Please respect copyright.PENANAkc0DNTfzAp
If you're giving a critique, you should take the time to really read a piece before you construct your feedback. Read it slowly.
720Please respect copyright.PENANA1lgmBg4v5B
Read every line carefully and make notes, and then jot down your thoughts when you've finished reading. If you have the time read it a second time as this is when things really click or stick out.
720Please respect copyright.PENANAlt6zkWllA8
There's nothing worse than receiving half-baked feedback I've had this happen and it was awful.
720Please respect copyright.PENANApOVyHh9MVM
It's plainly obvious when someone hasn't put sincere effort into a critique, and it renders the critique less then helpful as the writer has so many unanswered questions about what you said. Keep in mind they may be so green they won't always know what any writing terms mean.
720Please respect copyright.PENANA1yTH5jpaW8
Focus on asking questions that center on story elements rather than spending time tinkering with the writers sentence structure. When you do this you could become a voice-killer. If you don't know what sentence structure is, stop now. Don't give a critique until you learn it.
For the most part, fix small typos without a second thought, but unless a sentence is really awkward, leave it alone. 8964 copyright protection716PENANA3FSAeaUk9k 維尼
Critiquing and copy editing are two different things. Don't lose focus. Writers trust the critic but listen to your instincts. If 5 + cridics love your writing and number six says it's flawed, they might not have enough awareness to realize that the real problem is they dislike your writing style.
Just to be safe, have 2-3 harsh cridics come in and see if they say the same thing.
720Please respect copyright.PENANABZBuC9ONPv
For this to work without bias any critiques that are done before this must be sent as a message. (Or if you are done with any posted critiques delete them. I know they worked hard on them so wait a while before doing so. As long as you used what they pointed out then their critique isn't wasted.) Why? I've learned that some cridics tend to look at the other critiques in the chapter and so you pretty much get a copycat critique. Watch out for this, just be polite and thank them. (This happens on Wattpad all the time.)
720Please respect copyright.PENANA2Di1GCaziY
Now writers!
Trust me, never argue with a critic even if you sure they are wrong it's bad manners. also, cridics tend to be super defensive the backlash isn't worth it. I seen this happen. 8964 copyright protection716PENANAnnjsSTGaoj 維尼
Once you see this behavior once it it's easier to spot next time. 😥 Get a different critic and cross your fingers.8964 copyright protection716PENANA0hljEhh7H6 維尼
One more thing, I'm not a fan of Google docks because it's like trying to pull a hair off a broze statue to copy anything you write in it, omg.
So here's a simple solution for those with limited options on mobile: 8964 copyright protection716PENANAAHoaQSmjXA 維尼
Make a draft in your story when you're done working on it delete all the text save as a period for next time. 720Please respect copyright.PENANA0DtUpoiEpK
8964 copyright protection716PENANAMMdzM7gyjh 維尼
You could also post your critique as a book chapter. The writer might not want this so ask first. I personally like in book comments or if there are too many comments in a chapter then as a message. Email is also okay.720Please respect copyright.PENANAkgr2TbHa2x
720Please respect copyright.PENANAtnd28hRV4K
When a critic makes comments or suggestions for improvement that show they really didn't understand the story, that can be frustrating to the writer.
There's a difference between not understanding a part of the story and skimming it. Because if you miss something critical then make a stupid comment like: 720Please respect copyright.PENANAleO2Goy5gr
8964 copyright protection716PENANAwKAd9GLIRk 維尼
"I don't understand why she's in such a hurry." (HUM.... lets see now she's bleeding to death and an evil god is over taking her body?) Doy'! 😆720Please respect copyright.PENANAv2e3uqEUpa
720Please respect copyright.PENANAXCqKgxQJAe
This can end up making you look foolish and that you don't care about their book. Word gets around and too many instances like this and nobody will ask for your "help."
720Please respect copyright.PENANAOLcj6DNrNJ
It is perfectly fine if you are confused about something. Just let the writer know where and why you were confused.
720Please respect copyright.PENANAhl6lwRglGS
Whatever you say during the critique, your feedback should be directed at the writing, not the writer. Don't start your comments with the word "you." Refer to the piece, the sentence, the paragraph, the prose, or the narrative. Judging the work, not the individual who produced it. There's a slight but important difference between pointing out errors in the piece versus the person who created it.
720Please respect copyright.PENANA4gvG8Pw344
It's not sugar coating pointing out when a writer has done something correct or well. By telling them it prevents the unfortunate deletion of what was good with the bad. If you want them to improve and absorb what you're trying to teach them this is critical.
Think of it this way would you only tell your child negative things and never the positive? How do you think he would turn out? 720Please respect copyright.PENANA6E3YKDGgfl
8964 copyright protection716PENANAklR07sFsJV 維尼
It's easier for a writer to hear where they have messed up after they hear where they've did it right. 720Please respect copyright.PENANAnx65mzb07t
A cridics job is not to find fault above all else your job is to teach! So teach damn it! You can't teach other writers if you don't understand and know the difference in all the pov types. Read them, learn these write in them. If you won't then refuse to critique any but the one/s you do know well. 720Please respect copyright.PENANAqXLwk33igP
8964 copyright protection716PENANAtuMFLyyZGW 維尼
Otherwise you have no right giving a critique. It's like this Jane only writes in First person but Lary asks her for a critique, but he writes in third person. These two are very different from the other. 8964 copyright protection716PENANAEH5O9dPL3g 維尼
These are the knowen Point of View Types: 8964 copyright protection716PENANAzjLgBayWTf 維尼
Omniscient720Please respect copyright.PENANAUiZRcU2Zl8
8964 copyright protection716PENANAbXTRKfWWUU 維尼
Third Person Omniscient720Please respect copyright.PENANAW6rhD4GYZo
8964 copyright protection716PENANA94HbHKpS97 維尼
Third Person Multiple720Please respect copyright.PENANAnsVAF2rbSE
8964 copyright protection716PENANA6VPYY2xCrY 維尼
Third Person Objective 720Please respect copyright.PENANA4DaN7kde7F
8964 copyright protection716PENANAXIXPRiT1Jo 維尼
Third Person Limited 720Please respect copyright.PENANAvV1xKd0ezZ
8964 copyright protection716PENANAwweiOq7YpL 維尼
Third Person (nothing else with) 8964 copyright protection716PENANABl5tpVOn9C 維尼
Close Third (Google: Deep pov)8964 copyright protection716PENANA2cgtMvU8yH 維尼
Second Person 8964 copyright protection716PENANAgTxeKmBVpQ 維尼
First Person8964 copyright protection716PENANAFw1Re5mhIW 維尼
First Person Peripheral POV 720Please respect copyright.PENANAUF8590C7bz
8964 copyright protection716PENANAxzVYGiepwq 維尼
Google these, learn the ones you like, learn to recognize the diffrence between a pov type and a new writer mistake. I've seen many green writers give a crapy critique to a poor writer that uses Omini and the critics are telling them to show don't tell. Get a clue. 😑 Gah, talk about the blind leading the blind down a open sewer hole ... everyone's gona' stink.8964 copyright protection716PENANA2uiewET2UX 維尼
Don't be biased on pov narration styles. Just because you hate Omniscient or say third person that doesn't make a work written in this kind bad; it just means it's not your taste. Just because you read someting in an article for example about why Omniscient is awful doesn't make it the word from up high and to be followed blindly! That pov is best done by a master. 720Please respect copyright.PENANAmazzj802vV
720Please respect copyright.PENANAzZZYBC5SUz
Now, what if you ended up getting a writer to stop using that pov and they are amazing at it? But you didn't have the know how to spot this? Also, know the rules of every pov style you can to more accurately sift the errors from good prose.
720Please respect copyright.PENANA0ycxXHES6T
Be sure it stays a critique and not a listing of why you think that narration is bad, try to keep this separate in your critiques.
720Please respect copyright.PENANAiqMlHw7bIz
Avoid overly harsh wording, by that I mean anything that can be taken as an insult. Nobody wants to listen to some one who is being a jerk you're better than that.
720Please respect copyright.PENANAlkskknRtB9
Don't repeatedly say things like:
720Please respect copyright.PENANA6FkeKm86ZL
"This is boring."
720Please respect copyright.PENANAXixknCu6o8
"You'd have to ..."
720Please respect copyright.PENANAIZSYi5wnbt
"You must ..."
720Please respect copyright.PENANAN5MkwA26HJ
"Those are the wrong words."
This one is difficult, be sure to say something like: 8964 copyright protection716PENANA2dWlZFGBng 維尼
"I feel a better word for this is ..." Then they're more likely to listen. 720Please respect copyright.PENANATF6uyvADco
8964 copyright protection716PENANAihCoVKg1EJ 維尼
"This doesn't fit into what my narrow minded perceptions of how a woman should act."
That one was a joke, but sad thing is I've actually gotten a critique that felt like that's what the critic meant in the subtext. I could be wrong, but the way it was worded ... so watch out for this too. 720Please respect copyright.PENANADJeMxzwNbZ
8964 copyright protection716PENANAyQzGkQn7S2 維尼
Do you want the female or male pov to act in the way that is the norm in your society? Or is it because their reactions don't ring true? Think hard on that. Be objective, not biased.
If a woman finds a stranger in her room she's going to grab a knife not want to fuck him; or in my case grab a Winchester. 8964 copyright protection716PENANA2s18kuCJLf 維尼
A male pov "gasp" doesn't automatically have to fall in love with the girl. The writer might decide he loves his best male friend instead. 8964 copyright protection716PENANAlhy5ZvIlKR 維尼
And, guess what? If you can't handle that then shut your yap and leave. You have no place dictating how, what, where the character do, go, act, or have relationships with. The writer decides not you your job as a critic is to point out technical flaws nothing else. 720Please respect copyright.PENANA8hc3qsMRqS
720Please respect copyright.PENANA88PbJcYcCY
Grammar rules like good prose ebb and flow with the times they aren't static. This stuff is an editors job stray too far in to pointing these out and you're not giving a critique nor do the writer any favors. Fixing that stuff is easy, giving a real indebth crittique is not.
720Please respect copyright.PENANA2Pe5SKOGgk
"And," is now acceptable as are other conjunctions at the start of a sentence; I just wouldn't use them often as of yet.
Phrase your comments in a positive way so the writer will hear you out. 8964 copyright protection716PENANAegVMjevY1L 維尼
Try instead:
720Please respect copyright.PENANAsdhy43EtQI
This paragraph is vague. A stronger wording could be...
720Please respect copyright.PENANALsjw1pN3Ve
This could be more suspenseful if you ...
720Please respect copyright.PENANAoeCxekUVoC
To avoid passive wording take out these ...
720Please respect copyright.PENANAwunHco2Eej
Paragraphs are more then a space they ...
720Please respect copyright.PENANAtiTtxi3cvX
Be respectful and have the compassion to see that it takes moxy for a writer to have the courage to show it to you and others and invite feedback, then it's probably something in which they are emotionally invested. Try to treat them and their work with dignity, honor, and with respect.
720Please respect copyright.PENANA7xZHvav4TJ
Take notes as you go it will make sure you don't miss anything and you can't forget your comments. Your critique will be of a higher quality because of this.
720Please respect copyright.PENANAFbG6YOedrX
Don't be ultra nice. Trying to spare feelings and giving no real feedback will be of no help. Give praise for the things you liked, the parts that engaged you emotionally, if the story looks good, plot stuff like that.
720Please respect copyright.PENANARqpMyq3PMr
An essential part of critiques is missing in some cridics critiques. You can't effect change if you don't explain why you are saying something should be done another way. Clarity is needed in writing and in critiques. Don't be lazy and give a half assed critique. Explain why something is wrong and give examples.
720Please respect copyright.PENANAzSnFmJpJJ0
The writer can't read your mind tell them why and how if you want them to learn. If your are for example, unable to explain the difference of show verses tell then you need to go write 👓 study more and critique less.
720Please respect copyright.PENANAAVimFNtuZR
Clarity again; point put things in such a way the writer can understand and fix it.
720Please respect copyright.PENANAkVdsyQ7jux
Such as:
"I don't get this sentence why is she/he ..."8964 copyright protection716PENANA7ptWZaGr81 維尼
"This character's actions weren't realistic compared to urgency because..." (Too little emotion or too much.)
720Please respect copyright.PENANATYFqxYXmb5
"In my opinion, this sentence is learning towards purple prose. It was a bit long and convoluted consider simplifying it."
720Please respect copyright.PENANANFFTQQ3jQE
Truly candid feedback is the only way to ensure excellence. When giving notes, be sure to include:
720Please respect copyright.PENANAQVDBh3MBzP
What is Wrong
720Please respect copyright.PENANAVGdk2yVuow
What is Missing
720Please respect copyright.PENANADJUIbh97h5
What Isn't Clear
720Please respect copyright.PENANAofyk8ivonn
What Doesn't Make Sense
720Please respect copyright.PENANAlm5x4FnG3c
One more thing, don't ask for backstory in the first chapter, thats not where it should go (A critic asking this screams newbie!) unless the writer wants help with the prolong.
720Please respect copyright.PENANAi2cQwFHqvH
However, be wary of scenes that open to "set the scene" in a bad way. Prologues that explain the world, or a moment from the protagonist's past that explains why she's the way she is, are often just backstory and infodumps readers don't need to know first—and they don't rarely care about at this point. Start with action holds true no matter who is the focus of the opening scene.
720Please respect copyright.PENANASmNkiDhYHm
The first chapters main job is to hook and get readers to want to go to the next chapter. Most cridics know this but some don't so am putting this in here. Nothing is set in stone mind you. I'm sure someone out there can make this work brilliantly, not me though.
720Please respect copyright.PENANAeAFNBc5UUm
It needs to be said, I greatly appreciate everyone who's ever helped me.
ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ 720Please respect copyright.PENANANfIU653Pnc
8964 copyright protection716PENANACED1CTFXgb 維尼
Some of what is in here has actually happened. Critics deserve to be treated with respect and courtesy. This is just my desire to help reduce frustrations on both sides. 720Please respect copyright.PENANAsht1ftV4JC
8964 copyright protection716PENANASholhhtURU 維尼
The flip side on this is while yes, you may have spent hours on that critique, but if it was worded so poorly and dripping with disdain then it shouldn't have been made at all.
A good critic is mature enough to be able to take feedback that doesn't agree with what you wrote. The great cridics are able to spot what most miss. It's a joy to find a critic like this. 720Please respect copyright.PENANAOzNqf3L8zT
8964 copyright protection716PENANAbA0bMDlUqz 維尼
720Please respect copyright.PENANAZoMYiy5bKz
I for one will thank you and show my appreciation but I will not hold my tongue if I know that you are wrong or have over stepped your bounds. I can be your silly goofy best friend or the worst bitch you ever tangled with, it all depends on how you react. Don't judge me, ever. The book judge that, thank you.
720Please respect copyright.PENANAqmqLLA8h7T
I hope these tips help you dear and much needed critic do what you set out to do; improve writing, grammar and story's because you love them too much to see them in anything less then great.
Any books that became this was in a big part because of your dedication. Feel proud. Or if not then highly pleased. The critic and the writer working together create better storys, one word at a time. 720Please respect copyright.PENANATLFjIsXs9y
8964 copyright protection716PENANA8d3WqaX28e 維尼
720Please respect copyright.PENANA5AQCGH4zDn
720Please respect copyright.PENANA7erKjSBjK7
Later on there will be an issue on how to gracefully take criticism as some writers react with hostility.