How to learn to be a cat (made this up right now, no copy plez ;P)
Watch a cat
Drink from the toilet
Listen in on other people's conversations (because your hearing is amazing)
Be the first in line once you hear the food being served (because you love food and your hearing is amazing)
Sniff everything
Rub up against the walls, floor, everywhere. You're marking your territory by leaving your scent everywhere.
Plunk your face into your bowl and ignore your utensils. Lick the bowl clean
Lick yourself ALL THE TIME
Lie down on the middle of the couch and take up all the space so no one else can sit down
Claw the couch, blankets, tables...
Dig your nails into other people when you are around them (this is sometimes called 'pinching' but that is not the correct term! It's called hugging with your fingers)
Hiss, yowl, and/or growl threateningly at anyone who is upsetting you
Turn around in a circle as if you had a tail (technically you do have a tailbone)
Stretch with your butt in the air and your arms extended in front of you
Show your sharp teeth when you yawn!
Cover the blankets with artificial feathers and/or hair
Wake up at around noon
Wail / Yowl until someone gives you food
Nap all day
Bite people who are being mean to you (or pulling your tail...haha get it?)
Sleep curled up on your pillow
Use the litterbox...sometimes
Walk on all fours
Eat stuff you aren't supposed to (ex grass, chicken meant for your owners or your siblings, etc.)
When others are doing something, walk into the middle of it and incite chaos
When others are playing a game, move their pieces so they don't know where they were and/or walk all over their board (if it is a board game)
Establish your dominance (CAT FIGHT!)
Protest LOUDLY until you get your way
HATE. WATER (this applies to MOST cats, not all)
Leave "gifts" everywhere so others step on them (ex. litter from the litter box)
Headbutt someone until they pet you
Cats don't itch themselves. They get others to do it for them. Therefore, have your friend/other person scratch your back until you are satisfied (or use a table corner, wall corner, etc.)
and most of all...