The city of Shariq, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Even more so at night. Which is why the festival pf peace is held here at night every year. The city is full of bright colors, light, music, and exotic foods. With so many things that would attract travelers across the world, it was given the name City of Light.
As the name implies, the city is always covered in lights, as if everyone stays awake. Like right now. It is close to midnight and yet no one is asleep. Instead, everyone are in the streets; children running in the streets and adults and elders talking to one another. The only thing that made the festival a bit uneasy, was the presence of some of the soldiers that were sent by three other kingdoms and were fully equipped. About one hundred soldiers in total.
The guards say that they are just there 'just because'. Nobody really believes that but they just choose to ignore their presence.
Other than that, it's been a peaceful celebration. Well, it was.
"HEY! You come back here and give me back that meat!" yelled a man who looked to be in his mid-forties. He was chasing after a teen-aged boy, well attempted to chase after the boy. But the man kept bumping into other people while the boy slide right by them with ease.
The man continued to yell out to the boy through the crowd and continued to chase him. However the boy wasn't on the streets anymore but was climbing a ladder that lead to the roof of one of the buildings quickly.
By the time he reached the top, the boy couldn't help but bend down slightly and let out a short, quick laugh before hearing a female voice.
"Soooooo, how did it go?"
The boy straightened his back to see his friend, Sarah, sitting on the ledge of the roof to the right of him. She stared at him with those dark blue eyes that always shows signs of mischief but most of the time her bright red long hair would often cover them. Her pale skin would usually blend in the sunlight at day but at night she resembles to more like a ghost.
"I got two slabs of pork shoulder, slowly cooked and juicy." he replied to her as he took the bag off his back that was strapped on. But the bag was now slightly dripping. "Oh man..." he muttered out as he open up the bag to look inside.
"You don't think much do you, Jake?" she said with a grin on her face.
"Shut up, Sarah..." Jake muttered out again as he shook the bag slightly. "You know...besides the lint and strings, it is still eatable."
"Ew! I'm not going to eat that!"
"Yeah, I know." he said as he tossed the bag off the roof and in a second could hear someone cursing out as the bag fell on his head. The two laughed as they heard the man.
Jake walked over to Sarah as he took off his black beanie and scratch his black hair, making it look slightly messy. He sat down besides her and let out a soft sigh.
"How come I always have to do the dirty work anyway?"
"Because, unlike me, you know how to be sneaky enough to get it done. And not to mention your speed helps too."
"Still, you could do something at least."
"I cheer you on from the sidelines."
"That doesn't count." He scratched his hair again and looked down at the people walking around, but he mostly focused on the five guards the were walking in unison.
"What do you think that is about?" she said, noticing his glare. "They say they are here 'just because'. That makes me feel even worse honestly."
"Lucky for you, I always have connections."
"What connections?"
Jake pointed to the side of his head as he kept his smile. "These are called ears. You'd be surprise to know what they could do for you. It makes you able to--OW!"
He was cut off mid-sentence as Sarah punched his hard in the thigh. "Very funny. Now what did they say?"
"Fine, fine, fine. Didn't need to give me a charlie horse..." he said as he rubbed the side of his leg. "Okay, get this. Apparently, they are here due to the three kingdoms receiving an anonymous letter saying that during this years festival something is going to happen."
"That's it?"
"That was all I was able to hear before they chased me off."
"Hmm, well it's just probably an empty threat. A lot of rebels have been popping up lately." She stood up and walked over to the ladder that lead back down to the streets. "Come on. I want to go walk around a little while around some shops before the fire works starts. They say they're suppose to be a lot of interesting things there."
Jake sighed before saying, "Does that mean more stealing? I'm already tired as it is so I'm going to have to refuse the idea."
"No, no. It's alright. I have some money."
"Then why did you made me steal some food if you could've just buy them?!"
"I'm a cheapskate." she said with a devilish grin.
"...sometimes I just hate you to the core..."
About thirty minutes later, the two were walking around in the center of the city which is mostly known as Merchant's Square. You could practically buy what ever you need here, such as books, vases, knickknacks, and so on. Even some travelers set up booths to sell what they have found or give out information.
"Uh, are you sure it's safe for me to walk around here?" Jake asked Sarah in a quiet tone so that no one would here him.
"Don't worry. You only stole from that one food stand and that's in the other direction."
"Alright, but if you're wrong I'm ditching you to save my own skin." he said as he shoved his hands into his pockets and turned his head to look around. It was so cramped with so many people moving around that it was hard to see any shops. But after a few moment of walking, he soon saw a line of people standing outside of an old white tent with the flap close. A second later a person came walking out who seemed to be happy with something as the next person in line walked in the tent.
Sarah looked at the tent as well and seemed to be interested when she read the sign that was in front of the tent, reading "Fortune Telling".
"What a joke." Jake said as he scratched his chin. "They're spending money on a guy to guess their future. Stupid."
"Well that's your opinion." she said as she pulled out a small pouch that had some coin in it. "Besides there has been some weirder stuff that wouldn't be true compared to this.
"Please don't tell me you are going to spend your money on that." he said as he saw the pouch.
"Your no fun at all." She started walking towards the line that was in front of the tent, leaving Jake behind.
"Okay then. I'll just wait here while you waist money."
Sarah stood in the back of the line and waited patiently for her turn. Luckily the waiting time wasn't as long as she expected, taking only about ten minutes before it was her turn to come in the tent.
Inside of the small tent, there was only one old man was sitting on the ground with his legs crossed and a long stick lied beside him. Due to the old man's age, his face was covered in wrinkles and had long white thin hair tied into a pony-tale. But if there was one thing that stood out the most, was his cloudy, vacant eyes. He wore a long dark-green cloak with a hood slightly hanging off the top of his head.
"Ah, hello there. Please, please come sit." he said in an old, raspy voice and was speaking slightly slow as if every syllable was a struggle.
Sarah was slightly hesitant as she sat across from the old man. "Um...hello. My name is-"507Please respect copyright.PENANAgPz1xtstHp
"Sarah. I already know that and it's a lovely name for a lovely young lady such as yourself." he interrupted her mid-sentence, causing her to have a surprised look on her face.
"U-um...thank you. But how did you-"
"Young, Miss did you forget what type of tent did you step into? There is a reason why my tent is popular. Many, many people fake this just to earn some quick coin but I on the other hand am a real fortune teller and charge very little."
"Well, okay then. How much is it?" she asked as she rummaged through her small pouch.507Please respect copyright.PENANAAjEcAMXJzf
"Not just yet. I charge after the reading. They're time when I am unable to see into the persons future, other times it comes in flashes. Truth be told, I am far from mastering this technique. So if it doesn't work, I don't charge. Simple as that. Now, let me please see your hands." He reached out his own wrinkled hands and waited for her to do so.507Please respect copyright.PENANAU0MEcOUWW0
She placed her palms out and offered them to the old man, but he didn't grab them. Judging by the poor man's eyes, he must be blind. He seemed as if he wasn't staring at her but passed her. So she simply moved her hands closer ti his and he gently grabbed her palms.
"Hmm..." He shortly hummed as he slightly rubbed his thumbs into her palms. "Now...this is the most important part..." he said quietly and soothingly but still stretched out his words, "what ever happens not speak.... Even one letter and I'll be cut off..." Hearing this, Sarah just simply nodded her head though she felt stupid doing so since the man can't see. 507Please respect copyright.PENANAs0NSryqqda
The inside of the tent became silent with a slight green glow coming from the old man's hands. Sarah never went to a fortune teller before but she still didn't expect the glowing hands to happen. After a while, the glowing then turned a shade of red.507Please respect copyright.PENANADHsuTcP3mE
She starred at the old man's face as his eye muscles slightly twitch. The red glow then turned into black. The twitching was was no happening more frequently and now his head was starting to twitch left and right.
Watching the whole thing happen right in front of her, she wanted to say something but remembered that he instructed her not to speak.
After what seemed like an eternity of watching the elderly man twitch frantically, he let go of her hands very quickly and wiped his nose, leaving a trail of flesh blood on his hand.507Please respect copyright.PENANADGBKLpgjeB
"Is everything alright?" Sarah asked, obviously concerned.
The old man didn't respond, as if terrified to speak to her. He was breathing heavily as he wiped his nose again, leaving another trail of blood on his hand. "No. Not at all..."
"W-what did you see?"
Again the old man didn't respond until a moment has passed. "Everything was...was great... Then in an instant... It all happened so fast... But it wasn't suppose to be like that... Then" he kept muttering out his words that made almost no sense at all to Sarah. 507Please respect copyright.PENANAc5kYcZJNVj
"What is it!"
"NO! I refuse to speak of this!" he said, almost yelling at her. He shifted his body towards were he was on his knees and moved his hands around on the ground around him soon grabbing his walking stick then using it to help him stand back up onto his feet. He put most of his body weight on the walked stick and started to shuffle his way to the back of the tent to grab a small bag.
"You need to leave! Along with your friend Jake. Both of you need to leave this city as far away as you can!" the old man said as he shuffled his way back to Sarah.
"Wait, wait, wait! First off, I have no idea what you are talking about. And secondly, how did you know about, Jake?"
"Because he was there! He and you, along with some other people. But never mind that for now, take your friend and leave!"
"But why!"
"He who stands for our selfish desire for money. He will be here today..."
"I still have no idea what you are talking about!"
"Please, just listen to my advise and go! Otherwise we might as well dig are own graves. And one more piece of advise! Do not always trust who may seem trust worthy." As he said those words, he walked out of the tent and into the crowded streets.
She was stunned for a minute but walked out of the tent when she gathered herself. She walked around until she found Jake, standing at the same spot from before. 507Please respect copyright.PENANAVmoq7MCFUK
"Finally! That took forever. So, what did the 'great and wise' fortune teller tell you?" Jake asked as he saw Sarah walking over to him.
"Ummm....I'm not fully sure myself. He was talking about a whole bunch of things but mostly just said for you and me to leave the city."
"You told him about me?"
"No. That was one of the weird parts."
"There was more then one weird part? I thought it all was going to be weird to begin with." He crossed his arms, obviously not caring for what the old man has said but Sarah on the other hand looked concerned. "Wait. Don't tell me you want to leave just because some loony man told you. Well?"
"I'm not really sure honestly..."
"Just brush it off. These people are nothing but scammers."
"But I didn't pay him anything at all."
"Hmm...." Jake said as he took small steps and starred at the ground for a minute before looking back up. "Fine. If you want to leave, we can leave then. I honestly hate to be at big festivals at these anyways. So what do you say?"
She didn't answer Jake. She was wondering that herself. "Yeah. I feel like that we should leave..."
"They gave you the scares, huh?" Jake said in a taunting tone.
"Shut up before I give you another charlie-horse."
The two then began to walk as they talked. They don't live in the city but live somewhat close. About thirty minutes within the walk, they began to hear the sounds of men shouting and a small sound of metal banging against metal. The sound was getting closer which only means one thing, what ever it is it's heading their way.
A man dressed in a black cloak was running and from behind him were a group of five guards. The man had his hood up that it covered the upper part of his face. The mysterious man flashed by Sarah and Jake while the guards followed.
"What the hell..." Jake said as he turned his head back to look at the group. "We got ourselves a chase..." he said as he had a small smile on his face.
"I know that look in your eye, Jake." Sarah said as she glared at him. "You want to follow them don't you."507Please respect copyright.PENANAKGk2oHow7w
"I can't help if I'm curious. Don't worry. I'll just get a birds-eye view..." He started to run to one of the allies that he could climb onto the roof.
"And what happened to the cat that was curious?" She mumbled to herself as she followed him onto the rooftops.
Once there, the two began to run, following the guards and the mysterious man. The running took a while, about ten minutes before the mysterious man stopped in a surprisingly empty rode.
"And let the show begin ladies and gentlemen..." Jake said as he crouched down to look, along with Sarah.
"What do you think?" Sarah whispered to him.
"Can't tell yet. Who knows. Maybe its the guy that is the reason the guards are here. So lets just see what happens." he said as the two begin to watch. At first the man was talking to the guards but they were out of ear shot, barely hearing anything. The man flayed his arms out in exaggeration as he spook, as if he was some righteous priest.
"I don't feel so good about this..." Sarah whispered out to Jake, regretting she let Jake run to see what would happen.
"Don't worry. We're up here and the're down there." he reassured her.
The talking went on for a few more minutes before the guards took out there weapons, three of the armed with swords and the two others with bows.
As the guards unsheathed or loaded their weapons, the man pulled out a key that seemed ancient and he started shouting louder that Sarah and Jake could finally hear.
"Only if we accept our fates, then we can be saved by ourselves! Man was created to follow the righteous!" The mysterious man yelled out.
"Ooookaaay. Were dealing with some type of cult guy then." Jake said. "These guys are absolutely odd don't you think?"
"Shhh!" Sarah said to him as she watched.
"We call them monsters but only because they do things that most of us don't see as right! But If we accept them, we can see peace!"
"Sir, please calm down!" One of the guards said to the man as he inched closer and closer.
The guard was soon blasted away by the hooded man with a ball of lightning coming out of his hands.
"Sacrifice is always needed in order to make peace! Today! Peace will come, today!" As the man yelled out his words the guards charged at him but was blasted away along with the archers.
The man held the key tightly in his hand and pulled out a knife from the inside of his cloak. The man cut open his left palm and shoved the head of the key into the wound and turned it. The blood dripped out of his hand quickly and was forming into one pile that it almost gave it a solid look. The blood then exploded out of his hand as if it was a water balloon being popped. All the blood formed into what seemed like a door. The mans body fell to the ground as the blood door went solid.
"What the hell!" Jake yelled out accidentally as he watched the event. 507Please respect copyright.PENANA7dfxxwnlqC
"Jake, now I think we should leave!" Sarah said.507Please respect copyright.PENANAN9rYGhbudb
"Wait. Look." he said as he pointed back down to the door. It was slightly creaking open.507Please respect copyright.PENANAgdiZ56ljJE
As the door opened slowly, the guards went back up to their feet and stood there to watch to see what was happening.507Please respect copyright.PENANA8IVXMlcA06
Once the door was opened, nothing but darkness showed inside. Then in an instant, someone walked out. Half of the body looked like it rotted away while the other half seemed to keep in place surprisingly. 507Please respect copyright.PENANA22R8XmHQCV
He was covered in a mixture of black clothing and light armor. His body covered in bladed weapons. His back had two swords, one medium length swords on each hip, two daggers behind his waist, and one dagger stuffed in each boot. His black long hair seemed lifeless and just hanged off his face. His face wasn't shown, but instead had a mask. The mask resembles to a plain, ordinary human face. But instead it had both of the eyes sewed shut along with the mouth, however it seemed horribly done. The upper right part of the mask seemed to somewhat burnt off, showing the cranium of the skull.
The man slowly breathed in and out, looking around to see the five guards.
"Soooo....looooong..... How many years....has it beeen....." he said very calm and slowly as if waking from a long nap. He then looked down to see the man who had freed him. " you are the one who have freed me...." He slowly bent down and placed his palm on the man's face. The man's face veins started to pop out and his skin started to quickly rot away. The man the let go of his face and stood straight up slowly. 507Please respect copyright.PENANAbBep6b7rgB
The hooded man's body slightly twitched before jumping back onto his feet.
"There....goood as neeeww..." the masked man said. "Nooow...." he turned his attention to the five guards who seemed too terrified to move. "I do not want to harm you. I just wish to have your cooperation..."
"What, so you can just do what you did last time!" one of the guards yelled.
"Ohhhhh....fine then..." he turned to look at the hooded man. "Please...finish them..."
As instructed, the man set the guards on fire quickly. The guards only ran around in pain before collapsing down to the grown.
"Gooood.... Now we need to cleansed the place. The greatest way to kill of...bacteria is fire. Sooooo....I want you to have this city in flames.... I want to start my search for the others as quick as possible...but first....I want those two dealt with as well..." he said as he turned around before gesturing towards Sarah and Jake's direction.
"Move, move, moe, MOVE!" Jake yelled out as he grabbed Sarah's arm to run off before a giant ball of fire hit the edge of the roof.
"I told you we should've went when we had a chance!" Sarah yelled.
"Now's not the time!" Jake yelled back to her.
The masked man walked slowly with his new companion beside him unaware that Sarah and Jake was still alive. "It's been far too long... What they call the City of Lights...will become the City of Flames... Today is the day that the Gods come back into the world to cleanse it... Now, begin with the cleansing please..." he said as the hooded man started to set random building on fire as the masked man continued to walk.
Authors Note: I think this is the most I have ever written in any of my stories, which is a good thing and I do plan that the future chapters would at least be this long. I do hope you guys enjoy reading this because so far this is my favorite plot and I do plan on working on this for a long time. I plan that this would be updated every week or so, probably on Sundays. But if I get the chapter done early I will update. Any ideas/comments are welcome. I also am looking for character ideas so if your interested just go ahead and ask. Thank you for reading!