Scene 13 opens
Officer Doug: *walks down corridor and stops at Edward’s cell* Edward, you have a visitor.
Edward: Who?
Officer Doug: Open up Cell 34! *cell door opens* You’ll see who it is.
Edward: *stands up and walks out of his cell*
Officer Doug: *handcuffs Edward and walks him into the visiting room* He’s at Table 5.
Edward: *looks over at Table 5* I don’t believe. *walks over to Table 5 and sits down*
Jerald H/KJ: Hello, Mr. Penlora.
Edward: Jerald.
Jerald H/KJ: How’ve you been?
Edward: I’ve been better. I’m surprised to see you here though, of all people.
Jerald H/KJ: Who did you expect to see you?
Edward: Honestly… no one.
Jerald H/KJ: I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m here to listen to anything to have to say, for the next few minutes.
Edward: Well, I don’t know what to say.
Jerald H/KJ: Just speak from your heart.
Edward: Are you sure?
Jerald H/KJ: One hundred percent.
Edward: *sigh* Alright, well, I’ve always been jealous of Mr. Myers ever since my business has gone down. I mean, I even left my child for not liking the same stuff as me, which made my wife want a divorce.
Jerald H/KJ: Okay, continue.
Edward: I’m going mad. My depression, headaches, insomnia. They’re all driving me mad!
Jerald H/KJ: Easy now. I know that it sounds like there’s no hope, but there is.
Edward: How? After everything I’ve done, how’s there still hope for me?
Jerald H/KJ: *pulls a pocket Bible out of his pocket and hands it to Edward* Here, I got this for you to read. Don’t worry, I talked to the officers up front and had them check it to make sure there wasn’t anything hidden or whatever.
Edward: *holds the Bible* What will reading this do?
Jerald H/KJ: It tells you that there is hope.
Edward: How?
Jerald H/KJ: Look up Psalm 3:2-6.
Edward: *opens the Bible to Psalm 3:2-6*
Jerald H/KJ: Tell me what it says.
Edward: It says, “Many are saying of me, ‘God will not deliver him.’ But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.”
Jerald H/KJ: That’s just one of the many verses that teach about hope.
Edward: What’s another one?
Jerald H/KJ: Leviticus 26:40-45.
Edward: *looks up Leviticus 26:40-45*
Jerald H/KJ: And what does that one say?
Edward: “‘But if they will confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors—their unfaithfulness and their hostility toward me, which made me hostile toward them so that I sent them into the land of their enemies—then when their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they pay for their sin, I will remember my covenant with Jacob and my covenant with Isaac and my covenant with Abraham, and I will remember the land. For the land will be deserted by them and will enjoy its sabbaths while it lies desolate without them. They will pay for their sins because they rejected my laws and abhorred my decrees. Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or abhor them so as to destroy them completely, breaking my covenant with them. I am the LORD their God. But for their sake I will remember the covenant with their ancestors whom I brought out of Egypt in the sight of the nations to be their God. I am the LORD.’”
Jerald H/KJ: Does that convince you that there is still hope for someone like you?
Edward: I don’t know what to think about it.
Jerald H/KJ: I told you there’s hope.
Edward: Why are you so… so sure that there’s hope for me?
Jerald H/KJ: Because I have faith.
Edward: Faith?
Jerald H/KJ: That’s what I said, isn’t it?
Edward: Why are you so faithful?
Jerald H/KJ: *sighs* It’s a long story.
Edward: *scoffs* Well, I’ll be here for a few more minutes if you wanna tell me about it.
Jerald H/KJ: Alright, well. When I was a kid, my parents gave me up at an orphanage because they thought they were incapable of taking care of me.
Edward: Why would they think that?
Jerald H/KJ: They were falling behind on bills and stuff. They were stressed every single day from what I remember. I was only 8 when I last saw them.
Edward: What happened after that?
Jerald H/KJ: Well, I basically stayed in that orphanage. Even to this day, I’m still living there. But I’ve had my ups and downs more times than I can count.
Edward: If you don’t mind me asking, what kinds of ups and downs?
Jerald H/KJ: *sighs heavily* Well… I’ve seen things I can’t unsee, done things I can’t undo, said things I can’t take back.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAI4B2cBr1C3
Edward: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAlkSRwwRr5K
Jerald H/KJ: But I have faith though. Even though I’ve been through some pretty tough times, God has been right by my side the entire time.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA66NY63ffRQ
Edward: That explains why you usually have a smile on your face.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAPMEKAm5y0c
Jerald H/KJ: Yeah, it’s hard, but I’m content with the way my life’s going right now.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAPjdsKDmr3C
Edward: I wish I could say the same for me.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjUUoPNv5yg
Jerald H/KJ: I’m sure things will brighten up.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA5makVSN6YA
Edward: Until then, I’ll be sitting in a cell.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAZc0XEwbDcK
Jerald H/KJ: And I will be here to visit as often as I can.1079Please respect copyright.PENANABtgwlod1hx
Edward: Are you serious?1079Please respect copyright.PENANADeqdoJ8H6u
Jerald H/KJ: Totally.1079Please respect copyright.PENANATIuzmYDnyy
Edward: Thank you. You’ve been so kind to me even though I’ve tried to do everything I could to take down Mr. Myers’s theater.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAXRLCsG5oOw
Jerald H/KJ: I was taught to treat others the way I want to be treated, and to love others as Jesus loved me.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAHcbDnrxaH3
Officer Doug: Time’s up, Penlora. *walks over to Edward*1079Please respect copyright.PENANADP9iTkInox
Edward: *stands up* Thank you for your time, Jerald.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA0TprFlZO9d
Jerald H/KJ: I’ll be back sometime soon.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAkmgvOq2EwW
Edward: *nods his head*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAbVunCzef5I
Officer Doug: Let’s go. *walks away with Edward*1079Please respect copyright.PENANATt39Lj7Ni7
Dr. Paisley: Dylan Ranjie, would you like to share with us today?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAN7VYw1XSae
Dylan: Not really, but I will if you want me to.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAdh5HVaojnY
Dr. Paisley: It would be helpful if you could.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA1E0uePHRFF
Dylan: *sighs with frustration* Well, where should I start?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAiW0fffmWt6
Dr. Paisley: Your name and a little bit about you.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjJt7sZEREL
Dylan: Okay, well, you guys know my name is Dylan. Dylan Ranjie. And a few years ago, I murdered my parents in a fit of rage because they were verbally and physically abusive to my little brother and to me. My little brother lost my trust after that. AThen, we were sent to an orphanage for about a week before we were adopted. My brother slowly started gaining my trust again and… we would play music together. He played the piano while I played the guitar. I even asked him if he could teach me how to play the piano and he did. He taught me really well, but everything changed when his 13th birthday party came. We were celebrating when he started coughing up blood. We rushed him to a hospital and he was diagnosed with Tuberculosis. The doctors said that he couldn’t be cured with the condition he was in. He died in my arms and he asked me to make his dream come true. *sniffles* And that’s when I started going crazy. I tried to get into every show I could to make his dream come true, and I was rejected by all of them, until I was accepted by one man. His name was Mr. Myers. But there was another man there who rejected me on several occasions and belittled me. His name was Edward Penlora. I thought it would’ve been a good idea to take down a show in which he was involved, but I didn’t know that he was gonna try and take down the show himself in a way to get revenge on Mr. Myers and to get his theater career back. And now, I’m here telling this to all of you people.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAYjtRRS4fZA
Dr. Paisley: Thank you for sharing, Dylan. I appreciate it.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjuWfWgbRgd
Dylan: *clicks her teeth* You appreciate me telling a story where I kill my parents, traumatize my brother and have him die in my arms, and me slowly going insane.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA5qoTFnTMQV
Dr. Paisley: *inhales then exhales* You have a visitor waiting for you.1079Please respect copyright.PENANATMxD9hsyWX
Dylan: Really?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA5DM2qpFELL
Dr. Paisley: *motions Dylan to follow her*1079Please respect copyright.PENANArhi5d1lfI2
Dylan: *walks with Dr. Paisley into the visiting room*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAfI7XTbXcxw
Jerald H/KJ: *grins* Why, hello, Ms. Ranjie. *pulls out a chair for Dylan to sit on*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAykJrFTQCDe
Dylan: Jerald? *puts her hands over her mouth*1079Please respect copyright.PENANA4By3ZobZlL
Jerald H/KJ: Surprised to see me?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA4UaQUJ6syh
Dylan: *runs up to Jerald H and gives him a big hug*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAxii0YQ6kr5
Jerald H/KJ: *hugs Dylan back* 1079Please respect copyright.PENANACnIwsJ5Bzb
Dylan: I’ve missed you.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAiLBf8Mdqul
Jerald H/KJ: I’ve missed you too.1079Please respect copyright.PENANADLUoPWz0Bn
Both: *stop hugging and take seats*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAmHe8KM88vF
Jerald H/KJ: So…?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA6fYtnm9D6V
Dylan: What?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA9sKYH4jFTq
Jerald H/KJ: How’ve you been? You’re usually quite the talkative lady.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAvRj2Iveq3O
Dylan: I’ve been through a lot lately.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAzo9x5fjf2n
Jerald H/KJ: Haven’t we all.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAgMQIholHA1
Dylan: How come you came to visit me? No one does. My adoptive parents haven’t even came to visit me yet.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA5Jk3ZWBTqT
Jerald H/KJ: I came because I care about you. A lot.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAOR2rc0FjZI
Dylan: You… do?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAX16GqZctUF
Jerald H/KJ: Of course I do! 1079Please respect copyright.PENANAsJ069Srb4b
Dylan: *scoffs* Well, I care about you too. But, my life is spiraling out of control right now and it’s driving me insane. Literally!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAVYkTAyxe6N
Jerald H/KJ: And I’m here to let you know that I’m also here for you.1079Please respect copyright.PENANADudbjWI61o
Dylan: What about you going and hanging out with your friends or whatever you do?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAqLNe2sGf1T
Jerald H/KJ: I wanna spend as much time as I can to visit you and make sure you’re doing fine.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAY7CXP3UXHa
Dylan: Well, thank you.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAVcWhZtotN8
Jerald H/KJ: And besides, I… I honestly…1079Please respect copyright.PENANACADBc2VIMC
Dylan: What? What is it?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAXK0xJfEBRS
Jerald H/KJ: Ah, never-mind. I’ll surprise you with something later.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAb8FFzgY7Qd
Dylan: Ooh, I love surprises!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAZCU3J2OICd
Jerald H/KJ: Good, and I can guarantee you’ll love my surprise.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAtsg18uhUSk
Dylan: I like the sound of that.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAQe6UE4fiEy
Jerald H/KJ: Anyhoo, how long do you think you’ll be here?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA6YJQFUssct
Dylan: Well, at least a couple of months.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAc383LRxVEl
Jerald H/KJ: Dang, I wish you could get released sooner.1079Please respect copyright.PENANALdmgo5XMyW
Dylan: Me too.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAyRmjAi126K
Jerald H/KJ: But, I’m sure you’ll survive here, and I’ll be here to see you as often as possible.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAmGGkEiWTU3
Dylan: *smiles* Aw.1079Please respect copyright.PENANABDqNWTKEW5
Jerald H/KJ: What?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAdvR6XvspP5
Dylan: It just warms my heart to hear those words coming out of your mouth.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAXwrhzkWwxQ
Jerald H/KJ: You know what?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAJjQ7Cj27dP
Dylan: What?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAM3qG9aTsZ0
Jerald H/KJ: It warms my heart to see you smile.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAuDfp7VFcn0
Dylan: *blushes*1079Please respect copyright.PENANA9RaMy1ORGq
Jerald H/KJ: I’ll be the first face you see when you get released.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAJPKHgxpCGp
Dylan: *cheers*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAeGfdgnJ0OO
Jerald H/KJ: But until then, we can only wait.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAwIC8IikspC
Dylan: I will.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAXN9rPCnmlP
Jerald H/KJ: Well, I’ve gotta make a call to a friend of mine, so I’ll see you later, okay?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAcixQEwDNAC
Dylan: Okay.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAqKzgacwC7x
Jerald H/KJ: *kisses Dylan on the cheek, then leaves*1079Please respect copyright.PENANA1GNKcEaLeW
Dylan: *smiles, then wipes her eyes*1079Please respect copyright.PENANArZIBHeroVa
Dr. Paisley: Time to get back to your session, Dylan.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAs0Ceh6hKZV
Dylan: *stands up and walks away with Dr. Paisley*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAYLy9bv5Z3Z
Jerald H/KJ: *pulls out phone and dials a phone number* Come on, come on, come on, please pick up.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAQLRpo9jwah
*phone disconnects*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAHuXAMEVabV
Jerald H/KJ: You’re not doing this to me today, dude. *redials phone number* Pick up the phone.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAwtloGqqtgY
John: *on phone* Hello?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAoG6RNTCqO2
Jerald H/KJ: Hey, John.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAITnf8YwZjO
John: *sighs angrily*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAqWOqx7gTmk
Jerald H/KJ: Wait, before you hang up, I need to talk to you.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAD8cyBYtl01
John: About what, bro?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA2Z4oz52gaH
Jerald H/KJ: About a lot of things.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA2iEZptpDVm
John: There’s not much to talk about, man. Not since our whole incident with that killer clown.1079Please respect copyright.PENANANFpS655Kzj
Jerald H/KJ: I know, but… meet me at the National Oakwood Park in 15 minutes.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAWSNHFKrdRG
John: *sighs* Fine.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAumdQgxxodB
Jerald H/KJ: And bring Mute with you.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA3nYlFafuVF
Jerald H/KJ: *sits down at picnic table by a tree*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAHLXDt1WY09
John: *pulls up in parking lot and climbs out with Mute*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAP56kKaGZmW
Both: *walk toward Jerald H and sits across from him*1079Please respect copyright.PENANArL29PrKn2M
John: This better be good, Jerald.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA6EEKeCvJU8
Jerald H/KJ: Look, I know you guys are still ticked off about what happened on Halloween, but you need to hear me out.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAZ6BkmYDvKg
Marcus ‘Mute’: Hear you out? Dude, you had us go with you to a restaurant and then played hero while John and I got some broken bones!1079Please respect copyright.PENANARDgRewlVs6
John: The things we used to do were kinda crazy, but trying to fight a killer clown was taking it too far.1079Please respect copyright.PENANATGjfvvyaHJ
Jerald H/KJ: Then why did you guys agree to help me fight him?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAmliD0Yt3no
Marcus ‘Mute’: We’re all close friends, and we don’t leave each other behind and we stick together. At least, we’re supposed to.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA89iK1P58U9
John: You didn’t let that clown lay a finger on Mary, though, because you had feelings for her!1079Please respect copyright.PENANADce6LRkbPY
Jerald H/KJ: Mary and I aren’t together anymore, John! We broke up!1079Please respect copyright.PENANA29Dsa51wxA
John: Why?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAKVg9DlsgoU
Jerald H/KJ: She likes someone else. Someone she met at this last camp I went to, but I’m over it.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAHsn2gWYiN0
Marcus ‘Mute’: What’s his name?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAiNoTjNawVE
Jerald H/KJ: His name is Oliver Hart.1079Please respect copyright.PENANALtOhWkJMmQ
John: Doesn’t sound familiar to me.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAHkSLI1wbXb
Jerald H/KJ: Okay, we’re getting really off track here. I really need to talk to you. About what happened on Halloween night.1079Please respect copyright.PENANARVbV22ywNU
Marcus ‘Mute’: We’re listening.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAR37VsmqFaY
Jerald H/KJ: I know that I was being stupid by trying to take down that clown instead of just leaving, but you guys cannot blame me for what he did to you. You guys helped me fight him back.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3ujMCZGUj
John: Well…1079Please respect copyright.PENANA97exFoCWLp
Jerald H/KJ: Well what, John?1079Please respect copyright.PENANArZrB4cVLsV
John: I never signed up to get a broken leg or for Mute to get broken fingers.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAsIi06SwHEf
Jerald H/KJ: I didn’t ask you guys to fight that clown with me! Like Mute said, we’re close friends and we stick together! We have each others’ backs!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAIY0L9Ff9aS
Marcus ‘Mute’: We helped you because we knew you couldn’t beat him alone.1079Please respect copyright.PENANASIHkyYDkVn
Jerald H/KJ: Yes, and I didn’t know what the guy was capable of until he put you guys in the hospital.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAHDaeE2BAHH
John: That guy really knew what he was doing. I mean, it took four of us to take him down.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA173BedIz8L
Marcus ‘Mute’: It was insane the strength that guy had, and he was only 17 at the time!1079Please respect copyright.PENANABFRiBo4q8k
Jerald H/KJ: Was he really only 17?!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAgh5zIUKiOU
Marcus ‘Mute’: According to the news reports on him.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAauaQb6QkpY
Jerald H/KJ: That’s ridiculous!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAScbZxxiDFs
John: Right?!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAZucI4Wr2w5
Marcus ‘Mute’: That dude got like 25, maybe 30 years or more jail time for attempted murder, aggravated assault, vandalism, and a few other things I can’t quite remember, but all I know is, that guy really had it out for whoever turned him into a monster.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAv1630R1kty
Jerald H/KJ: I can only imagine what made him think it was the right thing to try and kill his enemies.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAOWfDOOCaW9
John: Oh, he seemed like quite the vengeful fellow to me. *laughs slightly*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAJkvJbGBaoD
Marcus ‘Mute’: Why do you laugh when you say stuff like that?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAIUo1l654iU
John: ‘Cause I’m crazy. *laughs crazily*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAMfJPNbbmER
Jerald H/KJ: You’ve always been the crazy one, John.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAFFoLoe2Mih
John: And I take pride in that!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAEtEV4R2PCt
Marcus ‘Mute’: Just like I take pride in my nickname, ‘Mute.’1079Please respect copyright.PENANA9GsCUMwEsA
John: Exactly.1079Please respect copyright.PENANApuO3lKEAMc
Jerald H/KJ: Completely random question, but what have you guys been up to lately?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAwL2qoKTbmr
John: Well, I haven’t been able to do much except for practice more on the keyboard.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA8E2M5urHDT
Marcus ‘Mute’: And I haven’t been able to play the drums, but I’ve been slowly getting my strength back in my fingers.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjpmgB4ygzV
Jerald H/KJ: That’s good to hear.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA3xGHJD2HC0
John: What about you?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAfhyfzjSM6P
Jerald H/KJ: Well, I converted someone to Christianity before he could become a killer.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjBbz7eT09Q
Marcus ‘Mute’: What was his name?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAxXkOFu7KoV
Jerald H/KJ: His real name was Eli Hall, but his killer name was ‘The Conductor.’1079Please respect copyright.PENANA9zmj4sgPgB
John: That doesn’t sound very intimidating.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAXgxsgV9x5c
Jerald H/KJ: You should see his mask.1079Please respect copyright.PENANANNIsCyxRLh
Marcus ‘Mute’: What does it look like?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAsAuqLQUxjP
Jerald H/KJ: The face is a freaky looking skull and he has a hair color and style like Albert Einstein or Wolfgang Mozart.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjISqyFtN78
John: Okay, now that I’m thinking about it, that would look kinda terrifying.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAQOVdx3qm4s
Marcus ‘Mute’: Then again, your ‘Killer Jam’ mask has pretty much the same hairstyle except it’s black instead of white, and your mask is a white face mask with two black crosses over the eyes and the horizontal lines are slanted in frowns.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAlcwC5BAm3V
Jerald H/KJ: You guys should’ve seen who Eli and I went up against at this last camp. These people called themselves ‘Stage Fright’ and ‘Death Chord.’1079Please respect copyright.PENANA94jzRvIyfh
John: Were they like teamed up or something?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAF4kVwVQQP6
Jerald H/KJ: No, they actually had two different agendas. One wanted to take down the show whereas the other just wanted to fulfill her deceased brother’s dream of becoming famous.1079Please respect copyright.PENANATgdyrU7G7k
Marcus ‘Mute’: That’s kinda depressing, dude.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAlbgkQ5YhbM
Jerald H/KJ: Do you guys wanna hear the craziest part?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAMiZo0XPIVY
John: Let us hear it.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAWWJGEaML0o
Jerald H/KJ: I actually kinda like the girl who called herself ‘Death Chord.’1079Please respect copyright.PENANA1viZL0r28J
John: Dude, no way man!1079Please respect copyright.PENANARj9vooFaqz
Jerald H/KJ: Yeah, and apparently, she likes me too!1079Please respect copyright.PENANA735cMtarY1
Marcus ‘Mute’: Should I really keep asking you for people’s names?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA8fMBzXOxui
Jerald H/KJ: Her name is Dylan Ranjie.1079Please respect copyright.PENANANkNDrfdztP
John: Is she cute?1079Please respect copyright.PENANACGIHGYk9gB
Jerald H/KJ: Dude…1079Please respect copyright.PENANAXCyKWYhOFb
John: Come on, answer the question, pretty boy!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAoKK6KYgenP
Jerald H/KJ: *scoffs* Well, she’s not cute. She’s beautiful. But she’s currently having to attend therapy while in Juvie.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA7UtOKoPwBe
John: Why’s she in Juvie?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAJpkEg7X80t
Jerald H/KJ: She murdered her parents and tried to murder Stage Fright, or Edward Penlora, I should say.
1079Please respect copyright.PENANApUBQfNlCxk
Marcus ‘Mute’: Jeez, dude. That’s crazy.
John: Well, what about this Edward guy?
Jerald H/KJ: He went to jail for attempted murder because he tried to kill Dylan and me, and he was planning on killing the camp director.
Marcus ‘Mute’: I swear our world is falling apart with all these crazy people.
Jerald H/KJ: I gave Edward a Bible though and he seemed to be quite interested in reading it when I gave it to him.
John: That’s nice.
Jerald H/KJ: Yeah.
Marcus ‘Mute’: *looks at his phone* Hey, do you think we could schedule to meet up another time like this?
John: Yeah, I honestly had a great time. I’m glad we could meet you down here, Jerald.
Jerald H/KJ: Yeah, and I just hope you guys can understand that I didn’t mean any harm on Halloween.
Marcus ‘Mute’: Dude, we’ve been friends for a long time. You should know that we forgive you.
Jerald H/KJ: Thanks, guys. *high fives John and Mute*
John: Alright, we need to get going. We have a baseball game to get to. We would’ve invited you, but we all know how much you dislike baseball.
Jerald H/KJ: *laughs* You guys know me too well. Have fun!
Marcus ‘Mute’: Thanks, man. *leaves with John*
Jerald H/KJ: Now, I need to do some delivering.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA0hGNOtrq2H
Jerald H/KJ: *waits outside of visiting room*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAr82n58RWtG
Officer Doug: *walks up to Jerald H* May I help you, sir?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAlSReYE1nqb
Jerald H/KJ: Oh, yes! *pulls out an envelope* Could you deliver this to Edward Penlora, please?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjoyt2GWHCc
Officer Doug: What’s inside?1079Please respect copyright.PENANABeylMwtY5P
Jerald H/KJ: A note. I suggest you still open it though because I don’t want any trouble.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA8wUnkgkyBo
Officer Doug: *opens the envelope and pulls out the letter* Well, you were right. It’s just a note. I’ll make sure to get this to Penlora. *puts the note back in the envelope*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAXbfKXhzfFE
Jerald H/KJ: Thank you, officer. *walks out through the entrance doors*1079Please respect copyright.PENANApr74BftW1a
Officer Doug: *walks to Edward’s cell* Penlora!1079Please respect copyright.PENANARD0TmVPqKa
Edward: What is it, Doug?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAS0rsIry7xW
Officer Doug: Someone brought you a note. *hands the envelope to Edward*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAhvEBDoO4dO
Edward: Who is it from?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAgEsgnnWKOp
Officer Doug: I don’t know, some scrawny teenager.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAYvlnP10JB2
Edward: *pulls the note out and opens it*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAPORs1OaHZJ
Jerald H/KJ: *voice-over* Hello, Edward. I bet you’re wondering why I decided to send you a note. Well, the answer is because I am able to express myself much more on paper than in person. So, I wanna just say that I forgive for the things that you’ve done. I forgive you for trying to take down Mr. Myers’s show and even making a plan to kill him. I forgive you for beating the heck out of me.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAuijYsRczKs
Edward: *scoffs*1079Please respect copyright.PENANA2bEk0dAw7h
Jerald H/KJ: *voice-over* And I would like to let you know that God forgives you too. Even when you’re feeling down, God is right by your side. If you make a mistake, God will help you through it. Even in a cell, God is right by your side and he will never leave you. It says so in the Bible. And I just wanna finish off by saying you are capable of doing great things, Edward. But don’t get cocky, if you wanna try and do something, talk to God about it first and see He wants you to do it. Just remember that you are loved, and you are not alone. Sincerely, Jerald Harriet.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAlXoa5zucQ1
Edward: *chuckles*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAUVKZ3TuwmS
Officer Doug: What’s wrong with you?1079Please respect copyright.PENANArDngJfo7ci
Edward: Read this note. *hands the note over to Officer Doug*1079Please respect copyright.PENANA4qo6ugutPw
Officer Doug: *skims over the note* Huh, he sure seems like quite a nice kid.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAPt0NGnOYdo
Edward: He is.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAqfTG8sb8Z9
Officer Doug: You’re a lucky man to have someone care about you as much as this kid does.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAYlhmzfR9sc
Edward: I’m not lucky, I’m blessed.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAqbqj3KbHJI
Officer Doug: Well, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna keep this note with me.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjR6pOnhMdT
Edward: Go ahead.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjRSWqkkCy6
Officer Doug: And by the way, what did the kid give you just the other day?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAFyFQOPYdbr
Edward: He gave me a Bible.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAezPhOfLYTz
Officer Doug: Oh, are you a believer?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAU3eMWI0ElA
Edward: I wasn’t until that kid visited me and shared some, uh, verses, with me, I believe is was he called them.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAWbcYz0HLJX
Officer Doug: No wonder that kid is a gentleman. He’s got Jesus with him. *chuckles*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAk34o7HZ2nu
Edward: And I do too because of him.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAmXbiCDsd2o
Officer Doug: God works in many ways, Penlora. Well, it’s almost time for lights to go out. You’d better read as much of that Bible as you can.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAJpBuRfiXsP
Edward: *walks over to his Bible and opens it up*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAhhQTpNh6UQ
Officer Doug: *walks away*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAAKFUmKLAZ2
Edward: *starts reading Exodus 1:1*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAuaKTKuGxqx
Jerald H/KJ: *walks into the therapist’s office counter*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAog4D5whn37
Dr. Paisley: Hi! May I help you?1079Please respect copyright.PENANANc6Xh732qc
Jerald H/KJ: Of course. I was wondering if you could give something to someone.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAha01A1iI3J
Dr. Paisley: Give what to who?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAZ05iQl3VCE
Jerald H/KJ: *hands Dr. Paisley an envelope* I need you to give this to Dylan Ranjie, please.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAUi2jc5y2P6
Dr. Paisley: *grabs the envelope and looks at it* What is it?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAy7JcqhrICu
Jerald H/KJ: It’s a letter I wrote for her. And it’s really important that you get it to Dylan as soon as possible.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAfFtC7PAMYh
Dr. Paisley: Okay, I will as soon as she gets here.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAQLZco2MmVg
Jerald H/KJ: Okay, thank you. *walks out through the entrance doors*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAOXiaqP7VRD
Dr. Paisley: *gets ready to open the envelope*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAvaH1R2qF2D
Dylan: *walks in through the entrance doors*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAEyHYueB1X9
Dr. Paisley: *quickly puts the envelope down and stands up* Dylan! You’re early!1079Please respect copyright.PENANA58ddryr7r2
Dylan: Well, yeah, you asked me to come in a little early, so I did.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAYP033jgk3y
Dr. Paisley: Oh, right. Well, *grabs the envelope and hands it to Dylan* a young man came in and said to give this to you. He said it was very important that I give it to you.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAALzXqNjjiL
Dylan: *grabs the envelope from Dr. Paisley, opens the envelope, pulls the letter out, then reads it*1079Please respect copyright.PENANArNblbU3zX7
Jerald H/KJ: *voice-over* Hey, Dylan. Wow, this is harder than I thought. I have so many things I wanna say but I’m having a hard time saying them. I’m just gonna come out and say it. I really, really like you, Dylan Ranjie. Like a lot.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAxj9NVnG3CM
Dylan: *whispers* I like you, too.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA0vO69K5hAJ
Jerald H/KJ: *voice-over* I have no idea how you feel about me, but I’ll find out soon enough. In the meantime, I wanna let you know that I forgive you for everything you’ve done. The murder of your parents to the attempted murder of Edward Penlora, I forgive you for all of it. And I wanna let you know that you are loved and that you are not alone. God has been with you since day one and I feel like He’s calling me to help you and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. I’ll see you in a few days. Yours truly, Jerald Harriet.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAzpZyEivL1A
Dylan: *sniffles and wipes her eyes*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAU8rXYnWVNL
Dr. Paisley: Is everything alright, Dylan?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA3ST6Ftk4lW
Dylan: What? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. *chuckles slightly*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAHuKUefKmcO
Dr. Paisley: What did the note say?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAFzLWz0vpiT
Dylan: The guy who wrote this note for me, he told me that he really likes me. *smiles*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAPWwbdZXU0Y
Dr. Paisley: Ooh! Is he a gentleman?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAig5VRfiD1U
Dylan: He’s the sweetest gentleman I know! And he’s gonna be the first face I see when I get released.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAYyK06SxFiY
Dr. Paisley: Sounds like he really does like you.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAQEeHalYKIz
Dylan: Yeah, and I like him too, which seems pretty obvious at this point.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAzrY7je3fpD
Both: *laugh*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAKYXBNFwo10
Dr. Paisley: Well, let’s go ahead and get started with our session.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAUtQ3jlsWGT
Dr. Paisley: Well, Dylan, over these past several weeks you’ve shown some major improvement in how you deal with your negative emotions.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA1Y1tUZ8P43
Dylan: Well, I had a great therapist to help me out with that.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAgY7P4e9Q6Z
Dr. Paisley: Now, since your adoptive parents had just signed the release form outside, I guess you’re free to go now.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAi0c0x5SsjY
Dylan: Already?!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAnHxZlC3L6c
Dr. Paisley: Indeed. 1079Please respect copyright.PENANALTTPDc5lMa
Dylan: These sessions went by so fast I almost forgot that today was my last day!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAhvHnB3AKpd
Dr. Paisley: Say, isn’t that one man supposed to be the first face you see when you walk out these doors?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAvpBr9M56Zk
Dylan: *gasps, then runs into the lobby and spots Jerald H*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAmFuTDJwgmo
Jerald H/KJ: Told you I’d be the first face you see.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAEkzq2YRt6N
Dylan: *runs to Jerald H and gives him a hug*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAcj3Su8FyKd
Jerald H/KJ: *hugs Dylan back*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAxhHLrp4bzM
Dylan: I’ve been wanting this day to come for so long.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA2t7W1znG5Q
Jerald H/KJ: Believe me, I wish this day came sooner.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAqMma9cjG3I
Dylan: And that note that you wrote for me a few days ago…1079Please respect copyright.PENANAL764ca3cGe
Jerald H/KJ: Yeah?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAIk8emHs32l
Dylan: I really like you, too, Jerald.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAeohJSKl0VS
Jerald H/KJ: *smiles* Are you serious?!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjcWJlqDe7n
Dylan: Of course I am!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAljFLEMvXWI
Jerald H/KJ: Well…1079Please respect copyright.PENANA4RRxtwS3Kq
Dylan: And guess what?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA6HYxiLYPpy
Jerald H/KJ: What?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA6M2VTL9IcH
Dylan: I have a surprise for you.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA0UAsOi15Qw
Jerald H/KJ: *grins* I like surprises.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAdGdqcWQSx3
Dylan: *kisses Jerald H on the cheek* How’s that for a surprise?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAnsui1tuJ8W
Jerald H/KJ: I liked that surprise.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAZ97vrs7mU5
Dylan: Good because you can’t return it.1079Please respect copyright.PENANArxisNNEAPl
Jerald H/KJ: Hardy har.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAIobwp6Achv
Both: *walk outside*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAb92keFsGVi
Jerald H/KJ: Hey, I need to tell you something.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAQVGVlLfhfs
Dylan: Go ahead.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA7Mlo6sP2d2
Jerald H/KJ: Since I’m almost too old to join anymore musical camps, I talked to Mr. Myers and he said that I get to be his Production Assistant!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAIxlTnulxmd
Dylan: Oh, my gosh! Since when?!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAXZiuKT8tEg
Jerald H/KJ: I had a meeting with him earlier this week and we talked for awhile and one thing led to another and he said I get to be his Production Assistant.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAZBN7HJ0S2g
Dylan: *cheers* I’m so proud of you!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAgzAomzucrd
Jerald H/KJ: Thanks.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAgXHhJ4pVTP
Dylan: *looks past Jerald H* Ugh, my ride’s here.1079Please respect copyright.PENANANQ1xRcxGCq
Jerald H/KJ: *looks over his shoulder* Dang.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAsHG4e26ogR
Dylan: Yeah, it’s a shame I have to leave already, but we’ll have to meet up sometime. I gave you my number, remember?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAhhEwRorjUw
Jerald H/KJ: Yeah.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA7q2AFkx4MG
Dylan: TTYL! *walks over to her adoptive parents’ car and climbs in the backseat*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAxLbdlJtWOA
Jerald H/KJ: *sighs* She is quite the lady. *pulls out his cell phone and calls John*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAkF643zsdEe
John: *on phone* Hello?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAKiCBq1pfNQ
Jerald H/KJ: Hey, John.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAU2yxGgkxZF
John: Hey, Jerald. What’s up?1079Please respect copyright.PENANApK3WEJwT60
Jerald H/KJ: You won’t believe what just happened. *walks over to his car*1079Please respect copyright.PENANA91YuYrzUv1
John: What, dude?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAHD9hLwGsBj
Jerald H/KJ: *climbs in the driver’s seat and turns the car on* Dylan, told me that she likes me the same way I like her! *buckles*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAKJVHerWUyg
John: Dude, that’s awesome, man!1079Please respect copyright.PENANATq3rIvEyZ8
Jerald H/KJ: Thanks, bro. Say, do you wanna meet up somewhere for lunch in a little bit?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA4wzgGM596m
John: Dude, it’s 2 o’clock.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAoq39eBynYd
Jerald H/KJ: So?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAGCSG3rcm5J
John: If you’re buying, buddy.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA9XMyfEQTIy
Jerald H/KJ: In that case, bring Mute along too.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAOCQwq5yGEt
John: *laughs* You crack me up, dude. I’ll let him know and we’ll meet you wherever you choose to eat at… just not Jolly’s.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA88vZm8gets
Jerald H/KJ: Yeah, I’m done with clowns.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAFhQNqAt4cW
Both: *laugh*1079Please respect copyright.PENANA6cJa7tRtgl
John: Alright, talk to you in a bit.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAJfEbO1SW5O
Jerald H/KJ: Okay, bye. *hangs up the phone and drives out of the parking lot, and onto the main street*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAkhcnpsetje
(Screen fades black and the main credits start rolling)1079Please respect copyright.PENANApPXFYIRlGz
(THE END starts playing)1079Please respect copyright.PENANAvab08LaNGQ
Jerald H/KJ: Here at camp, we’ve had so much fun! It’s too bad that we’re almost done. At the end of this song, we’re all gonna be gone, but at some point, we have to move on!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAynSrwqXiIS
Eli/Conductor: This camp rocks and I wish it didn’t end because I loved hanging out with my friends! There’s always next time in the future, but I cannot say I know for sure!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAEkjXVUUuQp
Stage Fright: I’d say that’s a rap, and that we must go because we have reached the end of our show! You can always go back to the beginning, and listen to more of our singing!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAu1tWSNsY6Y
Death Chord: Here are the end credits for the third time now! If this were a play, we’d all need to bow! This song is not even halfway through! But at least the last minutes, we’ll be singing to you!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAEHRnf3MfWE
Jerald H/KJ: Bad guys like Stage Fright, or even Death Chord, would keep you up at night! You don’t need to worry, don’t need to fear! Because the Lord our God is right here!1079Please respect copyright.PENANABVUxdNfDWb
Eli/Conductor: Searching for a way to keep yourself secure, would be a choice that seems mature. But just like Killer Jam said, being with God will remove that dread!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAenWrJH32yr
Stage Fright: More rocks to give to the presentations, breaking the fourth wall is better than narration! Kudos to all the cast and the crew for making these as enjoyment for you!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjfOkeMo11d
Death Chord: This trilogy is quite the remembrance, and I’m betting you felt the singing was immense! I honestly don’t know why I’m still in this song, because I only like classical and jazz so I can play along!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAUrIkCShewK
Jerald H/KJ: This song has turned out to be quite the medley! I hope you guys don’t make it something deadly! I’m sure we have all learned our lessons, and have them stored in our hearts within!1079Please respect copyright.PENANA928FsoQ7g7
Eli/Conductor: Now that we’re not all alone, let’s say our last goodbyes and then go home. How about we go get something for lunch? Performing and singing wore me out a bunch!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAWGJRGhgpek
Stage Fright: It’s safe to say that we’re now all friends, and going to lunch would be good time to spend! Let’s do that as soon as we finish, then we can all fulfill our wish.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAwT7ULd31jI
Death Chord: Heavy rocks for you guys for singing about food, instead of singing about what the audience should do! Now our song is coming to its end, all I can say is, we’ll hope you watch us again!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAgr4UGdbBaA
(Rest of song is instrumental)1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjrAfJfQDiX
Jerald H/KJ: *voice-over* Man, I can’t believe how many songs we’ve had to perform.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAlSRvl0KBFw
Eli/Conductor: Well, everyone loves a good musical.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA5QQYE6AogN
Stage Fright: Why could this have just been a play?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAdzi1lR721e
Death Chord: Why couldn’t the music be jazzy?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAk9O7zqNALl
Jerald H/KJ: Why’re you guys complaining? We had an awesome time this month!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAPW8FDzQlqS
Stage Fright: Well, I guess you’re right, this week was also pretty chaotic though.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAOTRZpSKCVD
Death Chord: *scoffs* Right?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjbAkZWX3Lz
Jerald H/KJ: Also, why the heck were you guys singing about lunch during the ending song?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAdng2L4ZCi9
Eli/Conductor: Because we’re hungry, dude!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAQHdX9xPEvB
Jerald H/KJ: What, did you guys like not eat all day or something?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAW7a7tqHL5P
Death Chord: Uh, no, we haven’t .1079Please respect copyright.PENANAQDQdGY51kw
Jerald H/KJ: Why?!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAJQVSkWRVKT
Stage Fright: We’ve been busying practicing this last song all morning!1079Please respect copyright.PENANABGJZJGIoXx
Jerald H/KJ: Oh, good point. We’ll go get a bite in a little bit.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAIqKBtMPJbn
(THE END stops playing)1079Please respect copyright.PENANAgioDfF66L1
Jerald H/KJ: Oh, that’s my cue!1079Please respect copyright.PENANATOI7ZpDyHH
Jerald H/KJ: *walks over to a chair and sits down in it, facing the audience* Wow, I can’t believe we’ve all made it this far. I didn’t expect to make it this far past the first time we were introduced. *takes off wig* All the way from Craig Stevenson to Eli Hall, and lastly, Edward Penlora and Dylan Ranjie.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAHFP3NNgyiR
Dylan: *walks over to Jerald H and sits next to him* I heard my name! Were you talking about me?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAGM0S9oXIUd
Jerald H/KJ: Kinda, yeah.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAtSto1syXdl
Dylan: *faces the audience* Who were you talking to?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAY2FwkH01SL
Jerald H/KJ: We can’t see them, but there are people out there looking at us right now.1079Please respect copyright.PENANALYcGElhsiz
Dylan: That’s kinda creepy.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAe12bdPycRn
Jerald H/KJ: Eh, people do it all the time at home.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAT78fmbqg74
Dylan: People are weird.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA0p72zq9ViO
Jerald H/KJ: Yeah, anyway, I just wanted to let all of you guys know that I really appreciate you guys sticking around this long, enjoying our songs, watching us deal with our problems, and some pretty epic brawls if I do say so myself. And one more thing, I’m thinking about everyone all the time and would like to say that I’ll be praying for all of you guys out there watching us right now.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAojrikutN46
Dylan: Aw, that’s so sweet of you!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAExh4uPfosl
Jerald H/KJ: Thank you.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAu2Iq4kLUiG
Both: *stand up*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAyOrWthu50v
Dylan: So, whatcha wanna do now?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAhXPsMjhC1C
Jerald H/KJ: How about this?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAsbSY7q0nsm
Both: *lean in towards each other*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAe1XGY4nAZm
Jerald H/KJ: Oh! Wait a minute. *takes mask off* No looking you guys! *holds his mask in front of himself and Dylan as they lean in to kiss*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAMj3s4qmg9A
(Screen fades to black)1079Please respect copyright.PENANApYDMAYYPN6
(Extra credits start rolling)1079Please respect copyright.PENANArHh3buvJZE
Jerald H/KJ: *voice-over* Hope I didn’t keep you guys waiting for too long.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAd3n0wNsYIj
Eli/Conductor: Do you know what I just realized?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA4vgUmMnnY7
Jerald H/KJ: What?1079Please respect copyright.PENANA6iKqwK0rPJ
Eli/Conductor: You’re basically dating Death Chord.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAtrCjvzXJXy
Jerald H/KJ: Yeah, so what?1079Please respect copyright.PENANApQryVioavb
Death Chord: What’s the big deal?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAq1YlHZ2FHh
Stage Fright: Are you guys gonna just keep arguing? We need some music for the people to listen to!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAC8amhVlvRU
Jerald H/KJ: Right, let’s see. What should we play?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAxrw8KF5Kj8
Stage Fright: There’s ‘Escape.’1079Please respect copyright.PENANAiFoEyp4wVV
Eli/Conductor: That doesn’t sound very… fitting for the end credits.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAQohFH9PVOf
Death Chord: How about ‘Forest of Peace?’1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjnt66XTqy1
Jerald H/KJ: Our audience will fall asleep to that.1079Please respect copyright.PENANActnMM8hka7
Eli/Conductor: What about ‘Criminal?’1079Please respect copyright.PENANAI0sz6tJ5dT
Jerald H/KJ: You know, that one actually doesn’t sound too bad. It could work.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAvrZQGVXAKQ
Stage Fright: Play it.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAeImpTf3CkS
(Criminal starts playing)1079Please respect copyright.PENANAhAnqXNuu24
Jerald H/KJ: Ooh, I like the sound of this one!1079Please respect copyright.PENANAxYCN87lqmd
Death Chord: It sounds deep, but not in the way that will make someone sleep.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAPHT9Yy1fxz
Eli/Conductor: Again with the rhyming?1079Please respect copyright.PENANAzcFKdT8OdZ
Jerald H/KJ: We all do it at some point.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAqA7ve0rlsr
Stage Fright: Say are we gonna go get some lunch or what? The people have their music now.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAjjLl3ogie1
Jerald H/KJ: I’ll be leaving here soon, you can go and we’ll meet you up somewhere soon.1079Please respect copyright.PENANA8Ln1xRAXi9
Stage Fright: Alrighty, Stage Fright, out! *leaves*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAgLpyS3dl3S
Eli/Conductor: Okay, see you soon.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAoUg6PAcCO2
Death Chord: I wonder if we’re making our audience hungry because we keep talking about food.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAhR8NUXAfMu
Eli/Conductor: I don’t know about you guys, but I’m gonna go follow Stage Fright. I’m famished.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAz22S68cQI6
Jerald H/KJ: Alright, we’d better get going to.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAOvVBtqLAs0
Death Chord: Okay.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAiCxi8qRbgl
Jerald H/KJ: You and Conductor go ahead, I’ll catch up in a sec.1079Please respect copyright.PENANAF6d5dcX4Pa
Death Chord: Alright. *leaves with Conductor*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAqBXtMINaqm
Jerald H/KJ: Hey, everyone! I hope you enjoyed this music and all of us arguing about music, but if you want, you can go back and start from square one where it all started. I’ll be there waiting for you! Again, thank you for taking time and hanging with us. We really appreciate it. Good-bye, everyone! *leaves*1079Please respect copyright.PENANAWbd2DgzA11
(The rest of the credits roll)1079Please respect copyright.PENANAJ77gFn9NRx
(Criminal stops playing)1079Please respect copyright.PENANASgbmf0fAUL
Scene 13 ends1079Please respect copyright.PENANAG578qPq6mv
1079Please respect copyright.PENANAzdMnCNpqhO
1079Please respect copyright.PENANAZRpRkfOg2L
The End