Déjà vu is the French word for seeing something/someone again, directly translated 'already seen'. A recognition but your mind can't place where, when or who.
You're first thought might be, how can that be terrifying? Unless you yourself would try to run from your past it would make sense.
By me it's a bit different... nothing of my own past but something else...
Believe it or not it started with a book. A book that inspired many directors in their time to film it and a composer by the name Andrew Lloyd Weber to write it into a musical. The Phantom of the Opera written by the French author Gaston Leroux in 1910.
At the age of 12 my parents presented me the CD of the musical and was from there on captivated in every tone and word. Soon knew every song by heart and there started to see Christine Daaé as my idol. Dearly wanted to become an opera singer.
Now what is wrong with that? I'm not done yet. I've mentioned before about the book, the origin of the story. At the age of 16 or 17 I finally thought of buying the book and read it. Gobbled it up within a week and was captivated with all the details that were left out in the musical and many movies. There I came to realize how close I am to Christine Daaé.
Like her I grew up in my childhood in Sweden, attended music school there at a young age, have French blood, love the sea and Nordic culture, love to sing, dance and act. That's not all. Many music teachers noted that I have 'a pure voice' and asked if I attend the conservatorium. Without a doubt a compliment but I know behind it lies the singing along the musical by heart almost everyday during the age of 12 and 13. (A lively phase as others might call it.)621Please respect copyright.PENANAK5ziH8w5Up
Now I'm 22 with a different idol in mind and joined in last year to a theater group and years before attended Irish dancing class (origin from ballet). Plus am planning to visit the conservatorium and visit Paris in the near future.
That's all nice but how is all that frightening? Like Christine I once had contact with a friend from Sweden but lost him as I moved away. I wonder if he lives still in Sweden or in France since he is French. Not to mention I have fond memories and would not mind seeing him again. That friend could have the similar role as Raoul de Chagny.
All who would be missing is the Phantom/Erik. Like Christine I would have asked the same if he is connected to Scandinavia. Therefore would not tear off the mask.
That's the scariest part. If my life will turn very similar to the book although I take my life into my own hands? Sure there are details that luckily define but again and again I notice something similar to that. If the Phantom comes in a different person or in someway immortal (which I doubt) I'll be scared to death.
I even had once or twice scary dreams where the Phantom appeared. Just like the lyric of the musical "In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came..." At the time I dreamed I had nothing on my mind (conscious state) with that story. Plus I happen to have since I was born the power to foresee my own future through visions of dreams. Does it mean I'll encounter as in the dream the Phantom as dark figure only I can see and no one else? Or will he appear differently in life or not at all?
All in all, it is frightening when you caught attention to some mad sinister person who would dare to kill. When all in the mind... have I gone round the bend by silly coincidences?