It was horrible, it was dreadful. Everything was in flames. The whole Portorate compound was falling apart. People were getting shot, killed, and then left to burn in the beautifully colored flames.
“Sushi!” a middle-aged woman yelled. She was being dragged away by a man. She kept trying to fight back; clawing at the man’s arms, trying to get back into the burning house, “Let me go! I need to go to my baby!”
The man holding her shook his head “No, you are the leader of this family, you must stay safe!” he turned to the remaining men and yelled, “Save the heiress at all costs!”
“Mama!” a child’s cry was heard and it made the family leader freeze, “Mama, where are you?”
Hearing her child’s cry made the woman even more determined to reach her, “Sushi! Do not move from where you are!" She was no longer being held back, for all the men that survived the fire were trying to find the young heiress.
“Mama, I’m stuck!” another yell came followed by a cry of pain came from the slowly collapsing house, “Mama, please help me!” her pain filled cries were heart retching to all those who could hear it.
Sushi’s mother, not able to bear just standing and doing nothing, rushed into the house ignoring the yells of those around her, “I’m coming Sushi!”
“No!” but the people’s yells were unheard to the worried mother.
She barged through broken doors, climbed through melting windows, and got second degree burns to reach her only child, “Sushi! Where are you!?” She yelled.
“Mama!” she turned to her right to see her 4-year old daughter stuck under her bed, she was bleeding everywhere, her lithe body crushed under the heavy bed, it seems that when the little girl heard the gun shots she crawled under her bed for safety only for the it to collapse when the ceiling fell on top of it.
Trying to get through the thick smoke all the while avoiding exhaling, she move hurriedly towards her daughter, coughing, she said, “Sushi! Hang on! Mama’s coming!!” but before she could even get to her, the whole ceiling just fell.
Right in front of her, she saw her only daughter, only child, get crushed and burned in right in front of her eyes, and had even heard her last screams of pain
The mother's reaction to this sudden scene was to scream, "NO! No... No, no, no, no, no... Oh God NO!" her men had found her and tried to take her back to safety. This time she did not struggle, but followed them lifelessly as she continued to deny her child's death.
This woman had just lost her husband, widowing her and leaving her to lead the family business all on her own. Just recently, she had lost her daughter and she couldn't do anything to stop it. Her family members pitied her, but as of now they had to escape this hell.
They walked away from the big compound to evacuate to Japan, but before they made one step away the government had already caught up to them. They blocked their only pathway, and pointed guns into their direction.
“Freeze!” they all yelled.
None of them obeyed their orders, "You may kill us adults, but please... I beg of you, spare the children!"
They ignored the man's words and held their weapons firmly, "For your crimes against the Russian government, we have been ordered to have all of the Portorate family members executed. Men, FIRE!" with that one words, a bloodbath had started. None were left to mercy.
The sound of gunshots filled their air and so did the screams of fear from the dying family, and one by one they all dropped dead; leaving a pool of crimson blood surrounded by the burning flames.
And with that, the Portorate family was now extinct.
At least the whole world thought they were.
But before you continue to read this story, you must first know of the Gushita and the Portorate family's history in order for you to understand.
When morning had arrived all that was left from the fire were the dead bodies ranging from elder to infant, rubble, ash, and anything else that miraculously survived the fire.
The huge compound was very far away from the eyes of fellow humans, but because of one slip from one of the family members the government was able to find out the Portorate family's hiding place.
The second the massacre had started, one of the family members had sent a distress call for the Gushita family. They were too late to arrive.
In the eyes of society, the Gushita was just a normal family who owned a company, but in reality they were close cousins with the Portorate family. They were the ones who gathered information and planned their escape, providing a swift infiltration for every single mission.
This special partnership had started a handful of centuries ago when an ancestor of the Gushita family was struggling to save his family from starvation, and was offered a suicide job that offered a lot of money. It was to spy on a small organization and gather information.
He was able to complete it without struggle, and to continue earning money he repeatedly accepted suicide missions related to hiding. Soon, it became a tradition in the family, after that the whole Gushita clan started to excel in this area. In those times where education was not allowed to those without money, the saying: "Desperate times call for desperate measures." applied.
The most important topic was about how they became friends with the Portorate family. A little more than three centuries ago they had met a girl who ran away from the orphanage, the family picked her up and decided to think of it as an opportunity to expand their forces. This girl had been chosen to do the most risky missions such as actually getting into combat and burglary.
After years and years of endless missions, the girl had decided to leave. She thanked the family who had taken care of her when no one else had, and bid them goodbye. It was painful to see her leave, because she was already considered as family.
The girl with lemon eyes promised the Gushita family that she would return, but with the new family name Portorate. Exactly five decades later, a descendant of the Gushita had a mission to spy on illegal business had come upon a group of darkly dressed people. What really shocked him was that they murdered the dealers and stolen their goods.
Deciding to risk his life for the possibility of a potential partner, the Gushita member came to negotiate with them. It shocked him to the core when they had said that they went with the name 'Portorate', immediately he had told the rest of his family. The next time they had seen one or three Portorate family members they had become friends, both reminded of their ancestor's promise.
It had seemed that the lemon eyed girl had fallen in love, gain a family, and had taught them the ways that the Gushita family had taught her.
Imagine the rage and flaming anger that had coursed through the Gushita family's veins when they had been informed that their precious ally had been terminated.
The news of the Portorate family's death had been told to the rest of the members, and unsurprisingly everyone had wept. Every single person had a close friend from the Portorate, some formed through missions or from birth meetings.
With grief in his heart, the current leader of the Gushita clan had ordered some of his members to go to the sight of the burn compound to salvage something of value as a remembrance. It would be comforting to have something of the Portorates for safe keeping.
Upon their arrival they had searched every single bit of the area, but everything was burn to crisp. They were not able to find anything to bring back into their home, perhaps all of their belongings were taken by the government. This thought made them sink into bitter thoughts.
They decided not to give up and searched for a few more hours, all of them determined to find something worthy. Indeed, they found something worthy. They found something much better than a memento, they found something that would be able to revive the Portorate family.
Beneath the rubble of the Portorate leader's house, crushed under heavy piles of debris and wood from the ceiling, was a little girl. A new hope.
At first they thought that she was dead because a puddle of blood surrounded her body, but because of some sort of miracle, she was breathing. Although barely. They took the chance to dig her out of the ruins to bring her to their city of Gohan.
“Our leader would be very happy that we were able to find something of the Portorate family.” one man said to another.
“Of course he would be happy, in fact he would be ecstatic!” he yelled, “We didn’t just find a memento we found something that could restore the whole Portorate family.”
Because of their years of service to their ever loyal customers, money had built up over the years. The Gushita were able to buy land to themselves, land big enough to keep their own personal hospital. This facility was run by only personal family members; the nurses, the doctors, and even the janitors were all part of the family. It was not a big hospital but it was enough to treat the family members who came home injured from a battle without alarming the police.
In one of the special rooms was a little girl the tender age of four, she was laying peacefully on one of the white beds. She had been in the hospital for almost four months and for the first time she had woken up from her long since coma.
Her eyes fluttered open and she flinched at the light that had suddenly invaded her eyes. With a soft groan she attempted to rub her eyes, but she felt as though her limbs were as heavy as stone. She was unable to move them.
The little girl wondered where she was and why she was covered in bandages. Then the memories of fire, her mother racing for her, and the excruciating pain of her being crushed under piles of debris flooded through her mind.
Not moving a limb she started to cry loudly, she started to scream for her mother, her father, and the rest of her family.
The noise that she had created brought the nurses to the room, "She's awake!" one of them yelled, "Quick, inform the leader, he must be told!" the other nurses rushed out to inform the head of the Gushita of the good news.
The main nurse started to work on calming the child down, "Shhh, it's okay now, you're safe..." she tried to coax the child to speak, but she no matter what she did the nurse wasn't able to get her to stop screaming.
She knew that the little girl's body was unable to move for it hasn't had any use for four months, and she took advantage of that fact to hold her down, "It's okay now, calm down..." she continued to speak of soft words into the young girl's ears, but nothing worked.
She ordered one of the nurses to fetch her the drugs that calmed the patients when in a state of panic or when they were in pain. Quickly, she injected a small amount of the liquid into the child's veins, and the effect only took a few seconds to appear.
This stopped the girl from crying because she was too sleepy to make any more noise, she felt tied, so tired that she couldn't keep on crying. She felt like she needed to take a long nap, but at the same time she was restless.
The nurse continued to hold on to her until the leader came into the room running, “Put her down!” he yelled.
She jumped but nonetheless gently placed the girl back on the bed, “May I ask why, sir?”
The leader was very young in age, for he was just reaching the years of 29. His hair was brown and short, but it was long enough to tie into a low ponytail and his eyes were a pale blue in color. His name was Kirimaru Gushita.
“You are not worthy to know her identity but enough to know that she is of high status.” he faced the nurse with firm eyes, “You are not allowed to touch her, only me and the ones I deem worthy.”
“Yes sir.” the nurse said nodding, she had understood the importance of the girl, but she was a little surprised that even she, a member of the Gushita family, was not allowed to learn of her past. Perhaps she was one equivalent of royalty.
Kirimaru faced the drowsy heiress, “Her name shall not be released for your knowledge, so please tell me her condition.”
“Yes sir.” the maid took a clipboard that was placed on a counter, “When she arrived here she showed a fatal sign of blood loss. Other than that it seemed that being crushed under piles of rubble and a broken bed broke a lot of bones but luckily none of her vital organs were hit.”
The nurse paused but continued when her leader told her to go on, “Thankfully, her spine wasn’t affected, when she went under her bed it protected her to some degree from the falling debris but her right arm was stuck in the edges and as was her leg. This caused them to break.” she put down the clipboard, “Her injuries were all fatal, for a grownup it would’ve taken them three years to recover but for her it's as if she has already been healing for eight months instead of four.”
The leader nodded, “I want her moved to my house the second she is in better condition.”
“Now would be the perfect time for that sir.” the nurse said, “I will have her at your home immediately.”
“On second thought,” Kirimaru picked the girl up and headed for the door, “I’ll bring her there myself.”
The nurse knew better than to question her leader’s decision, “Yes sir, I will have someone move the medical equipment to the room you place her, oh and sir!” the leader of the Gushita family stopped, “There is a high chance that she is traumatized, it would be best to give her minimal contact with others…”
Kirimaru turned and left the hospital, he heard the nurse’s warning and he shall follow it. Of course, his first task for the girl was to keep her away from prying eyes, even If it was the eyes of his family.
While walking, he could feel the child slowly breathing and cold liquid touching his shoulders. He shifted her in a way that he could see her face and what he saw were tears flowing silently down her eyes.
He heard the girl whisper, “Mama….” the drug was still in effect and she was unable to move. Kirimaru narrowed his eyes at her behavior, because whoever had caused her such grief would pay, not now but later.
He came to his house, though it was big but not as large as the house of the Portorate family leader, for he was not one for homes of wide spaces. Unnoticed, he went inside an empty bedroom that was meant to be for important guests, and placed her on the bed.
He took his cell phone out of his pocket and called the medical number, “I’m at the special guest room, take the equipment in here now.”
Not a moment too soon they arrived and the group of medical employees started setting it all up doing it all swiftly and efficiently, they all knew the importance of the girl.
When they had finished they were ordered to leave, leaving Kirimaru to sit on a chair right next to the heiress. The girl had opened her eyes for just a second, and he noticed that her eyes were a very bright shade of yellow. It resembled the color ripe sour lemon. He knew that the Portorate family members had yellow for their eyes but it mostly bordered on orange or brown. It was a type of eye mutation similar to that of purple eyes.
He heard a knock from the outside of the door, “Who is it?” Kirimaru asked.
“It’s me, father…” he heard the sound of his young and only son Yurito.
“Come in, Yurito.” the door opened and in came a young boy the age of five, the splitting image of him.
Yurito walked over to stand next to his father and asked, “Who is she?”
Kirimaru picked up his son and had him sit down on his lap, “That, my dear boy, is a girl your age.” he said grinning.
“I know that she is a girl and that she is near my age but I want to know her name and her back story.” Yurito said plainly, even though he was a boy as young as he was he still had the genes of a Gushita and had the need to collect every bit of information in someone.
Truly a perfect heir to the Gushita family, Kirimaru thought, “Her name is Sushi Portorate.”
Yurito jumped at the name, for a five year old he was smarter than most, “I thought that our brother family was killed, father… Is she a survivor?”
Kirimaru nodded, “Yes she is, and she’s not just any survivor,” he patted his son’s head, “Let me teach you something nice.” he pointed at her hair and said, “You see her hair? What color is it?”
“It’s red, father.” Yurito said, a little confused as to why the color of her hair was something important to learn.
“Well, her hair color is proof that she was born from a Russian family, but her hair is more pure than anyone else, can you tell me why is that?” Kirimaru asked giving his son a better look at her hair.
“Father, there is no point in showing me her hair, because I don’t know the answer to your question…” Yurito said, not even bothering to look at the soft fluffy red hair.
Yurito’s father started laughing, “I know right? Not even her parents knew the answer to that, they were both brunette brown!”
Yurito sat on his father’s lap as he continued to laugh and tell stories about how Sushi’s parents thought that one of them had cheated on each other, but it wasn’t like he was listening. Yurito blocked all of his father’s ramblings until they were just soft buzzing around him, it was trick he learned from his mother who knew just how talkative his parent could be.
He stared at the girl and wondered why she was so special, he knew that she came from a very prestigious family and so did he, but she had no more purpose to the Gushita family after all she has neither the power or money to support them.
When the young girl awoke she had only one thought in her mind and that was the sight of her mother being dragged away from her screaming, “Mama…” she mumbled still half awake.
Kirimaru stopped his one-sided conversation with his son to look at the heiress, “She’s awake.”
Yurito jumped of his father’s lap to go closer to the girl, “I know that father…” with his small hands on top of the large bed he stared at the Russian with anticipating eyes.
The leader of the family chuckled at the sight of his son looking captivated with a young girl, “You know Yurito you look like a handsome prince waiting for his princess to wake up.”
The boy made a small sound of annoyance at his father’s comment and turned to face him, “Father you know already that that is not my intention…”
Kirimaru laughed at Yurito’s flushed face at the thought of waiting for his princess, “But you look like you are!”
Yurito groaned at his father’s eccentric ways and turned to the mumbling girl. Unlike him she looked like a weak being waiting to be slain in her deathbed, she was too fragile and he found it very hard to believe that she would ever be a leader of a famous Russian family.
Slowly her eyes fluttered open taking in the bright sight around her, “Mama…” the word she spoke registered in her mind causing her body to go into a panicked state, “Mama where are you mama?!” a bit of the drug had worn off so she was able to move her body to an extent and so she grabbed the closest thing she could find, Yurito.
Sushi fell of the bed and on top of Yurito yelling, “Mama! I want mama, where is my mama!?” the more she kicked and the more she screamed the drugs that was earlier injected into her somehow faded away.
Meanwhile she was in a height of anxiety, Yurito was being crushed under the small girl’s hold, “Father do something! She’s hurting me!” Sushi’s rapid kicking accidentally landed on Yurito’s body.
Kirimaru grabbed the girl and detached her from his son and threw her onto the bed, “Calm down!” the leader did not have much experience with children having a tantrum since his son was always calm and reserved and so he didn’t know what to do, all he could think of was holding her down until she got tired.
Yurito stayed on the ground holding his abdomen where Sushi kicked him, making sure that his voice would not let the little sounds of pain escape from his mouth. What was wrong with that girl he wondered, she had a very strong kick and he would not want it to hit him ever again.
Slowly he got up from his lying position to see how his father was doing, the loud screeching girl kept on repeating the same thing; the begs and pleas for her mother. She wouldn’t stop moving, and this pattern kept on repeating until the girl became tired.
When Sushi had once again went back to sleep, Kirimaru deemed it safe enough to let go, “Wow, she really did a number on you.” the clan head laughed at his son who was wallowing in pain on the floor.
Yurito glared at his father and forced himself to stand up, “Is that a way to treat your injured son?” he brushed his robes and looked up at his father, trying to show that he was no longer in pain, even though he felt it still lingering around in his stomach.
Kirimaru was a well respected man, but that didn’t mean he did not have any fun once in a while, “Yurito, you are the heir to a high class family, you should learn how to ignore a large amount of pain.” he patted his toddler on the head and smiled, “When you’re old enough let’s give you pain tolerance training.”
The young boy crossed his arms and huffed at his father, “I don’t care what sort of training you give me, because it all ends the same; with me as the leader of the clan.”
Weeks had passed since the discovery of Sushi, and every day she would wake up screaming of the things that she had seen the day of her family’s murder and it took a long time before she would stop acting like a mad child every time a new day passed by.
On one particular day she had woken up in a soulless way, neither screaming nor speaking and just staring into space. The maids and nurses had become worried about her mental condition, and had decided to contact the family leader.
When Kirimaru had arrived in her room he had made sure that his son was by his side to provide comfort for the little girl, trying to make sure that she would not assume that he was a hostile man.
When the middle aged man took a glance at the girl, it felt as if she was looking through his very soul. Her dull lifeless eyes took no notice of anything in this world, "Can you hear me?" Kirimaru asked cautiously.
When Sushi had replied with a simple, "Yes." it somehow came as good news for the man, because this meant that there was still a bit of spark inside of her. No matter how small it was it could grow over time.
Yurito frowned at her lack of reactions and said to his father, “Why is she acting so retarded? It’s as if she never learned how to move.”
His father shook his head at his son's naivety, "Yurito, you have lived a long and sheltered life in peace, and so had she before her family was killed. It would be very traumatizing if you had led a peaceful life and have it gone oh so suddenly the next day, and it would be so much worse if you had witnessed it."
The male heir just frowned at his father’s response, “I don’t understand…” he turned to look at Sushi again, but all he saw was a normal girl who refused to see reason.
Kirimaru sighed at his son it’s only natural that a young boy his age wouldn’t understand the cruelty of life. He glanced at the doll-like girl and made a face of remorse, it shouldn’t be natural for a young girl to experience what evil life has to offer at her age. He walked to a nearby button and pressed it, “I need a maid to come here this instant with a new batch of clothes for the heiress, I would want it to be nice and flashy for her.”
It wasn’t long after that that a maid had entered the room with beautiful clothes, just as she was ordered. Kirimaru and his son left the room for the maid to finish dressing the young girl, and when she had finished the Japanese robes added had suited her perfectly.
Even though she was still young and not even close to the budding age, Kirimaru could clearly see that she would look exactly like her parents; as beautiful as the Russian beauty could go. The clan leader had thought that her soft red hair had matched the golden silk kimono that the maid had chosen.
Kirimaru clapped his hands to the maid, “Very well done, you may be excused.” he said with his eyes not leaving the child. While the maid left the room he kneeled in front of Sushi and smiled, “Young dear, would you like to visit the gardens with me? I have learned over the years that your family greatly enjoys the gardens of spring.”
Yurito watched as Sushi gave his father no response and the lack of respect irked him, “Answer my father, do you not know that he is of high status?” his words did nothing to urge a reaction from the girl, as she only stared at the expensive wood that paved the floor.
His father just laughed at his antics and clapped his hands, “There is no use in getting mad at something so trivial, Yurito, now shall we all go visit the gardens? It is quite beautiful this time of year.” with him holding Sushi’s delicate hand, he escorted them to the door.
When they reached the gardens Kirimaru made sure to observe the young girl for any sort of sign that her mental state was not as bad as it seemed, and sure enough even though her facial features did not change a bit her eyes shone with a bit of light. Seeing some brightness inside the young child that hadn’t shown any reaction since the time she had first saw him, other than panic and fear, made him feel at ease in knowing that there was still some hope in healing her.
While Kirimaru was enjoying his time in his own relieved thoughts, Yurito was drowning in the sentence of, “Why is my father holding her hand and not mine?” the young boy watched in discomfort as his father and the girl admire the flowers that were within the gardens reach.
No longer able to stand the smiles upon his father’s face Yurito reached out to him, “Father, I do not see why you find joy in those pitiful flowers, they have no purpose in their tiny lives.”
Kirimaru blinked at his son’s strange behavior, “What’s this all of the sudden, Yurito, we are just looking.” Yurito continued to glare at his father with crossed arms and it clicked in his mind, “Is my little Yurito jealous of little Sushi?” the man teased playfully.
A small blush appeared in the boy’s face and he yelled, “I am not jealous! I just find no meaning in admiring the flowers when we could be focusing on my training!”
The man chuckled at his son’s innocence, “Yurito, there will come a time when you realize the trivial things in life that you never notice when in battle,” he let go of Sushi’s hand and patted his son’s hair, “You must sometimes stop and think about the small things, not just flowers or scenery, but remember that even though you think that there are more important things to be attended to you must be reminded that the beauty of nature is there to relax you.”
Being a child, Yurito didn’t understand this and ignored his father’s wisdom, “Hmph…”
Sushi was still lost in her mind as she stared at the flowers. Even though back at her home they had a nice warm green house that that held many different types of flowers from around the world, she had never gotten bored of them and can't help but admire their beauty.
She wondered how her mother, her father, and how the rest of her family was doing. Although she spent months in the hospital and weeks inside the house, she had not a single recollection of her whereabouts. Was heaven nice? Even though time had ling since passed, Sushi was still able to remember the memories of her family's death.
Sushi wasn’t as naïve as most children were, at least not anymore, her parents had prepared her for the day when they would no longer be by her side. She understood, she understood that they were dead and already with their ancestors. Her mother had told her that soon it would be her duty to lead the family, but what if there was no longer a family to lead?
She remembered the pain and the torture she felt whilst buried under her bed, and even the face of horror her mother had made. She saw her uncles drag her mother away from her, leaving Sushi to burn into ashes.
Sushi knelt in front of a single light blue tulip among a bed of yellow dandelions, and wondered why it was placed in that area. It indeed looked beautiful and stood out in the sea of gold, but what purpose did it serve in that particular place. It did not seem as if it belonged.
Kirimaru laughed at his son and again patted his head, “It is about time for lunch, we must get going.” whatever the man and his son was talking about, she had not had any care to listen to any of it.
After the clan leader had escorted the children into the dining, it felt as if the whole house was quite. Save for all of the family member of the Gushita that werwe busy doing their part in the household. The dining room was designed in a Japanese cultural way. The walls were of crane patterned paper, bonsais decorated the tables, and a tatami mat floor.
The three of them, Kirimaru, Yurito, and Sushi, sat on the table in silence. Kirimaru broke this silence by clapping his his hands together, bringing the children's attention onto him, "We must wait for the arrival of my wife, she should be on her was by now."
Moments later, the slide doors were opened by two servants in order to welcome a woman. In Sushi's perspective, this woman did not look like anyone special. She was average in beauty, nothing in her aura other than the warmth of a kind person. She was almost middle aged, with dark, straight, brown hair that flowed freely down her shoulders and shined like silk. Her onyx eyes stared into her own lemons, not to show that she was the dominant, but to comfort her.
She wore the traditional kimono for the Japanese women, but unlike her gold colored clothes, hers was black in cloth peppered with small light pink lotuses. This woman was the wife of the clan leader of Kirimaru Gushita.
Said clan leader stood up to greet his wife, “Welcome, koi, it’s nice to have you for lunch considering how busy you’ve been with the family affairs.”
The woman approached her husband and gave him a hug, “Good afternoon koi, thank you for your welcome!” both parents sat down together with the children, with Kirimaru’s wife smiling at Sushi warmly, “Hi there.”
Kirimaru held his wife’s right hand and said to Sushi, “Sushi, this is my wife, Lanora.” he turned to his wife and gave her a loving smile, “This is Sushi the girl I told you about.”
Lanora switched her gaze to Sushi and smiled, “I see you’re wearing the clothes that I had recommended, you look very beautiful…” the little girl had not made a reaction to her compliment and had continued to stare at the table, “Shall we eat then?” And a few seconds after, the cook came in with their food and in silence they ate.
All was dull until they came to the dessert, “I don’t want to eat my ice cream, this kind of dessert are for those who waste their time.” Yurito said haughtily while crossing his arms.
Kirimaru laughed and brought the plate of rocky road ice cream closer to his own, “Well then more for me!” it was then he heard a small whisper and although he was not able to interpret the small sound, he knew that it came from Sushi, “What was that Sushi?” he noticed that her strawberry ice cream had disappeared from her plate, could she perhaps want Yurito’s ice cream? “Well, all you had to do was ask!” he said kindly and pushed the plate towards her.
Lanora and Yurito watched this small interaction, one with interest and the other with loathing. Sushi did not make eye contact with the Gushitas on the table and had just slowly lifted her spoon to take a mouthful of the ice cream in her mouth, one drop dripped slowly down her cheek.
Lanora giggled at her display, Kirimaru laughed with delight, while Yurito stared with glaring eyes, “I knew that the Portorates had the sweetest appetite! I forgot about it for just a second!” indeed, the Portorate family had another side job and that was their culinary miracles with sweets, it was their most favorite dish.
It wasn’t long before Sushi finished the desert, and she dropped her spoon on the plate to watch Lanora eat her ice cream. Of course the second head of the Gushita family had noticed this and smirked, “Do you want my ice cream, Sushi?” Sushi did not say a word and instead lowered her head for her red fluffy bangs to cover her eyes, causing Lanora to release a small laugh.
In the end Sushi had eaten three plates worth of ice cream, leaving one pair of entertained parents and one glowering son.
Kirimaru had sat in his place at the table in same position thinking of many things, all of them concerning Sushi. ‘She has absolutely no manners, it is rude to ask for another perspn's food… she can’t even keep the ice cream from getting on her face!’.