It’s been days since Nathaniel showed up and everyone’s been acting as though he had been there the whole time! This is more than suspicious. He’s up to something. I know he is! I just have to get proof.
Since that day in class when Nathaniel and I locked eyes, he’s been acting as though he and I had known each other for a long time. He’d even greet me and my best friends in the hallway if he’d spot us and eat lunch with us! I’ve tried to tell Bella and Adam, but they won’t believe me and have said he’s our friend and that I shouldn’t treat him like a stranger. Even Emmett has said that he’s best friends with Nathaniel! I’ve got to solve this soon.
Currently, I was walking to lunch with Bella and Adam.
“Sie, you’ve got to give this whole ‘who the heck is Nath’ thing up,” Bella said, for probably the one hundredth time today. “It’s hurting Nath’s feelings! Did you hurt your head or something in gym the other day when Heather hit you in the head with one of the volley balls?”
“No I didn’t,” I said, shaking my head. “Bell, you gotta believe me! This is too crazy!”
“Sierra, you’re too crazy,” Adam said, lacing his fingers with Bella’s.
“Fuck you,” I hissed at Adam.
“You wanna go?” Adam asked teasingly, “‘Cause we can go to Burrito Truck right now.”
“You know how slow that place is though,” I fake whined.
“Can you guys not for one day?” Bella pleaded.
“Ugh fine…” I said.
“Thank you!” Bella said before sighing. “Let’s just get to lunch before the period is up.” She stretched before smiling, “I’m hungry!”
I just rolled my eyes at her, “Whatever you say, Bell-Bell~!” I said before skipping off in a hurry. I knew she hated it when I called her that, but it’s okay. She knows I’m buying her food from Ala Carte.
“Don’t call me ‘Bell-Bell’!!” Bella whined as she skipped after me, Adam laughing as he followed us.
We arrived in the lunchroom and headed to our usual table only to find Nathaniel sitting there with his feet propped up on one of the plastic orange-ish yellow chairs. He grinned at us.
“A-dam! Adam!!” Nathaniel jumped up and hugged the punk boy, “FREN!!”
“Jesus Frickle Dick, Nath!” Adam wheezed as Nathaniel crushed him with a hug.
“Yes that is I,” Nathaniel said as he walked backwards with Adam still in his grasp. “I am Jesus Frickle Dick.”
“Oh my God, Nath! Why are you like this?” Bella asked while shaking her head with a laugh.
Bella and I watched as Nathaniel sat back down with Adam in his lap.
“Haha, he’s mine now!” Nathaniel laughed in victory.
“Congrats,” I said with sarcasm. “I’m getting food.” I said to Bella. “Later peasants!”
I quickly headed for the lunch line and looked behind me to make sure I was the last in the line, but low and behold, Nathaniel was behind me.
“Hey,” He said with a wave and a smile. “Adam and Bella are saving the table for us.”
“How sweet of them..” I mumbled as I turned my back on the brunette and grabbed my tray.
“Hey… Did I make you mad?” He asked me as he grabbed his tray, “Sierra?” I saw him frown as I got my food. “I did, didn’t I? Oh frickle, Sierra, I don’t know what I did, but I’m sorry!”
I ignored him as I payed for my food. I grabbed a fistful of napkins before sliding into the seat across from Bella, by the wall.
“Since you’re back, Adam and I are heading in… Save our spots, okay?” Bella asked and I just nodded at her as she and Adam went into the kitchen. Nathaniel awkwardly walked up and cautiously sat down next to me as if I were a poisonous, deadly, and dangerous animal.
I ate in silence as quickly as I could and not hurt myself while I waited for Bella and Adam to get back from getting their food.
“So..” Nathaniel began before I cut him off.
“Tell Bella and Adam I finished and headed to the restroom,” I said while getting up and pushing my chair in. “Meet me in the library after school. We so need to talk.” I was about to leave and dump my tray when Nathaniel grabbed my wrist. When did my life become a dramatic high school anime??
“Why can’t we… um… why can’t we talk now?” He asked me.
“Good question, Sierra,” Bella said as she and Adam walked over to us. “Why are you avoiding him??”
“How did you finish your food that fast??” Adam asked with wide eyes. Bella glared at her boyfriend.
“I’m hungry and I have to pee,” I said bluntly. I pulled my wrist from Nathaniel with a yank. “Now if you’ll please excuse me…” I quickly walked away, dumped and placed my tray on the counter, and ducked into the girls’ bathroom. I went into a random stall (okay, maybe not so random, I went to stall #3, my go-to stall) and locked the door.
I leaned against the door and checked my phone for notifications. To my surprise, I had a text from an unknown number.
Unknown Number: Hey Sierra, everything fine?
Me: Who is this?
Unknown Number: You’re kidding right? Did you delete my contact? ;-;
Me: Umm…. Who is this?
Unknown Number: It’s Nathaniel. Did you delete my contact ‘cuz you’re mad at me? Anyway, you never said when after school you wanted to meet and I didn’t want to go too early or be late… so.. An exact time please?
Me: How did you get my number??
As I waited for a response, I decided to save his number just so I knew what number to decline if he called me.
Stalker Weirdo: I’ve had it for a long time when you gave it to me. Don’t you remember?
Me: No
Stalker Weirdo: How can you not remember that? Anyway, back to my question, what time do you want to meet in the library? 3? 4?
Me: Right after school. Don’t keep me waiting.
I turned off my notifications and put my phone on airplane mode so I wouldn’t see his response. I put my phone in my pocket before slipping out of the bathroom undetected. I went to my locker to get my bag before heading out to the library.
Thankfully I know the school’s corridors better than most staff members and was able to get to the library without running into anyone. I waved at Ms. Harris, the librarian who also happened to be my aunt, as I went to the paranormal section. I crouched as I looked through the books.
The bell soon rang and I headed off to my next hour, which just happened to be Geometry… fun.
The passing period before my last period was almost over. My final period was drama, which just happened to have Nathaniel in it… great. I sat down in my usual place on the couch and patiently waited for Mr. Patterson to begin the lesson. I felt the couch sink down a bit and saw Nathaniel awkwardly sit down next to me.
Nathaniel was about to open his mouth to say something, when Emmett (bless this precious cinnamon roll) came over and laid down across our laps.
“Hi mothership,” Emmett greeted me as he laid his head back against my backpack.
“Hello my child,” I greeted.
“Oh wow, I see how it is,” Nathaniel said with an eyeroll.
“Hello father,” Emmett said jokingly.
“That’s better,” Nathaniel said jokingly back.
“I don’t recall you fathering my son, Nathaniel,” I joked while hugging Emmett.
“Well I did,” Nathaniel said with a lopsided grin.
“Guess that makes us an ‘Emo Family’,” Emmett chuckled.
I laughed softly when I took in our style choices, “I guess it does.”
“Guess that means I’m ‘Emo Dad’,” Nathaniel chuckled.
“What are you three doing?” Mr. Patterson asked as he walked through the door.
“I was sitting here minding my own business when these two showed up,” I said.
“Are you disowning me, mother?” Emmett asked while frowning.
“No, I would never disown my precious son!” I said as I held Emmett tighter to my chest.
Mr. Patterson just hummed before returning to his desk.
“Don’t smother him, Sierra,” Nathaniel teased. “Emmett is a smol bean and I don’t think he can breathe right now…”
“I can breathe just fine,” Emmett mumbled. “Emo Dad is just jealous he’s not in my position.”
I blushed heavily, “Emmett no! You’re supposed to be smol and innocent!”
“What? So being close enough to hear someone’s heartbeat is dirty?” Emmett asked with eyes full of pure innocence.
“Um, I don’t want to hear her heartbeat and no it’s not, Emmett, “ Nathaniel said softly.
“Oh, okay,” Emmett whispered before rolling off the couch and onto the (surprising hella soft) carpet and under the couch.
“Emmett, why are you so small??” Nathaniel asked while leaning forward to peek under the couch.
I took this opportunity to go to my second spot (which was still open) on the couch located on platform that was raised approximately four feet off the ground. Seemingly right after I settled on the couch, Emmett appeared next to me.
“Mother don’t leave me!” He pleaded while hugging me tightly.
“How the fuck did you move that fast?!” Nathaniel said in awe.
“Nathaniel, language!” Mr. Patterson said without looking up from his desk.
“I said ‘fork’!” Nathaniel lied. Mr. Patterson just hummed sassily. “Anyway,” Nathaniel said as he looked at me, “why’d you both leave me?”
“Ooh a lover’s quarrel, fun!” Mr. Patterson commented as he leaned forward in his chair.
“This isn’t a quarrel,” Nathaniel defended.
“And we’re not lovers!” I spat, “Right Nathaniel?” I looked over at Nathaniel and saw the most hurt look on his face I’ve ever seen anyone express.
“...right…” He mumbled while looking down.
Emmett gave me a cold look before hopping down from the platform and jumping onto Nathaniel’s lap.
Bella entered the room with Adam in tow and saw Emmett trying to talk to Nathaniel and me looking at them in shock.
“What did you do, Sierra??” Bella snapped at me.
“Sierra!” Nathaniel snapped his fingers in front of my face, “You there?”
“Huh?” I blinked at Nathaniel and realized I was still in spot number one. Emmett was sitting on the floor cross-legged as he stared up at me. “What?”
“You blanked out for a second, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine…” I mumbled as I looked at the ground. “I’m okay.”
“You sure, mothership?” Emmett asked me.
“Yes I’m sure, my son.” I said while leaning back so my head was against the white wall, a Les Miserables poster just a few inches above my head.
“Sierra, are you sure you’re okay?” Bella asked as she sat on the footrest next to me. “You totally blanked when Nathaniel got Emmett out from under the couch.”
So that was all just a daydream? It didn’t happen?
“Yeah I’m okay, I promise.” I lied. Am I going crazy?
Bella leaned in close to my ear, “Have you been taking your meds?” She whispered loud enough for me to hear. I nodded. Bella seemed to doubt me, but didn’t press the issue.
“Is everything alright over there?” Mr. Patterson asked, now standing at the front of the room.
“Yeah, just peachy,” I said before noticing that only a few minutes have passed. That was just enough time for that scenario to have taken place.. Interesting. And oddly convenient. Whatever.
Nathaniel looked over at me with a concerned look on his face before looking back to Mr. Patterson as he began the lesson.
I knew the shortcut to the library from the drama room so I was already waiting in the supernatural section for almost ten minutes until I spotted Nathaniel’s brown hair and vibrant green eyes pop through the entrance.
“Sierra, hey!” He greeted once he spotted me. He quickly walked over to me. “How did you get here so fast? And what did you want to talk about?”
“Spoilers,” I said with a smirk. “Just kidding, I know everything shortcut in the school. And I just wanted to talk about.. How do I say this… you.”
“Me?” Nathaniel was obviously puzzled by this. “Why me?”
“Because your story makes no sense,” I answered. “I mean, come on! You suddenly show up and everyone acts like they’ve known you for years.” Nathaniel gaped at me, as if he was shocked I would accuse him of such things. “I want to trust you, Nath. I really do. You just need to give me a reason to. A legitimate reason to. Prove to me that you’re not lying.”
Nathaniel blinked repeatedly at me before sighing, “As you wish, I suppose… My name is Nathaniel Spencer and I’ve known you, Bella, and Emmett since sixth grade. I was the one who took you to the nurse when you got your head injury in seventh grade. Your injury occurred on the seventh of March spring semester seventh grade year and you’ve had memory problems ever since… You and I had the solos for our holiday choir concert in eighth grade when we sang When Christmas Comes to Town from the Polar Choo-Choo, aka The Polar Express. We also won first place with our co-entries for the writing and illustrations contest the library held last year, which we’ll definitely win again.” Nathaniel said with a wink before sighing, “I made myself memorize that just in case you ever needed me to jog your memory in the event you ever forget me…” Nathaniel mumbled.
Everything started to make sense, but at the same time seemed to blur together again like a mess. “But I’ve never forgotten a person before!” I then took a deep breath, unsure if I should ask him or not. Oh well, here goes nothing. “Why did you prepare in the event of ‘me forgetting you’? What does that even mean?”
Nathaniel paused as a pained expression worked its way onto his face. “I… um… You wouldn’t believe me no matter how much ‘evidence’ I give you. I’ve sworn Bella, Adam, and Emmett to secrecy because I know you won’t believe them--”
“--hey! That’s not true, I always believe my--” Nathaniel interrupted my interruption.
“Oh really, then why didn’t you believe when they told you that you knew me? That we’ve known each other for years! That’s why I can’t tell you about us--” Nathaniel cut himself off, his pale cheeks tinted pink from his outburst.
“...What...?” Nathaniel refused to look at me. I think. It was a little hard to tell because of his brown emo-scene fringe blocking my view of his eyes.
“I-I gotta g-go!” Nathaniel stuttered before rushing out of the library. I rushed after him, ignoring looks I got from my aunt and cousin, who was helping my aunt shelve returned books.
I ran out to the courtyard and scanned for Nathaniel’s blue and black checkered belt (weird thing to look for, I know, but it really does stick out in a sea of preppy clothing). I scanned the courtyard for a minute or so until I spotted him sitting under a tree with his earbuds in listening to music. I was about to walk over to him before becoming hesitant.
Would he even want to talk to me? I pondered, But I need to know if what I heard was right! C’mon, Sierra, get it together! I swiftly made my way towards Nathaniel with my heart beating so fast in my chest, I thought my chest would burst. I needed to find out the truth. Nathaniel doesn’t strike me as the lying type, but you never know these days.
I crept next to him before carefully sitting down next to him. He didn’t seem to notice my presence, so I gently placed a hand on top of his that lay in the soft grass between us. Nathaniel didn’t seem startled by this. He took out his earbuds (using the hand I wasn’t touching) and looked at me.
“How did I know you’d come after me?” He pondered outloud.
“I beg your pardon?” I asked.
Nathaniel just sighed and turned his body to face me, but left his hand under mine. When he didn’t say anything, I took this as my chance to ask him.
“Nathaniel, can you, um, explain what you meant by ‘us’?” I cautiously asked. He sighed.
“I honestly didn’t want to tell you this, because I didn’t want you to freak out,” Nathaniel offered me a soft smile. “Do with this information what you will, but, you and I are--were--dating. I figured something was wrong, so I held back a bit and now that I know that you don’t remember anything about me, I didn’t want to scare you.” He took a shaky breath. “We don’t have to jump back in a relationship, or any relationship if it bothers you much. I want to build it back up, but if you don’t want anything to do with me, that’s f-fine, too…” His voice crack told me that was a blatant lie.
“Let’s be, uh, friends first…” I then took a deep breath. “And I also wanted to apologize for treating you the way I did… I must’ve sounded and acted like a real bitch.” I said with a laugh.
“Don’t call yourself that…” He mumbled, “And it’s fine. I would’ve totally acted the same way if I had the same thing happen to me.” We were silent for a few moments until Nathaniel offered me an earbud. “I was listening to MCR and some other bands and artists, wanna listen with me?” I nodded and put the earbud in my ear.
I leaned my head against his shoulder and told him it was to make sure the earbuds don’t fall out. We stayed like that for a while just listening to the mix of My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides, Falling in Reverse, Get Scared, Halsey, Melanie Martinez, and a little bit of Anna Blue and Damien Dawn.