(This music fits this, listen at same time if you want: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHLgafFkZpc )
She took a deep breath, inhaling the warm and moist air from the freshly completed shower. The young woman dried off and slipped into a nice dress. She turned her pale blue gaze to the foggy mirror. She lifted her hand and brushed away a clear streak with her slender fingers. Her black hair was currently wrapped up in a blue towel, her reflection staring back at her. She took a breath and sighed, fogging it back up with moisture while she reached up and proceeded to ruffle up her hair to dry it.
She would remove the towel after a couple minutes and looked through the wet stringy strains of messy hair at her pale reflection. Do I want to continue with this line of work? she thought as she gently moved the long hair out of her face. She found a hairbrush and started to straighten it out as she continued to think over what was going to happen soon. I mean...I could. The money is good but can I continue to live with myself by continuing along this path in life?
Soon she picked up a blow dryer and began to give it some extra help in regaining its bouncy life. She took her time, enjoying the feeling of the heat on her head and the peaceful feeling the noise brought. Eventually she had to stop and did, setting the device on the counter before leaving the bathroom while messing with her hair which began to now show many strains of pale, icy blue strains. She took a deep breath and exhaled while making her way over and sat, slipping on thin strapped high heels.
She stood and smoothed out her sexy, navy and sky blue dress that had a cutout for a peek at her cleavage as well as a peek-a-boo cutout around the small of her back. Her black heels clicked elegantly across the tile flooring as she retrieved her black handbag from a clear glass table. Well...time to get this show going. She took another cleansing breath as she made her way to the door. Hesitating but a moment, she turned the brass handle and left, flipping the light off before the door closed.
She made her way down the hall of the hotel with her steps muffled on the low, tight woven carpet. The young woman appeared to be roughly in her late twenties or early thirties. She would pass a guest before finally coming to wait at the elevator. Pressing the button she glanced around as she waited, only stepping inside once the doors opened in a welcome greeting. Stepping on, she pressed for the top floor and looked up as the doors closed. The young woman checked her handbag which didn't have too much inside.
She pulled out a small bottle of perfume and spritzed her neck before a little went behind her ears. Just like any other night and any other job. Just get it over with, get paid, and go about the rest of the night as peacefully as possible. Once the elevator sang a soft 'ding' with the doors opening, she departed the metal machine and advanced down the higher end hallway. Looking to the doors she came to one and gently knocked before waiting, only entering once an 'enter' was heard through the thick movable wall.
She entered the suite quietly with the door softly latching behind her. "I'm glad you called my boss to meet with me. How may I be of service?" she questioned in a gentle alluring voice.
Sitting on the sofa was a man with his hair fixed back yet his loose bangs fell about his face. "You know how or are you actually new to your job?" he questioned as she stepped in further, leaning forwards and snuffing out his cigarette.
She let a cute giggle escape her as she made her way over and sat beside him. "Oh I know how to do my job, sir. I'm just glad you requested me to help you with your services." She purred as she stayed still as he moved closer.
"Your boss is very good at motivating a choice in person, I must say that." He explained as he wrapped his arms around her, pushing her back against the sofa as he closed his eyes, his head now beside hers while he took in her scent. "That is such a beautiful scent. You have good taste." He complimented quietly in her ear.
She smiled and slowly a red lipstick began to manifest itself on her lips. "Thank you. It was the one I prefer." She cooed as her eyes softly eyed over his white and blue suit. She wrapped her arms around him and got a sound from his throat as she ran her nails of one hand along his spine. "Did I find something daddy likes?" she whispered with her voice lowering to gain a slight rasp to it.
He nodded with a low growl. "Oh, you are experienced." He purred and began to kiss her neck. He didn't take any notice of her slipping her free hand over, flipping open and slipping into her handbag. "I'm glad," he kissed her neck, "I got the," he kissed her earlobe, "recommendation from my friend." He kissed the top of her ear before nipping.
"We're also happy you were recommended to us." She purred softly giving soft noises from her throat before inhaling softly which brought him in closer with his hands exploring. Her free hand slipped out and came around, running down his back to join the other. Another noise of enjoyment left his throat before it became silenced after a small, almost sick noise, entered then left the air around them. She slowly smirked and delicately moved her hand away, revealing a bloody hairpin. "Too bad your friend never told you about our little...organization's actual business behind the scenes." She whispered with a deeper tone to her voice, adding to her sexy appearance.
He didn't move, his eyes widen in what seemed to be shock or fear. Carefully she slipped herself over and rolled him over so he was back to sitting on the sofa normally. Delicately and with great care she took a cloth out, wrapping it around the hairpin to ensure no blood would drip from its tip. She put it away into her bag and pulled out a glove with a spray, cleaning up any drips from the floors carpet and sofa with the strange mix. Once done, she put them away, removed the glove, put that into her bag and stood while straightening her dress. "It was so much fun meeting with you, I do mean it." She purred and turned to look at him before pulling out a small handgun with a single shot in it. "But it's time to say goodnight." A sweet small giggle escaped her as she put the barrel in his mouth and fired, watching her angle to make sure it would follow how it would if someone did it themselves.
Once done she took another glove from a spot in her dress and made her way over to another room. Expertly she found a gun safe, pulled out a handgun, closed the door and made her way back over to the corpse. I'm glad intel was right about the kinds of weapons he kept on his person. She returned, setting the gun on the sofa and began to look his hands over using her gloved hand. She noticed small indents on the middle finger and positioned the gun just so with that hand.
She stepped back and looked over the scene before nodding and removing the glove. She retrieved her bag, put the glove inside before reaching into the cutout and pulling out a small cloth. She opened the door and took her leave, walking to the elevator calmly. Once she was inside, she pressed her floor's button and waited before exiting. She made her way back to her room to rest for the night and checkout tomorrow like she was scheduled.