Later that afternoon the dark lord left once again to search his kingdoms perimeters for spies and criminals. The nymph lay on the soft hide and fine cloth that blanketed the dark lord’s bed, waiting patiently for the dark lord’s return. Her strawberry blonde hair fanned out over the large wolf hide as she lay there, staring thoughtfully at the ceiling. After a few moments passed she decided to aimlessly wonder the castle halls. Slowly she rolled off the bed to her feet and left the chambers in search of something mildly interesting to do. After a while she walked past the castles kitchen. The large stone walls were covered in wood shelves that were stacked with either cook books or jars for sugar and such. A large stone oven dominated almost the entirety of the right hand wall and a large island counter sat in the middle of the room, littered with cutting boards and other cooking utensils. The room itself was a size large enough to store an entire family of orcs.
She strode in silently, making sure she was alone before getting a goblet of water. She stood in the large kitchen and sipped at the goblet before her eyes came a crossed a freshly baked apple pie that sat, cooling in the window. Smirking hungrily, she tip toed over to the window, grabbing a fork off the counter on her way before snatching the entire pie from the window sill and seating herself on the floor to begin her, not so tiny snack. Meanwhile the dark lord had returned to his large castle, furious that he had found traces of more spies. He slumped into his large throne in thought. His pale features held an expression of thoughtful rage.
The nymph had only taken three bites before the kitchen door burst open and Helga, the castle cook, stomped in. She was a larger woman, in a muscly sort of way. She had small beady shark eyes that were truly soul piercing. She was always covered in acne and warts, and the fact that she wore her greasy brown hair in a bun further showed of her not so pleasing features. All and all, she was a disgusting person, and very bad tempered.
Her face contorted in rage as she noticed the nymph gorging down the freshly baked pie. The poor nymph just sat there, frozen in shock as Helga grabbed her roughly by her blonde hair and dragged her out of the large warm kitchen. No no no no! She thought frantically she’s going to tell the dark lord I know it! She kicked and squirmed as Helga hauled her down one of the castles great halls, intent on escaping her tough grasp. Although she knew it was impossible, Helga hated her and wanted her gone, and all thanks to her habit of constantly stealing from the kitchen.
The dark lord frowned slightly as Helga burst into the throne room, his nymph in hand. “Sir” Helga began, gathering his full attention “I found this little pest gorging down a pie I had cooling in the window” she stated, slightly satisfied that she had gotten the nymph into trouble. And it was obvious she’d won this time, since the evidence of the pie was clear on the nymph’s pale face. She looked down nervously avoiding the dark lords emerald eyes. He raised a brow quizzically “unhand her Helga” he demanded. “What if she runs away” Helga questioned relentlessly. “I can punish this little rat” she stated hopefully. “I said unhand her.” the dark lord once again commanded, yet in a harsher tone. With a huff of frustration she dropped the nymph and stomped back to the kitchen.
The dark lord eyed the nymph sternly, “come” he commanded firmly. She obeyed shamefully, staring at her feet once she stood before his throne. “I-I didn’t mean to” was all she could think to say before nervously looking up to meet his disappointed stare “is that all you can think to say?” he asked, his voice hinted with mild amusement. She squirmed nervously in place before nodding in defeat. He chuckled lightly and pulled her into his lap. She tried not to move nervously, “Helga is such a cranky old woman” he said with a small smirk. The nymph giggled in response to his words, kissing her lightly on the head he chuckled again and sighed quietly.