Written for my Year 11 English class.
Prompt: ‘Just because we have a shared experience, doesn’t mean we see it the same way’
Perspective One
I stared in horror at the sight before me and felt my heart lodge in my throat. I wanted to walk away, look away, close my eyes. Anything. But my body refused to listen to my mind. I was stuck. My feet felt as if they were glued to the floor, my head bolted to my shoulders and my eyes secured open with tape. No matter how hard I tried, I could not look away. I could not move. I watched as he looked up and stared straight at me. His ice blue eyes felt as if they pierced my soul as I stared straight back. He smiled at me and I felt chills run up and down my spine. I didn’t quite know what that smile meant, but I could see the evil behind it, see the wicked gleam lurking in his eyes as he gazed at me. “What do you want from me?” The air scratched my throat as I spoke, making my voice hoarse, as if I hadn’t spoken in years. His grin widened as he advanced towards me. I don’t know what happened, but suddenly I was running, my legs moving faster than I ever thought possible. I felt a scream rise in my throat before a hand was clamped over my mouth, silencing me. I tried to bite it, but it was no use. An arm was wrapped around my waist as I was pulled against his chest and lifted off the ground. I could feel his hot breath against my ear, blowing across my neck. Terror filled me as adrenaline coursed through my veins. I swung my legs up and back, hoping to hit something but I was dropped before my feet could connect. I screamed in pain as I landed. I struggled to stand again but was yanked roughly to the ground by my hair. A sob escaped me as I tried desperately to escape. I managed to crawl a short distance before I felt my ankles being ripped from underneath me and my body collapsed on the ground. I could feel my energy draining from my body as the adrenaline that had previously raced through me dissipated. I couldn’t move as sobs racked through my body. I rolled onto my back so I could look up at him. His smouldering blue eyes stared mercilessly down at me as I begged and pleaded him to let me go. He grinned evilly at me and I saw a flicker of amusement flash in his harsh blue eyes before it disappeared to be replaced by utter cruelty. The glint of metal flashed briefly in my peripheral and I let out a blood curdling scream as a new course of adrenaline burst through my veins.
Perspective Two
I pulled the knife away and looked down at my handiwork. My heart pounded in my chest with exhilaration. Power coursed through my veins and I couldn’t help but feel elated. This was my favourite part; watching as the life leaves their bodies, hearing their last gasping breaths as their blood pools around them. I looked up and my gaze caught hers. Her startling green eyes pierced mine as I smiled at her. She would be next. There could be no witnesses; I couldn’t risk someone finding me. I expected her to run, but she stood stock still as we stared at each other. I never expected her to talk to me, but the words that she whispered were laced with fear, “What do you want from me?” My grin widened at her words. Her voice was hoarse and full of fear and it sent a thrill through me. I took a small step towards her. And another. And another. On my fourth step she turned and ran. She sprinted as fast as she could. I could tell by the mad flailing of her limbs. She ran fast, but I was faster. I caught up quickly, her shoulders tensed and I could tell she was about to scream. I had seen it so many times before I could recognise all the signs. I placed my hand over her mouth from behind and I felt her trying to bite me. I almost laughed at that. Wrapping an arm around her I pulled her flush against me. I took extra care to breathe hotly against her skin. I felt her weight sag against me as her legs swung forward. As they swung back down, I dropped her and watched as she landed awkwardly, crying out in pain. I smiled in satisfaction. She struggled to stand up but I grabbed her hair and roughly dragged her back down. She began to sob as her legs worked to get her up and away from me. She managed to get to her hands and knees and began to slowly crawl away. I let her get a short distance before grabbing her ankles and pulling them backwards aggressively, causing her to fall roughly to the ground on her stomach. Her sobs became violent, racking her whole body as she went limp before me. She rolled over slowly and stared up at me. Her beautiful green eyes stared into mine as she begged me to let her go. Her mesmerising green eyes held me transfixed as I thought through my plan. Her fear was so palpable I almost laughed out loud. Instead I just smiled down at her. I adjusted the knife in my hand and determination flashed in her eyes before she made my favourite sound.