"Good Morning, Vie", she beamed. " You look great today. A spring in your step , I dare say", she went on, as she put a plate of cookies and a glass of milk on my study desk. " Here's something for you to much on. Do not take your pill empty stomach". They landed on my desk with a thump, after which my mother beat a hasty retreat. "What difference will it make anyway?", I muttered to myself after she'd left. I put my hand behind my calf, and felt a wet , raised , unwelcome spot. "Still there, still dying", I sighed.
Doctors are mean, aren't they. Everything would have stayed the same, my family wouldn't feel the need to shelter me, I'd still be going to school with my friends, maybe/could be dating Ash, filling out applications to colleges perhaps, only if I didn't knew. Ignorance is Bliss. I should have that on a T-shirt. Instead here I am sitting on my desk, not knowing what to do. I could watch TV , though I did do that yesterday and it isn't that engaging. Good telly died with F.R.I.E.N.D.S I guess. Maybe I could help around the house. Except that it would mean more pitiful looks and worrying queries about my not-so-deteriorating health. I could go outside, play some sport. Except the only way my Mom would let that happen would be if I run away. I sighed, it's only 10:00 a.m and these are my options to plan the day. I sulk into my chair, wondering how to go about my day. And then a playful smirk curled up on my face. Running away it is.
I was planning my rebellious teenage excuse for fun, when an all too familiar beep sound broke my train of thoughts. It was a text message, from an unknown number. I mused, who could be texting me right now. Isn't everybody I know supposed to be at school?
-> Hey, why aren't you at school today?
-> Umm.... Who's this?
-> It's Ash
-> Who gave you my number, Ash?
-> I'd rather not say ;)
-> That's a bit .... Creepy
(Creepy? Seriously. So the guy I like texts me and I tell him that he's a creep. Apparently, I'm not that smart)
-> Anyway, why are you texting me? Aren't you supposed to be in class?
-> I am in class. It's just I was looking for you before. I really think we should talk about this, don't you?
-> Talk about what?
-> What you said, not so long ago
-> I don't think there is anything to talk about. You made your stance pretty clear.
-> Did I?
-> You said you weren't looking for anything
-> At that moment. Not forever!
-> So what, should I wait till you are?
-> No! Of course not. Look... I really don't want to do this over text. Can we please meet up?
Yes, yes, yes was all I wanted to reply. Day two and I was already slipping. But I can't, I remind myself. Even, even if he did want to go out with me, of which there is a slim probability to begin with, but even if he did, I can't let him date a dead girl. If I like him, then that's the least I can do. It's the right thing, I comforted myself. It sucks, but it's the right thing.
-> No Ash, we can't meet up. And I'd like it if you could stop texting me.
There, sent. I waited a minute, two minutes, five minutes for a reply , but there wasn't any. Obviously. I could feel a lump well up in my throat. I threw my phone on my bed , and went downstairs to watch some telly, forgetting the bad-girl runaway I had been planning. Even the telly people seemed to be enjoying the irony, as the first movie channel I switched to was playing "The Fault In Our Stars". It only made me further aware of that lump in my throat. I switched the channels till I found an action movie that I didn't even like.
Time passed at home slower than it did in Chemistry class. It was like being on a holiday, except all the people you spend the holiday with were at school. So imagine my excitement when the clock read 4, and I knew I could finally talk to my friends. I at once rang up Cheryl.
" Did you give my number to Ashton Rogers? ", I dismayed at her.
" I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to say". I could see her smiling her goofy smile even from here. "Why do you ask?"
"He texted me. Wanted to talk"
"That's great, Vie! When are you two meeting up?"
"Umm... Never? I told him not to text me"
"Look, I know you are new at this, but I'm pretty sure that's the last thing you're supposed to do"
"Not when you are dying,Cheryl!". I realised that I was yelling, so I took a quick peek to see that Mom wasn't listening in on me. Thankfully she wasn't.
" Come on Vie! You've got 20 days to live. Then live! Go out with the guy you always wanted to".
"Ummm.... A) He might not want to and B) How would that go? " Hey, had a lot of fun on our date tonight. Hope to see you again sometime. P.S: Let's make it quick , I'm dying in a few days." Fantastic idea, Cheryl "
" Fine! Don't go. Gee, I really wanted to see you with Ashton before you... left"
There was a long pause on the other end before Cheryl spoke again. This time, her voice seemed throaty.
"I'm really going to miss you Vie"
"I know", I sighed. " Anyway", I beamed, trying to lighten up the conversation again, "any parties I could attend today?"
"Yeah right", scoffed Cheryl. " Like your parents would let you ".
" Of course they won't ", I replied, with a hint of mischief in my voice.
" Ms. Vivian Ambrose! Dying does seem to have made you less uptight. 7 pm, Cole's house. And don't be early! ".
I'm in my black slipdress, and deciding what to do with my hair. I hold it up and mimick what a loose updo would look like. I let go, and judge whether these long flowing curls are a better option. More out of lethargy than anything, I let them loose. I glance in the clock, and it's 7:30. I grab my purse, and peer out of my door. I had told my parents to not disturb me, as I was reading a book and wanted to be left to my own devices. I look around just to make sure that Mom and Dad aren't right around the corner. With the grace of a panther, I sneak out the room and slowly creep down the stairs. I can hear the bustling of pans in the kitchen, where my mom is cooking the dinner. The door of the study is locked from the inside, indicating my father's presence there. I steadily move towards the front door, slowly open the door, and shut it back again so as to make the littlest of sounds. Once outside, I remove my heels , and holding them in my hand , start walking towards Cheryl's house, which is just a block away. She is already in her car , waiting for me. As I get in, and begin putting my heels back on, she smiled at me approvingly.
"Well, well, well... If it isn't the very Vivian Ambrosé sneaking out to party on a school night", she teased, as she pulled away from the driveway.
" Yeah, my parents are gonna freak if they find out I'm missing. Let's just come back in an hour or two".
"Sure Vie. Man, I'm going to be in so much trouble if you get caught", she smirked. " Awesome!"
It has been just half an hour and I already have a head ache. The loud music and the neon lights aren't helping my cause either. Cheryl is talking to some guys I don't know, so I'm left to my own devices. I decide to get some punch, and then immediately change my mind. In a plaid blue shirt and ashen gray pants, loading his and his friend's glasses with punch, is Ashton Rogers. He hands the other glass to his "friend", a girl in a purple dress, who I have seen around the school too often to forget. A sour taste overshadows my mouth, as I remember how she and her friends used to belittle me and call me " Whiny Ambrosé" when we were younger. She has since seemed to have forgotten about me, and has moved on to other girls. And now there she was again, chatting up with Ashton, "accidentally" touching his elbow every now and then.
I couldn't stand that sight. I started feeling a burn inside my chest, and it only grew as I kept peering at them. I wanted to peel my eyes away, but I couldn't. The burning in my chest, the headache from the music , the neon lights and..... I looked at my hands. They were shaking. I was shaking. All of these sensations at once were too much. That overbearing music was replaced by a ringing in my ears, which kept getting louder and louder till it went completely silent. I looked towards Cheryl, who was rushing towards me with a very worried expression on her face. My knees started trembling, and I felt extremely weak. In fact, everyone was rushing towards me. Even Ashton. His was the last face I saw before there was complete blackness before my eyes, and I fell on the floor with a loud thud...