Hello Guys!826Please respect copyright.PENANAgSFFLRdvF7
just for those of you who're confused as to why I updated both HOR and TBH on the same day and haven't read the latest HOR chapter yet, I was basically out of town and unavailable to post for most of last week. I suppose I could've posted last night, but got home late in the evening and didn't fee like doing much beyond a bit of War Thunder.826Please respect copyright.PENANAgUlOiTPjoU
The next morning, Daniel and the rest of the new students lined up in a clearing near the edge of a cliff facing a valley covered in forest. Every once and a while, Daniel saw crumbling ruins poking out of the canopy, but for the most part, it was nothing but forest. When they had arrived, they had been directed to stand on tiles spaced out at regular intervals. Daniel stepped on his and felt it depress slightly. Frowning, he bounced up and down, testing it. The tile definitely had some spring to it.
Before he got a chance to test it further, Professors Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch arrived at the cliff face. The passed the students and stood before them. “Good morning,” Professor Ozpin said. “I trust that you all slept well. I certainly hope that you did, for today your skills as warriors will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest,” He said, gesturing to the forest below.
No surprise to Daniel. Mrs. Goodwitch had mentioned that they'd be going through their initiation today. He now knew that she was talking about the Emerald Forest.
Glynda Goodwitch stepped forward and continued the speech. “As many of you know, Huntsmen and Huntresses in training are put together in groups of four. These groups will live together, work together, and fight together for the next four years at Beacon.”
“Today your skills will not only be evaluated in the Emerald Forest, but your teams will be formed as well,” Ozpin said.
Glynda Goodwitch nodded. “Indeed. Once you land in the forest, the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for this exercise. At the end, partners will be put together into teams of four. You will then be part of the team for the duration of your time at beacon.”
“The goal of this test is for you and your partner to make your way to a temple at the northern end of the forest. There, you will retrieve a relic from the temple and return with it.” Ozpin’s eyes traced down the line of students while seeming to linger on Daniel a bit longer than others. “For some of you this will be a simple task. Others might find it a bit harder. Whichever way you see it, make no mistake; there will be opposition along the way. You must defeat the opposition or risk failure, or death.”
Daniel swallowed nervously. Things had suddenly taken a more ominous turn.
“Now, are there any questions? Good!” Professor Ozpin said, ignoring a few raised hands. “If you would, please take your positions.”
Daniel barely had time to wonder what the professor meant by taking their positions before he learned very rudely what the springiness in the tiles was.
It happened in an instant. One moment he was standing awkwardly on the tile, the next he was flying awkwardly through the air. Flailing, he managed to get himself positioned feet first and watched the scenery below sail by. I was like a dream, he thought. Sailing though the sky like a bird. He let out a whoop of excitement. He decided he was a fan of flying.
The decision had barely crossed his mind when a horrible realization struck him. The ground was getting closer and he was still going very fast. He had no aura to protect him, no semblance to slow his fall, and he was pretty certain that neither his sword nor his pistol would be of much keeping himself in one piece.
It could get rather messy when he landed. Which would most likely be very shortly; judging by the branches that were whipping past his sneakers.
Desperately, Daniel searched for a solution. Up ahead, he noticed a tree that was slightly taller than those around it. A thick tangle of vines was growing down from the branches. Angling towards them, he spread his body out in hopes of slowing down enough for him to grab on.
It worked. Daniel crashed into the vines and he grabbed onto as many as he could. Several snapped and he felt the rest groaning and sliding against the tree. But they held, and Daniel’s forward momentum was checked. He slowly rocked back and forth on the vines until he came to a complete stop. Carefully, he slid down the vines until his feet gratefully touched the ground. He was not a fan of falling, he decided.
Daniel looked around at his surroundings. Up above the trees, the view had been picturesque. Even where he was, the extra height of the tree that had saved his life provided a decent gap in the canopy, allowing for sunlight to come through. All around him though, was a murky dark forest.
Daniel looked up at the sun to figure out which way north was just in time to see several other students sail above him, laughing as they went. It was to be expected, after all. They could afford to land harder than he could.
Drawing his sword, he broke out into a light jog and entered the forest where it seemed to be slightly less thick. As he ran, he saw signs of what was most likely the opposition Professor Ozpin spoke of.
Grimm tracks.
Daniel couldn’t tell how many there were, but it was a decently sized population- more than he felt that he could ever hope to deal with alone. To make matters worse, he saw tracks for several different types of Grimm, ranging from Ursa, to snakes, to those massive scorpions whose pictures Daniel always shuddered at. Why some all-powerful deity decided to create massive scorpions was beyond Daniel, but they were not a welcome sight.
Pondering this, Daniel almost didn’t see the Ursa until it was too late. Looking up in time, he backpedaled, scrabbling desperately for his handgun. The Ursa cocked its head curiously at Daniel and dropped the log he had been licking sap off of. That changed when Daniel finally managed to pull his pistol out and started firing rounds at the creature. Roaring, it charged Daniel, mouth dripping with sap. Having never been attacked by a Grimm before, Daniel panicked and jumped to the left out of the monster's way. As the monster barreled past him, his outstretched sword sliced a massive gash into the Ursa’s side before catching on something, a rib, Daniel guessed. The Ursa roared in pain but kept going. Daniel, suddenly found himself being flung around as his sword refused to budge. Swinging one leg onto the Ursa’s back and squeezing to gain balance; Daniel began firing rounds into the gash in its side. After exhausting a full clip, the monster finally keeled over and died.
Daniel was just getting up when he heard a voice behind him. “Curious.”
He spun around to see Lunare and Ryler standing at the edge of the clearing staring at the monster. Lunare marched up to the Grimm and peered at it. “Fascinating how the creature seemed to hesitate before attacking. In all the reports I’ve studies, I’ve never seen that kind of behavior.”
Daniel shrugged. “Must’ve been surprised that a kid would run up on it like I did.”
“Yes, perhaps it was,” Lunare mused. “Or maybe,”
“Or maybe it ate some sap out of the trees,” Ryler interjected. “Grimm are known to be sluggish after eating sap.”
Both of them stared at him. Finally Daniel spoke up. “And you know that how?”
“Well, you don’t become the world’s best plant specialist Huntsman without hitting the old books,” Ryler said proudly.
“You mean to tell me that you intend to become both a gardener and a Huntsman?” Daniel asked incredulously.
“That’s right!” Ryler beamed. “My mother was one, and since I inherited her love of plants, I figured I might as well to.”
Daniel raised his eyebrow at Lunare, silently asking if he was like this the entire time. Lunare gave a shrug in return that seemed to say “More or less.”
“Well, it was nice seeing you two, but I’ve got to get going if I’m to make it to the temple before everyone else.” Daniel announced.
Ryler gasped. “You’re right! Lunare, what are we doing just standing here? We need to get to that temple pronto!”
He started to take off, but Lunare put a restraining hand on him. Wait, why don’t you go with us Daniel? We could use the safety in numbers.”
Daniel shook his head. “Nah, I figure it’d be best if I went on my own. The bigger the party, the bigger the noise and all.”
Lunare eyed him apprehensively. “A viable point,” he said finally. “We’ll leave you to see whether it is successful or not.”
“Right! Onward Lunare!” Ryler cried out, charging into the brush.
Lunare shook his head. “That’s east Ryler!”
“I knew that!” he called back. “I’m taking the scenic route!”
Lunare sighed and took off after him. Daniel watched them go, then turned his attention to the beast that only a few moments ago, tried to kill him. Already its body was beginning to disintegrate, as all Grimm corpses do. It posed no further danger to Daniel. And yet, it seemed just as dangerous, if not more, than it did when it was breathing.
Just like Lunare, Daniel had always been told that nothing caused a Grimm to hesitate, save for stealth. And yet, this one did.
What was going on here?
Sooooo, what do you guys think? Sorry for the chapter being a bit shorter, but it was a good stopping place.
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