Editor note: I started this a while back and didnt like where it was going so I decided to re-write it, but I couldn't figure out how to delete this one altogether so I just entered it as a second issue. Have fun and do please enjoy.
It was a nice summer evening in Maria, the sun was just about to set over the mountains, the wind was blowing gently through the fields, and the air was cool to the touch. Children from the small town were running around in the fields playing a game of tag. The adults sat around tables mingling and eating to their hearts content.
Sara a young girl, about 13, was running to the top ridge of the field. She reached the top of the ridge with out losing her breath, but over that ridge was something terrifying that took her breath away in an instant. She stumbled back down the field towards the group of adults yelling, "Mama! Papa!" Her parents got up from the tables and walked over to meet her at the fields edge. 798Please respect copyright.PENANA8DjBkdUjqg
"What's the matter honey?" Her father said as he held out his hands to grasp Sara. Sara ran into his arms and he collapsed them around her.
"Daddy.....the fields.....there on fire." Sara was panting from her run back. Sara's father looked up over the ridge and saw the black smoke just appearing from the bright glow of the setting sun. He rushed back to the tables to warn the others. Sara watched as the adults grabbed shovels and buckets to build a fire break so they could save what was left of the fields. As soon as the adults came back a line of people were stood at the top of the hill with the fire close behind.
"Hmmm.... What a nice little village we have here. I hate to burn it to the ground but a jobs a job." The man in the center of the line raised his hand high in the air and with a swift motion he moved it to a point towards the people. "Kill every last one of them."
The line scattered forward through the field engulfing it in an odd darkness and flame. The towns people were all shocked and couldn't move. Sara's father and a small band of men ran in front of the village people creating a wall. Sara stood right behind them in shock.
"Honey I need you to run, get as far away from here as possible."
"But why father, why can't I stay with you?"
"There are many things I wish I could have told you." He sighed. Sara's father knew this was going to be the last time he ever saw his little girl again.
"Like what father?" Sara grabbed at her fathers shirt. Her grip tightened and the tears began to roll down her face.
"You'll figure it out one day sweetie." With that said he ran up the hill leading the small band of men to their certain death. Swords clashed and metal clanged, the sound of fire crackled through the air. Sara watched as her father fought against these strange people.
"Sara! Where are you!? Sara!" Her mother called out to her. Sara's mother ran through the village searching for her but she didn't realize Sara was still watching her father fight. Sara turned her head for a moment to catch a glimpse of her mother right before she was caught by the strange men.
One of them looked at her,"Well, well looky here. We have our selves a child. Who knew these demon spawns could bare such beautiful things." He walked towards Sara stripping off one of his gloves.
"Don't you dare touch her." Sara's mother fought and struggled to release herself from the clutches of the man.
"Oh don't worry I'm not going to hurt her....much." The man caressed his hand across Sara's face. She couldn't think to do anything except quiver at the feeling of his soft cold hands.
"Sara run!" Her father pushed her away as a knife was thrusted through his stomach. Drops of blood splashed off the ground, hitting one by one, then a steady stream. He hit the ground with a thud and then a smack. A pool of blood began to gather around Sara's father staining his nice shirt.
The words "Sara run!" Finally got through her head. She turned and ran away far away, not even looking back once. She was one of the only survivors of the incident.