Author : Ihsan Iskandar/@iskandar612Please respect copyright.PENANA7w2jYJS3ks
Wise Man Say
Only Fool Rush In
But I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You
It’s hard to understand the feeling of other people, but I hope with this song, I can send you my “True love” feeling.
The sound of bell school can be hear from afar and dozen of students come out from the class. Me, as an introvert person just sit down on my chair silently. Looking the blue sky from the windows and no one care about me. Even my classmate feel disgust about myself. Well, I’m still happy about this condition and do not want change it. When I put my head on m arm, trying to sleep. One woman came to me and speak to me. “What the hell is this? What’s wrong with this girl?” that what I though.
Shall I Stay?
Would It Be a Sin
If I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You
This Girl, after many days trying to talk to me and I just ignore her I know her name was “Sri”. I started to think “can her be my first friend?” and trying to talk with her. But I could not do it, because I don’t have any courage to talk with her until near of my graduation.
In Prom Night. I swear to myself to invite her with me in. when I open the door, I can easily find here, in the corner of aula, with purple and red silk dress. “beautiful” that word not even close to express my feeling. I clenched my fist and trying to talk her. When the distance only 4 feet away, my feet cannot move and shaking. After 2 minutes just standing silently behind of here. 0ne of my classmate, with good looking face invite her, Sri silent for a while looking around of her. But, after that she accept him. I can only saw that scene with dumb face and go to another corner. alone.
After the dancing, I saw Sri and my Classmate go out from the aula, I looked Sri face from afar with uncomfortable feeling. But, I just said to in my head “maybe that just my imagination”. 2 Minutes pass and I didn’t saw them again. When I look the roof and trying to remember my happy moment in senior highschool. I recognize that, my truly happy moment it’s not when I sit alone on my chair and look the sky. But when there is someone trying to talk with me and always give the smile warm to me. I run immediately trying to catch her. “Sri wait for me!”, that what I though, when I looking from her, I saw Sri was being forced by my classmate before to get in his car. I run without thinking and punch his face.
After the fierce battle, I’m still lose and get many injuries. But, thanks for that, Sri can safely run away from his car. I the one who still lying on the ground lonely under the moonlight said to myself with low voice. “I just want to be lonely and happy about it. But, you come and change me. Even I cannot be with you because I was worthless guys, it’s okay, I just want you to be safe and life happily. But, if I have the last chance to meet you Sri, I want life happily with you together. I can ignore you when you talked to me, but, I just cannot ignore this feeling to you. I love you.” After say that to myself, I close my eyes. But after that, a warm drop water spill to my face. “Shit, it’s going raining”. I open my eyes, but I cannot saw the moon like before. I saw something more beautiful from any moon that I ever seen. Brown eyes that fill by tear. I immediately recognize that was Sri. I’m trying to stand but Sri stopped me and kiss my forehead with her red lips. I just stunned and feel the warm feeling on my forehead. After that Sri come near to my face, our eyes meet other and Sri said with low voices “I love you too, can we stay together from now on?”. I was the one who cannot believe this happening suddenly hug her and said “Please talk to me forever”
Like a River Flows
Surely to The Sea
Darling, So It Goes
Some things are meant to be
After that. 4 years has passed. Me and Sri getting married. I never though I can be this happy. I want this moment can be stop forever. But, another problem come. I cannot find any job because my introvert character. And our family economy getting worst. That night, in 02.00 Pm. I woke up and go to the living room. I was thinking how to survive in this condition, I even think to divorce Sri because I just burden her. When I think like that, Someone hug me from behind. I know this feeling was Sri, But, When I want to stand up, Sri said to me that we can pass this condition. After that, I asked Sri with low Voice “Can you still be with me for forever, even I was worthless guy?” Sri Calmly answer my question with warm smil and hug me tightly.
Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life Too
For I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You
Somehow we can make it. I get the job and our family getting better. Sri was Pregnant too, I just don’t know how to express my happiness, it’s just like I so grateful to life.
After 8 months passed, Sri make the sign that she want pregnant, so I immediately take her to hospital. After 2 hour waiting, the Doctor come out and said something that make the sky fall around me. He said Sri has Low Hemoglobin, so she has a chance to life 40% if she want to birth your son. But. She has 60% chance to life if she do the abortion.
Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life Too
I Come the Room, I saw Sri body full by medic tool. I come to her and hold her hand. I saw her pale voice and say everything that the doctor said me before. Sri answer me with really low voice “We will be always together with our son, happy as family”. That word make hold her hand more tightly and started to crying. But, Sri pat my head and swab my tears away. I Kiss her forehead and leave the room. After that, operation has begin.
For I Can’t Help, Falling In Love With You
After many hours passed. The doctor come out from the operation room and said to me the operation was success, but the condition of Sri cannot be known. I run to the operation room. I saw Sri hold the our baby with smile. I come near and Sri ask me to touch the baby, I touch it slightly, and the baby hold my finger weakly, i don’t know when, but my tears falling down. Sri ask me again to carry the baby. I carry it carefully. And said to Sri that our baby face looks like Sri. Sri Smile and touch the baby with her finger. The baby hold her finger too and like don’t want to let it Sri go. After that Sri said to me “you know darling, why I love you? I love you from the first sight. I love everything you have and don’t care about anyone said about you. I just trust you, trust you that you can make me happy… so that’s why… there is no reason… why I … love you…” Sri Voice become weak. I anwer “ I was the one who is lucky and falling in love with you. You always look at me, and because of you I didn’t give up” Sri hold my hand with her right hand ad said “I… will…always…love…you….and…we…will…always…be…happy…” After that word, Sri right hand falling down, and Sri left hand who still be touched by the baby falling down to. “Sri I Love… I Love… i… i…Please…do not… leave me… we will…be always…together right…” the baby Started Crying and my right hand touch her face and kiss her forehead slowly. “I will always love you” I said it and look Sri face for the last time. She make a warm smile that never change when I first met here. “Sri Please, Rest In Peace. I will make our family happy forever and after” I kiss her forehead for the last time.
(Author Note: Please this is my first short story i make. Please give Critique, Comment, or Suggestion. So i will be motivated to write another story. Thanks a lot ^^!)