Jyri spent most of the day in that room, and Faye gave him his space. They headed out after their morning breakfast. Lavina, Kirsten, and Corvin opted to stay with the group, as they enjoyed helping them. So Faye and Jyri struck out alone.
"If we hurry, we might make it to Wizard's Point by the end of the day," Jyri said, map in hand.
"We shouldn't rush it," Faye said.
"Do you want to spend another night freezing to death?"
"We have blankets now." The group had given them a warm blanket, which Jyri shoved into his pack. He had to transfer his clothes into Faye's to make room though.
Jyri glanced down at the map. "We're still closer to Milthum than I'd like. I see a detour we can take that will keep us farther away from that place, but it might take another day."
"Sounds safer to go the shorter way," Faye said. "I'd hate for them to come across us sleeping. And we'd get past them quicker."
"I doubt they'd find us at that point," Jyri said. "They're more likely to find us when we're going the short way." He winced as though exhausted from the mere thought of spending another day traversing through woods. "But I'd rather go the short way."
Faye agreed. "What side of the mountain do we want to be on?"
"According to what I read at the library, it doesn't seem to matter," Jyri said. "There's a cave entrance on both sides. You can travel through the mountain from Vustaria to Dorendi."
"It's true then?"
Jyri tucked a lock of hair behind his ear. "Theorized."
"What if it is just a myth?"
"Then we start a new life in Dorendi." Jyri looked down at her, grinning. "What if it's true? Will you come with me?" His hopeful tone took her aback.
Faye chewed her lip, deep in thought. Leaving the world she knew terrified her. From what she'd heard, Dorendi would be kind to her. Who knew what dangers lurked in another universe. But she had grown to like Jyri, and would be sad to see him go. Dorendi was a far safer option though. And I could always make new friends. Lia, Kai, and Aili had proved such a feat possible. "I think I'd rather stay in Dorendi. Other universes might not like fairies."
"And other universes might love fairies more than humans," Jyri said. "We can't assume anything."
"I'd miss you," Faye said.
"Me too." Jyri smiled, hitching his pack. "There's still time to think about it. Even if I do find it, I'd want a chance to study it first. I might be able to find a way back here, if I change my mind."
Jyri nodded. "There's some sort of door that was put there thousands of years ago. It's rumored that there's a portal behind it, put there by wizards for travel. But I can't find anything else about it." He sighed. "All I've got is a secret door deep in the caves of Wizard's Point. And that's not even certain."
"Nobody's thought to search for it?"
Jyri shook his head. "No one's cared enough, I suppose."
"What if they do know more, but are keeping it secret?" Faye asked. "What if they're just making it look like rumors, when it's not?"
"Government conspiracy?" Jyri smiled. "I won't rule that out."
The two spent all day walking, stopping every now and then to rest their sore feet. And backs. The weight of Faye's pack dug into her shoulders, causing pain that she had grown accustomed to. The afternoon had turned to evening when they got their first glimpse of Wizard's Point, looming over the trees. Jyri whooped, and ran in its direction, Faye at his side. They stopped once they were out of the forest of trees, and into an open clearing. Jyri swore under his breath.
"Border patrol," he said, nodding off to the side. In the distance, several menacing guards were spaced out in a row. A tall, wooden fence ran behind them, marking Vustaria from Dorendi. "I hadn't considered that."
"I thought we could get through the portal on this side," Faye said.
"They'd still want to know what we're up to."
"What are you up to?" a harsh voice demanded. Faye jumped at the guard who appeared at her side. He wasn't there a second ago.
She swallowed. "We, just wanted to see Wizard's Point."
"Sight-seers, eh?" The guard eyed Jyri's unkempt hair and dirt-stained clothes. "Looks like you traveled far just to see a mountain."
"But there's so much history behind it," Jyri said.
"History? Behind a mountain?" The guard shook his head as though he'd never heard of such a thing. "Go look at it then."
The fence stopped right at the side of the mountain's base. Aware of the guard that stood at the fence's end, Faye and Jyri took a few steps toward it, looking up in awe.
"Where do you think the cave opening is?" Faye asked, keeping her voice low enough for only Jyri to hear.
"I read you have to climb up it a ways."
"Hard to do, with those guards here," Faye muttered. She squinted. "Can you see any crevices, or anything?"
"Not from down here." Jyri peered around the side of it, his brow furrowed.
Faye's eyes roamed it, but she couldn't see anything, aside from rocks and several trees. She noticed a flat surface. "There's a path."
Jyri nodded. "It's how people get to the top, to travel through it. Corvin probably used it."
"But will the guards let us?"
"It's possible, but I don't trust them." Jyri glanced over at them, the guard from before still watching them from a distance. "And I don't think they trust us either... I see something." He moved in, head tilted up. "Away from the path, low, but high."
Faye leaned in towards him. "What?"
"There's a crevice." Jyri pointed ahead, and Faye followed his finger, and spotted a dark opening above a pile of rocks.
"Is that it?" Faye asked.
"Has to be. And it's not far from the path." Jyri walked over to where the path started, and took his first steps. In a flash, a guard appeared at his side.
"What are you doing?"
"Exploring," Jyri said.
"No walking on the path without a passport."
Jyri frowned at him. "But this side of Wizard's Point is Vustaria territory."
"And that path leads to Dorendi territory. You need a passport."
"How do I get one?" Jyri asked.
"You'll have to fill out some forms. And we'll need to see I.D."
Jyri took a few steps back. "I... I lost mine."
The guard took a few steps forward, sizing him up. "What's your name?"
"Holger Vartan," Jyri blurted out. Faye frowned at him.
"Interesting name..." The guard stroked his chin as he turned to Faye. "And you?"
Jyri raised his eyebrows at her. Faye folded her arms, looking the guard in the eye. "Lia Kaiska."
"I.D.?" the guard asked.
"I lost mine too."
"Our estin ran away," Jyri explained. "Half our stuff was in the saddlebags."
The guard rubbed his chin again, eyes darting from Jyri to Faye. "You'll need to go back to the city and get an I.D., and a passport."
"How long will that take?" Jyri asked.
"About two weeks."
"Two weeks!" Jyri shouted loud enough for two birds to take flight from the nearest tree. The guard lowered his head, squinting at him. Jyri ran his fingers through his hair, giving what looked like a forced smile. "Sounds like a plan."
"Get to it then."
Faye turned at the harsh, commanding voice, and froze. Roark and Kern had found them once more. But Roark and Kern were not alone. They were grouped among several more guards. And among them all, stood a man, clad in red robes, finger pointed at them. Although she'd never met him, Faye recognized the man from paintings she had seen around Acren. And she knew he couldn't do magic, yet she was paralyzed to the spot. Out of fear, no doubt. Next to her, Jyri swore under his breath.
The man, King Lyon Fulton, stepped forward. Jyri muttered something to Faye, but she couldn't quite hear what. Something about following? And then...
Jyri fled.
"Get him!" Lyon shouted. Half the guards chased after him, but Roark scooped Faye up in his arms before she could follow. His grip on her tightened as she struggled to break free. "I caught the half-fairy!"
"Excellent." Lyon ran a finger down Faye's cheek, sending a ripple of shivers down her spine. He smiled an evil smile. "We have a special place for you."
Faye could scarcely breath. She tried summoning magic, but Roark had one meaty hand wrapped around both her wrists, rendering the attempt useless.
"Cuff her," Lyon said to a guard. The guard pulled out something shiny as he walked over to Roark. Roark forced Faye's wrists towards the guard. The guard opened a thick, pale-blue cuff and clasped it around one wrist, and another on her other wrist.
Lyon sneered. "Let's see you try your magic now."
And Faye tried, but the usual flow of her magic felt cut off at her wrists. Like they were plugged up. So she did the next logical thing, and punched Roark, who dropped her. Then, kicked the other guard in the back of the knee. Only to run right into Kern.
"Cute," Kern said, picking her up. Faye squirmed in his grip, but gave up and allowed herself to be carried to Kern's horse, and whisked away.
It didn't take long for them to arrive at their destination. Milthum turned out being a depressing, brick building painted grey. The words "Milthum Laboratories" were spelled out in wrought iron over the main gate. Faye shuddered, and Kern tightened his grip on her as he, and the others, dismounted. Everyone followed Lyon down the winding, cement path that led inside.
The main room was small, crisp and surprisingly clean, with white walls but no furniture except a chair behind a desk. A young woman sat in it, and rose upon seeing King Lyon. She curtsied, in a way that made Faye think she had met Lyon many times before. "How may I help you, your majesty?" Her smile looked forced.
Lyon looked her over. "I want to take this new specimen to the huminal room." He gestured towards Faye. "Where's Dr. Kirksen?"
"Here." A man in a white coat walked up to them, and bowed. "It's an honor to see you again, your majesty."
Lyon ignored his words, and the group followed Dr. Kirksen through the dimly-lit hallways, Faye held by Kern. Men in white coats wandered about the halls, stopping to bow at Lyon. "Have you gotten results on that new antidote yet?" Lyon asked.
"Not yet, but we're close." Dr. Kirksen stopped in front of a silver, heavy door and, pulling out a key, unlocked it. Opening it, he gestured them all inside, bowing to Lyon once more. The door opened to a short hallway, the two walls lined with large, metal enclosures. The enclosures had individual caged doors lined up in three rows. The cages looked just large enough for Faye to fit in, although the ones on the bottom row were bigger. She couldn't see what kind of creatures the cages held, but figured she was happier not knowing. As they stepped into the wider area of the room, she noticed a silver table, long enough for a human to lie on. A cart with sharp instruments was next to it. Her throat constricted.
Lyon turned to Faye, smiling. "Welcome to your new home." He looked to Dr. Kirksen. "Cage her."
Unlatching a cage at his eye level, Dr. Kirksen took Faye from Kern, and, after the two men wrenched her pack off her back, threw her in it, latching it behind her.
There was just enough room for her to sit up. She scooted against the backing, but looked out at them through the cross-hatched bars of the door. Lyon peered through, smirking. "Not so powerful now, are you?"
Faye held back tears, and the guards laughed. There was a knock at the door, and Dr. Kirksen opened it. A guard walked in, and bowed. "A word, your majesty."
Lyon gave her one last sneer before following the guard out. The rest of the guards followed behind him. Only Kern, Roark, and the doctor stayed behind. They all stared at her, and she pulled her knees up to her chest, looking down at the aluminum panel she sat upon.
"She's a half-fairy," Roark said to the doctor.
"Really?" Dr. Kirksen put his face up to her cage, squinting. "It's been a long time since we've had one of those here. Pity I accidentally killed it."
Faye swallowed. The door opened again, Lyon returning. "I have excellent news."
"Yes, your majesty?" Dr. Kirksen asked, turning to face him.
"We've found the perfect person to experiment on our new, rare addition." The way Lyon spoke about her, was like she was some collectible item. Valuable, but an object. He looked to Dr. Kirksen. "No offense, but you're not as skilled as this doctor. He never would have let that last fairy die."
"My apologies, your majesty."
"No matter." Lyon turned to look in at Faye. "This one knows the exact limit huminals can be pushed to. And he pushes them to that point, and can bring them back, so he can push them again. It's an art." Lyon gave her an evil smile. "He was our highest ranking huminal tester at the lab in my palace. He'd report to me directly." Lyon turned to Dr. Kirksen. "You know Dr. Ruska, right?"
At his words, Dr. Kirksen's eyes shone. "We've never met, but I've certainly heard of him. Wasn't it he who discovered the healing properties of spriggan mucus?"
Lyon nodded. "Indeed it was. And after what he had to do to obtain it, it's a miracle that creature survived."
"Wow," Dr. Kirksen said breathlessly.
Faye felt sick to her stomach as ideas of how that discovery came to be swarmed through her mind. Dr. Kirksen seemed bad enough, but this "Dr. Ruska" character sounded like an absolute monster. And this vile person was to experiment on her? She'd have to escape before he'd get the chance. If only she could get a chance.