She was a wonderful liar...
Empty red eyes staring off into space, she eyed the blazing clearing before him. The flickering flames that devoured the trees seemed to dull. The full moon above looked oh so dark. Its pearly white surface twisting into an endless black abyss the moment she stares. Sitting motionlessly on the ash covered ground, she hummed a broken tune as the sound of crackling wood echoed into the night. A distorted smile making its way to her lips, she looked over the burning cottage with a broken purpose.
It was a starless night with a cold pitch black moon. This once beautiful land had lost its otherworldly glow. Despite the raging fires, he couldn't help but feel the blistering cold that seeped into his being. It hurts. Hollow tear's tears glistening down her pale cheeks, she continued to ponder. When did things go wrong? Why did they go wrong? twisting, a thought drifted. Ah...that's right! She already knew the answer to the question, the answer that she so desperately did not want to admit, was right in front of her.
...she lied. All those years ago...she had promised that she would protect them. A decade ago...she gave them her word...that she would never leave them alone. That was the first lie...for weeks later, she made the decision to leave them in a place she thought they would grow safely. That...she had made sure.
She watched over them throughout the years hidden in the darkness. And no matter how much she wanted to just take them back. No matter how many times she'd seen him cry, she just couldn't , for she feared that the moment they met, she would never let go again.
When she was but a child, she had promised that she would teach her the wonders of the mystic...that was but another lie, for it was her brother who got her started. So she had to go with giving her experience in combat, as her enemy.
...her promise to protect them...had all but shattered the moment she drew their blood. But despite that, she continued to watch out for them. Later, she had met him, the man that had stolen her heart. But the moment he looked at her with the eyes of a stranger...the moment she saw him with someone else...her promise to never give him up...broke. For how can he love a woman, when his memories of her had all but been destroyed.
She had made so many promises she had the power to keep. She had made so many things happen to keep them from being broken. But in the was all for naught. For as they shattered one by one...she realized...that the moment the life left their eyes...that the moment she failed when they needed her most...that he would forever be alone.
...she was a wonderful liar...