A thunderstorm rolls outside. Rain pouring throughout the paradise. A dark day, a gloomy day, it seems.
A departed soul, in human form, sits alone. Her servant is away, running errands. How boring it is without someone here, the departed soul thought.
Rain rittled and rattled on the roof. The laundry will be wet, the departed soul thought, I suppose I'll have to have that fixed sometime. Wet laundry is stupid. Why does it exist? Why not become dry when you wash it? Why hang it outside? Stupid.
More thunder. The departed soul likes the sound of rain and thunder, but doesn't like being under it. The one in Heaven that throws the thunder is a very odd sort of being. And who likes being wet, anyways? Maybe a mermaid, but those live in water.
"I'm huuuuuungry," the departed soul announced aloud, "Youmu..." No, she thought, my servant is at the village getting everything ready.
The poor pink petals of the tree outside are wet. Always gloomy with rain, the departed soul thought.
"I wonder if I should eat something now... ?" After all, the departed soul was quite the glutton. She was always hungry, it seemed...
More thunder, more rain.
"Yukari is planning something again." The mischievous friend of mine always uses her puppet strings to control this land we live in, the departed soul thought, Oh, no, there's actually a magician who uses puppets. Maybe I should call her more like 'earth controller'... no, there's someone in Heaven that does that. 'World controller'? Probably someone else who does that...
Lonely... lonely, lonely, lonely... butterfly! Butter... butter... fat. Fat pig? Pig, pork, chicken, steak. Steak. Bloody steak. Blood... scarlet water, Scarlet drink. Drink... alcohol... saké! Saké. Saké... saké. Saké! Saké!!
A thunderstorm rolls outside. Rain pouring throughout the paradise. A dark day, a gloomy day, it seems.
A departed soul, in human form, sits alone. Her servant is away, running errands. How boring it is without someone here, the departed soul thought, and how easy to drink some good drinks! Cheers!