Koi Fish “Furui”. The Witnesses of War
Author : Ihsan Iskandar
As the Koi Fish, I has the longer spawn than any creature. With that, I have an experience to tell, it is the History that never be explained by any books of history. I saw that history directly, and I am the history itself.
For the first time, I born in land that full by red flower, Sakura Tree. The pool that keep my father and mother. Our owner is the farmer in that land, I can tell I born in 1801 M because the owner son is the education man. At that time this land has been conguered by Edo Clan. I life happily with my family in that pool for a long time and with the kind owner, even my previous owner has died because being stabbed by a men, I remember that night was silently night with bright moonlight. I wake up after hear screaming in the house. I saw a man wearing a metal armour and metal helmet get to the house while hold the curve sword. Suddenly, my owner son come and take me immediately and run with him. I saw him face with sad face and full by tears, me also feel that, because all my family in the pool not with me again and that the last time I saw them.
In 1900, my owner transported me to the their shogun for a gift, at that place, its fulfill by metal and haze, and many people at that house too wearing same clothes. I get in my new pool and get new friend. My owner rarely see me, not like my previuos owner. But, there is one time my owner come to see me with smile. Suddenly, I has been known as the lucky bringer Koi. So, to win their war, I have been transferred to him disciple as a gift. He is a young man. But, in that age, he has become a jendral, impressive. My new owner really like me and see me if there is a break time. But one time, when my owner look at me just like usual, on men come to him and said preparation has ready. My owner looking to me and said to his men to take me along.
In 1 march 1942, me and my owner go to the country with ship, that Is my first time saw a many water like that, I just want to swimming freely in that huge pool. After a couple weeks. We have come to the Country In South East, the land and the people is not different like in my land before. They really kind, but their face slightly different. After we have an house, that night, my owner come to me with sad face, it was the order from above, I can hear that. I feel sad for a while because lost an nice owner such like him. In 1943, I have given to the local people as a gift and promise between my owner and the local people. Eventually, I feel good to my new owner, maybe it is because their first time saw something like me, its make me laugh and happy in both time. But, in couple of months, in that midnight, my owner come to my house, but not to see me, I think he was looking for my new owner, but why he brought too many men with him. Suddenly, a gun shoot can be hearing from the house, and my owner who run trying to escaped has been shot, I can saw that scene clearly. That’s make me really sad, If I’m not in the water, maybe you can saw me crying.
After that accident, I live alone, but thanks for the flood, I can escape to the pool in jungle and get the food for my life. I don’t how long I has life in that jungle. But, on that day, someone find me in the jungle where I live. That local man wearing a weird clothes, he wear a shoes, a bag, and black eye glasses. He saw me with stunned face. He said to me “I finally found you”.
When that eyeglasses man trying to catch me, I’m struggle so hard, because I don’t want to saw that ruel scene again, many of my owner has die because of me, “Lucky Bringer” is not fit in me , “Dead Bringer” is so fit for me. Eventhough, I will be transfer again to the new owner and new place and make the curse to them. After my experience of my life I has an conclusion that human will always kill each other, no matter what, no matter when. That man brought me do the place that I’m never seen, the place that full by human, but that not is, I can see big bird flying, and I can get into that stomach easily, this is the first amazing thing I can see in my life. After 8 hours fly with this big bird, that eyeglasses man pick me up and brought to somewhere, I can’t see clearly because the cloth covering my mini pool. After many hours has passed away, that man open my cloth and I can’t belive what I see, the palace that full by Sakura tree, the pool that never change until. This is the place where I have born, but the different is only the house, the house has changed into the hug building and my pool I the middle. I saw a mean just like my previous jendral owner. I don’t know why the local man give me to him with smile face while his people has been murdered? But my answer has been answered immediately by that guys, he introduce himself as the son of my previous owner, and tell me the war has ended. So the peace between him, any revenge or something like that has disappear for make this peace. I feel so relieved and happy, my fish fin can’t stop from trembling. The eyeglasses men say goodbye to me and my new owner put me in the pool. I feel so happy, eventough my family not here anymore. My new owner me a name “Furui”. That mean “The Sage” or “The Old”. This the 20th century or 2017 M. So I have life for 216 years. The world I see in that time, has many colour. Every people has their own though. But, there is one thing, just a small thing that make people same. Their brain to thing and differs about the right and wrong. And purpose of life to life happily. The problem is, they don’t really happy can reach simply.
(Author Note : This is Fiction okay, dont be so serious when you read this lol. But i will gladly to get your comment and Critique to make me better and keep motivated me to write. Thanks to the contest. Its fun when i'm in animal POV)
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