Vellary rubs a finger across the cursive words. No wonder I didn't notice it, it's practically invisible.
She tilts her head. Vellary Carr. Should Iwrite that?
"No," she mumbles. "It's not my book."
Vellary flicks through the pages again to see whether she's missed any writing, any receipts stuck in between the pages--anything that told her the owner of this book--but they were blank.
She returns to the front page and freezes, the sight inciting a chilling terror within her.907Please respect copyright.PENANAiw7ZZOOn75
907Please respect copyright.PENANASiinzdN9oJ
Under 'write your name' is hers scribbled in black ink.
Vellary Carr
She slams the book shut.
"No. No, no, no, no, no," she mutters. "I probably imagined it."
Vellary hesitantly reaches for the book, the leather warm against her trembling fingers. Slowly opening it, she peaks at the first page, and there, in all its glory, is her name, written in cursive.
She releases a shaky breath. "What the hell is this?"
She turns to the second page. In white ink, on the very top of the page, is a question.
What do you wish for?
"Hell no!"
She shoves the book away from her and stands up, her heart pounding wildly.
Am I going to die now? What sort of paranormal shit is that? How did those words get in there? How did my name get in there?
Vellary tugs at the ends of her hair, eyes glaring at the book so harshly, she wishes it burns.
"No, I can't do this," she says, and strides towards the opened package and wrapper. She rummages through them, looking for a receipt, a name, an address for where the book was shipped from, but there's nothing.
No receipt.
No address.
No name.
Just an empty package with a sinister-looking book.
Vellary takes a step back. She wipes her sweaty palms on the front of her sweatpants. What do I do? God, what do I do?
"What are you doing?"
Vellary screams, jumping back in fright.
"Jesus Christ, Vel! What's wrong with you?"
Vellary whirls at the sound of Lucian's voice.
He's dressed in his school uniform and has one of his ears covered. "Did you think I was a ghost or something?"
Yes. "What're you doing here?" She asks, rubbing her neck. It feels as though her heart's stuck in her throat.
He walks into the kitchen. Vellary returns to her seat, situating herself in front of the book so it's out of Lucian's sight.
"I came to pick you up. Your grandma called."
"What? Why?"
He shrugs. "I dunno. Something about you 'facing the consequences of your actions'."
Vellary grimaces. I thought she believed me when I told her I was sick.
"Did you tell her?"
"About what?"
"About what happened at the party."
Vellary's face drops. That's right, the party. I completelyforgot about what happeend there.
She purses her lips. Those jerks. "No. She probably thinks I'm staying home because I'm hung over."
Lucian leans against the fridge with crossed arms. "Are you gonna tell her?"
"No way, I'll gain nothing from that."
He shrugs. "Up to you, but it'll feel better to have someone there for you."
He gives Vellary a knowing look.
She holds his gaze. "I'm fine."
"You sure? 'Cause the last time you said that, you dyed your hair rainbow and went--"
"Okay, I get it!" She blocks her ears with her hands. "You don't need to remind me."
The last thing I want to remember now is that.
Lucian suddenly straightens and comes to stand in front of Vellary. He surprises her by grabbing her face in between his hands and squishing her cheeks together. "You better make sure you tell us if you feel depressed, okay?"
He gazes at her with a pleading expression.
She frowns.
"Vellary, you're so precious to me, you know that, right?"
She slowly nods. Where's this coming from?
He releases her and pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. "You're like a little sister to me."
"This doesn't seem to be something a brother does." She points to his other hand, the one still cradling her right cheek.
He scrunches his freckled nose and lightly smacks her cheek. "Shut up."
She grins up at him amusingly, aware he's trying his best to make her feel better. But is he succeeding? Maybe.
Lucian sighs, moving away. "What's that?" he suddenly asks.
Vellary turns to where he's looking.
The book.
That fucken book.
Faster than lightening, she grabs it and tucks it under her shirt.
"What the..."
"It's girl things." Vellary stands up and heads towards the exit. "I'm gonna go put it in my room."
"...Since when did you care about girl things--Vel, hey, wait--"
But she's already left up the flight of stairs.
When Vellary reaches her room, she hides the cursed thing of a book on the top shelf of her bookshelf. "There," she says, "out of sight, out of mind. I'll deal with you later."
But as she leaves the room, a shudder rides up her spine, and the feeling of committing something she'll regret latches itself onto her heart.
Downstairs, Lucian stands by the front door. "Are you done with your 'girl thing'?" he asks.
She nods, ignoring the sarcastic tone in his voice.
"Good, let's go."
"To school."
She tenses. "No."
He shrugs, raising his eyebrows. "Grandma's orders."
Panic rises within her. "Are you kidding me? If I go now, everyone will talk about me."
Lucian frowns. "And they won't talk when you return after disappearing for a few days?"
She clenches her fists. "I'll deal with it then."
"Sure you can," he says, "but people will talk whether you go or not. You're not gonna see them after this year anyway, so why're you putting your education on the line?"
"It's not always about education. I don't want to be in the same place at them."
He doesn't reply, staring intently at her with his dark eyes. "Did you do anything wrong?" he eventually asks, his voice low.
Lucian takes a few steps towards her. "You didn't do anything wrong, Vellary. If anything," he sighs, "they're the ones who should be ashamed of themselves."
Vellary purses her lips. I know, but...
'I only invited you so he can take you to my room and fuck you.'
She lowers her eyes, arms wrapping themselves around her waist, as if that armor is enough to protect her from their stares, whispers and laughter. She knows it's not her fault, but people don't care about that. People want something fun to share around with each other, and they got that.
At my expense, they got their entertainment.
"I still don't want to go."
"They're not there, Vel."
I don't care. Why's he being so pushy?
Vellary glances up at him, brows drawn at the sudden thought.
"Hugo and Gabriel aren't there."
No, really. Why's he trying to force me to go to school?
"I promise you, you won't see--"
"You're being weird."
He pauses, eyes widening. "What?"
She lowers her arms from her waist. "You're being really weird right now."
"What makes you think--"
"You've never forced me to do shit before," she points at him, "so tell me why you're acting like this."
"I don't know what you me--"
"Did grandma promise you some brownies?"
"Is that why?"
"You sold your friend for a tray of brownies--"
"No, you idiot!"
"Then why!"
"Because Lily got beaten up!"