I could hear the raindrops pattering down on the garbage bin, almost making me worried that filthy water would splash onto the little girl, before once again realising that her condition could not get any worse.
"What's your name sweetheart?" I asked. There was no reply. Part of me wanted to turn around to check on her but looking at her while she was still changing could be how would I put it, unpleasant for both of us. She's already been through enough, she doesn't have to go through anything else.
"Lilith? Is that you?" A husky voice came from the other end of the alley. My head rotated to find a man limping towards us. I knew instantaneously that something bad was going to happen. The man was carrying an umbrella. While his clothes seemed dry and clean, his jacket didn't cover his blood-stained hands.
"Woah, slow down pal. Who are you? And how do you know this girl?" I raised my right hand to signal him to stop moving while my left hand crawled into my bag to wriggle out a gun.
"I'm her father. Why don't you tell the nice man Lilith?" he smiled, revealing a nice set of straight, white teeth. There was something cruel in his smile, it allowed one to feel safe and comfortable yet its intention betrays its appearance His eyes were covered by sunglasses, who wears sunglasses in the middle of the night in a heavy rain? There was definitely something off about him.
The little girl ran behind me, quivering with fear. Her voice was non-existent as she tried to cry. She was already dressed and was gripping my jeans tightly as she hid her face from her father behind my leg.
The moment I looked back up to the man, there was gun directed at me.
"Well, I an her father. Quite the annoying broad she is. Only thing she was good for was letting me have some fun... Just like her mother once did before she decided to go to the police.," he paused and looked at me like he was considering a hidden element that can be swayed to his advantage. "Since you do not know that much, I'll let you walk. As long as you help me get rid of her body. Can't have the police finding out about this, now can we?" He pointed at the women riddled with bullets.
What a sick son of a motherless goat, but he had me at a disadvantage, I could not refuse if I wanted to live, yet do I really want to live?
"Tell you what, if you do a good job, I'll even let you have a few hours with my little girl here," he was laughing at it. This was revolting, repulsive. This man is rotten to the core. I could not even consider him human. What could I do?
"P-please, don't let him hurt me..." Lilith was gripping my jeans even tighter now. There was something worse than fear in her eyes, it was beyond terror, it was vulnerability. She was at her absolute lowest, I was her last and only hope now. I hated myself but I have no other option.
"Where would you want me to put the body?"