The greatest myths of all can be found in philosophy. This may seem strange since myths are accepted falsehoods, but even these exist in the realm of intellectual thought. Look around you, for instance, and bear witness to philosophy's greatest myth: reality.
How do you know you exist? Allow me to rephrase that, actually. How do I know you exist?
You could be a perfectly designed android, or I could be a brain in a jar living within my own mind. There are so many things that could be true that throw my perception of reality or, at the very least, existence out of whack.
Now, obviously, we ignore these possibilities out of convenience. There's no point in potentially ruining your life for the off chance that you've solved the mystery of reality.
Isn't that what a myth is, though? Something we conclude as false since the alternative is so inconvenient?
Who wants to change everything they've believed about existence their entire life, after all?