“Listen up, everyone!” Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens called out. “OI! PEABRAINS!” Silence rang through the room as loud as the voice that demanded it. “Thank you.” Mike had an extremely important announcement to make, and if he didn’t get to deliver it because his squad couldn’t behave themselves…
“Now, as you all may or may not but ought to know by now, today marks Miss Melanie’s 20th birthday,” Mike said.
“Aaaand, this affects us how?” second-in-command Ensign Vanessa Johnson asked in a bored voice.
“Because this is also the day Miss Melanie is officially coronated as Heiress,” Mike replied.
“She’s just going to pretend to be sick again so she doesn’t have to attend the ceremony,” Vanessa dully replied. The others nodded in agreement.
“Not this time, I’m afraid. The Lady has been assured that her daughter has a clean bill of health and, as such, has threatened to strip the Heiress of her inheritance should she not attend the ceremony tonight.” Vanessa began to interject again, but Mike cut her short.
“Such a forfeiture would result in Miss Charlotte’s immediate ascension to Heiress.” The squad looked questioningly at the Commander, who was becoming quite perturbed that no one was understanding the situation.
“There is no way in hell Melanie is going to tolerate having to obey her younger sister,” he said shortly. Everyone looked at each other and groaned, which meant that if they understood nothing else, it was that this was one assignment they were not getting out of.
“Now, Coates and Parker, you two will be in the entrance hall. No one gets in without an invitation and a biometric scan.
“At least it’ll be quick,” Parker muttered.
“If it’s quick, then you didn’t do your job properly,” Mike said. “Walker, Davis, you have the stage. No one gets on or off without you two knowing.”
“I’d rather nap,” Walker whispered.
“Which must mean you’re prepared to pay the penalty if something goes amiss on that stage,” Mike responded. “Vanessa and I will be patrolling amongst the guests. Anyone suspicious or disruptive is to be removed quickly and quietly.”
“I’ll be quiet if this thing goes quick,” Vanessa snarled.
“Somehow, I don’t believe you,” Davis said.
“Oh, shut up,” Vanessa smirked.
With guests set to start arriving at 7:00pm, everyone was dressed and ready to go by 6:30. Or at least, almost everyone.
“Where is Charlotte?” Queen Valerie demanded. “What is that girl doing, she knows we are on a very tight schedule.” Just then, an almighty thundering could be heard getting closer and closer to the entrance hall.
“You’re cutting it awfully close, Miss Charlotte,” Mike whispered as she passed by.
“Oh, spare me the lecture,” she hissed back. Three years her sister’s junior, Charlotte was very rebellious towards her mother’s schedules and events. Mike tries to get her to be more serious about these matters, although only halfheartedly, given his own distaste for the events.
“Now that everyone is finally here,” the Queen seethed, glaring at her younger daughter, “we can finally review the itinerary before the guests get here.”
“Oh my goodness, Mother!” a voice burst out. Everyone turned to the corner and looked at Melanie. “No one cares about your stupid list!” Valerie was so taken aback she had to recompose herself.
“This list, Melanie, is ensures that the path to your future as Queen runs smoothly,” she said coolly. “And just because you don’t care about your future doesn’t mean no one does.”
“The only thing you care about, Mother, is forcing that crown on me,” Melanie shot back.
“Well, if you truly feel that way, dearest daughter, that I’m sure your sister would be more than happy to rule in your stead!” Valerie said loudly.
“Father would have never tried to force me into this position to begin with!!!” Melanie cried with rage.
“Your father was weak-willed and pathetic!!”
“DON’T YOU DARE SPEAK ABOUT HIM THAT WAY!!!!!” At this point, Mike slipped out of the entrance hall into an adjacent room. Besides the fact that this argument was getting beyond anyone’s control besides the combatants’, it had also taken a particularly painful turn for him. Locating the nearest chair, he sat down and buried his head in his arms. It wasn’t long, however, until he felt someone grab his shoulder.
“I would advise you let go,” he growled, clenching his fists.
“Now, Commander, you wouldn’t hit a lady, would you?” came the reply. Mike looked up and found himself looking into the hazelnut eyes of Charlotte Johannes.
“Miss Charlotte!” he cried. “Please forgive me.”
“Hmmm,” Charlotte mused. “I don’t think I can do that.”
“But why not?” he inquired.
“Because you haven’t forgiven yourself,” she said simply.
“I’m not sure I understand.” But the fact of the matter was that he fully understood what she meant, though she didn’t understand the situation nor the circumstances surrounding it. But the latter part didn’t matter because Charlotte called his bluff almost immediately.
“You never were a great liar, Commander,” she said with a hint of danger in her voice. Unfortunately for Mike, this was very true. No matter how hard he tried, he could never tell a lie without his body betraying him in one way or another. But this time, he was determined to stick with his story no matter what. He already felt bad enough having to hear the mention of the man he failed to protect, but if Charlotte forced him to relive the entire tale, he wouldn’t be able to stand it.
“I assure you Miss Charlotte that I have no regrets, and therefore have no need to forgive myself.” Determined to keep the young mistress at bay, the Commander stared straight into her piercing eyes as he said this, willing himself to remain calm and collected. But the longer he held her gaze, the more he felt his composure slip. His eyes began to burn and his palms became slick with sweat.
Hold it together, Stevens, he thought desperately. Right at that moment, he heard the sound of feet running towards their room. A few seconds later, Vanessa came rushing in with a look of terror on her face.
“Commander, we have a huge problem,” Vanessa said.
“If you are referring to the massive shouting match between the Queen and the Heiress, you are quite late, Ensign,” Mike replied.
“No sir! The Heiress just stormed out of the castle and into the forest!” she exclaimed.