Megan woke up, her head hurting real bad. She sat up from her bed and shifts her legs down on the cold floorboards as she stood up. She looked at the clock.
"6:00 AM. Not bad for an amateur like me for always forgetting to buy batteries for my alarm clock," Megan murmured to herself.
She thought, "I've been having that weird dream in a box for the past days. That really hurt my head."
Megan sat at the vanity, staring at the mirror as she untangle her long and wild bed hair with a big hair brush. She noticed the photo frame on the vanity counter.
The photo has three people in it. The tall handsome man with black short hair with a charming smile on his face was her father, and the beautiful woman with long dark curls and a playful smiling red lips was her mother, and the little kid between them with long black curls and the features of both her parents was Megan herself. That five-year-old Megan in this picture looked happy and cheerful, as if she was the most privileged child in the entire world. Megan begins to feel sad and guilty, because it was indeed, her fault that her parents died because of her.
[12 Years Ago...]
"Papa! Mama! Can we go to the amusement park today?" The five-year-old Megan asked her parents while browsing the brochure at the streets.
"I don't know about that, why don't you ask your dearest mother?" Her father smiled happily at her mother, who was also smiling at him, both of them holding hands and standing behind Megan.
"Today is the day we both promised to you that we can go out together and go wherever you want, I don't see any reason why we can't go there." Her mother giggled.
"Yay! Let's go straight back to papa's car, then!" Megan raced across the road, leaving their parents behind.
"Wait, Megan! It's dangerous to cross the road without looking!" Her father shouted as he and his wife dashed to Megan's direction.
"Oh, come on! I've already crossed the road like a freaking ninja and I am still okie dokie!" Megan said as she hopped on the walkway, turning around and only remembering the sound of the honks of a huge truck.
Blood of her parents splattered across her face and clothes. The traumatized Megan stared at her parent's lifeless body, their eyes loosing color. There were parts of their bodies were severed off into chunks, having the dark road soaking with blood. Megan was so horrified to the point she was speechless.
"Oh god! Call the ambulance!" The pedestrians screamed as they all helped poor Megan, wiping the blood off her body with tissues. Megan froze, and after awhile, she fainted.
"It's all your fault! You killed my son and my only daughter-in-law, my Jamie and Lisa! How could you!?" Her grandmother screamed, pointing her walking stick at poor Megan.
Megan was too sad to even cry, or even care about the screams of the old lady. She was sitting in between of both coffins that are carrying their parents respectively, she was motionless, with the eyes like a lifeless corpse in her funeral clothing.
The funeral ended after a few days, her relatives paid for the fees in exchange for her to stay alone without 'parental guidance'. Plus, they thought her parent's money and valuables will be theirs. But it ended up that their parents had made a will every year in case if anything happens to them.
"All items we possess all belongs to our beloved Megan Low."
Megan is now the richest person in the family. Her parents were very valuable doctors who had high paychecks. Megan's relatives were jealous, but they were happy that she has to live all alone in the big and spacious mansion at such a young age. But her parent's colleagues and professors paid her a visit almost every day, and they are her new family.
The present Megan sighed. She said her prayers and she changed out of her pajamas, wearing her white shirt, blue pinafore and her navy blue necktie. She smoothed her hair and tied it to a ponytail, leaving her side bangs loose and free.
Her phone buzzed. She turned it on.
Kyle Kaberbol: "I'll be waiting."
Clueless about this message, she quickly turned off her phone as she realized about her going to be late.
She went downstairs and had a quick breakfast with a bow of recently expired cereal and milk. She wore her white socks and sneakers as she slipped into her backpack and off she goes, to school, remembering to lock the doors.
She had her driving license as she was the age of 18. But she didn't need a car as she has both her parents cars. They were expensive brands but she didn't felt like she wants to drive a dead person's car anyways, especially her late-parents. She got on her bike as she sped off.
[During the last two periods of school...]
It was art class. The teacher told everyone that they have to create an item by sewing it from scratch and left the class unattended. The school provided everything they needed, so without hesitation, they all started their work.
All of the students sat in groups, talking to each other as they sew and stitch. Megan sat alone.
"Aw, look at that piece of shit," a blonde girl said.
"So alone, so unsociable, so average," another girl added as they laughed together.
Megan sighed and thought, "This is the last year of high school, I'll never get to see their faces after this year, just chill."
It was true that Megan hated their rudeness to her. They didn't like her because she was so—average. And she got into this private school because she had a scholarship, and they didn't know who she was anyways. And they judged how she wore and made a conclusion that she was broke but smart to get into this school. Even the people who were friends with her decided to back off.
But it doesn't mean that she doesn't have friends. She has some, but the real friend who is the person who relates her the most is Kyle Kaberbol. She hasn't seen him before, but they have been childhood online friends ever since like, forever! They both share the same interest, which is writing. They both have secretly published books under their own pen names. And they often do have collaboration works too.
"Hey, do you know Xavier? Ya know, that really famous music artist that came out recently." The blonde girl asked.
"Yes! Who doesn't? He's hot, his music is lit and he's perfect!" The other girl replied.
"Probably Dim and Dumb Megan over there." The blonde girl grinned.
Both of them burst into laughter.
"Dim and Dumb Megan, eh?" Megan thought, and she accidentally stuck the needle deep down into her index finger.
"Ouch!" Megan screamed in reflex.
Everyone laughed as they called her Dim and Dumb Megan.
Megan was too busy to care about their laughter, but suddenly the laughter fades.
"Wha—" Megan looked up, the first thing she sees is a person in black hoodie and black mask. It was the guy in her dreams!
The person sat down in front of her.
"Hey, do you remember me?" He said.
"Who are you, and how do you know me anyways?" Megan replied.
"I'm Kyle! I sent you a message this morning and you didn't reply back after you read it. I was worried!" He said, removing his mask and revealing his face.
He has golden blonde hair like some kind of royal, baby blue eyes that seems to light up in blue flames, a poised smile and a killer jawline that could blind a million women at once.
The other students had their mouths wide open. They were shocked by his beauty, and there's something much more to it.
"Oh my god! Is that Xavier?!" One girl screamed.
"He is way hotter in real life! Oh my fucking God!" Another girl screamed.
"Hurry, lets take pictures!" All of them took out their handphones and snapped as many pictures as they could. But most of the pictures consist of only Kyle, and probably half of Megan's face.
"Is this a dream? Of seeing you in real life?" Megan asked.
"I know right?" He replied, smiling at her like he's bewitched by her.
They stared at each other for a while, awkwardly.
"Now let's get this needle off of your finger, Meg." He continued awkwardly.
Kyle took Megan's hand gently as he rested her arm on his, he gently used his other hand to swiftly pull out the needle. The finger bled.
"Oh, it's bleeding! Quickly, get some tissues!" Megan said.
"There's no need to waste such good tissues, you have to save the Mother Earth, my dear." He said, taking her finger over to his lips as he licked the blood off.
Everyone gasped, but not Megan. She was always clueless when it comes to affections, friendship and love due to her great loss of her parents and their love for her. Megan always knew she had way more things she need to learn, to get to know the world, more truthfully. Whether if it's the innocent world she always thought when her parents was still living or the twisted world where the strong ones can survive, and the rest— like her parents being pulled away by no other than the wicked death.
Megan's stomach wasn't happy of whatever that it received this morning. Megan starts to feel pain on her stomach, and her expression that was filled with cluelessness is now filled with aches of horrid pain. The expression she made wasn't really obvious, but Kyle knew what's going on.
"Do you have indigestion?" Kyle asked after he observed Megan placing her other hand at her stomach.
"I guess so, what do I do? It kinda hurts, like really bad," She replied, slightly sweating. Her sweat kind of drenched her tamed bangs, and it became wild curls that are just covering her eyes but it didn't really annoyed Megan.
"Good thing I brought this!" Kyle said before rummaging his backpack after he placed it on his lap. He took out a small thermo flask from his bag and hands it to Megan.
Megan, who is clueless once again took the flask which felt heavy. Knowing the flask is filled with unidentified liquid, she carefully unscrew the cap and inspect the contents inside. She could feel the warm steam coming out of the flask, and it smells like— honey!
"What's this?" Megan asked Kyle as she looked at him.
"The flask your holding? Oh, it's Honey Ginger Tea. It's good for your throat and also for digestion. It was suppose for me to drink it as I felt a slight sore throat, but your problem is way severe than mine. So, drink up when it's still hot!" Kyle said happily.
"But isn't store bought drinks not 100% real?" Megan asked again.
"Does this look store bought to you? I made it!" Kyle crossed his arms, feeling dissapointed by the creation he made.
But Kyle's dissapointment slowly faded as he see's Megan's eyes bubbling with hot tears after she sipped a mouthful of tea.
"What's wrong? Does it taste bad? I knew I had put too much ginger in it, after all!" Kyle stood up, fidgeting his hands in the air.
"N-No. It's just that—" Megan wiped her tears, "It tastes so good! A-And, you're the one who treats me best after all of these years!" Megan placed her drink on the table and stood up, throwing her arms over his neck, hugging him tightly.
Kyle, who is currently flushed to the color scarlet red on his face, startled. He quickly grabbed both of Megan's hands around his neck and placed it back to her sides respectively.
"D-Don't you know your too overly affectionate? You should do that to your boyfriend, not some cheap-ass friend like me who didn't have the guts to meet you after all these years." flustered Kyle as he ruffled his blonde hair as an act of embarrassment. The girls in the class except Megan swooned.
"HOMAHGOD! HE'S A FUCKING HOTTIE BISCOTTI!" The girls screamed crazyly, some even fainted. But they totally didn't care about what Megan and Kyle are talking about, rather than them satisfying their visuals.
"Aren't you—my one and only boyfriend?" Megan said, still having tears in her eyes, looking up at Kyle and TOTALLY misunderstood the vocabulary of 'boyfriend' as a friend which is a boy.
Kyle's heart exploded, blood starts coming out of his nose.
"She's too fucking cute, and too innocent!" Kyle kept his thought to himself, taking out a handkerchief and placed it to his nose to absorb the bleeding.
"But anyways, why are you here the first place?" Dumbfounded Megan asked, totally not noticing the blood coming out of Kyle's nose.
Kyle's nosebleed stopped as he gave a final wipe at his nose, placing back his handkerchief in his pocket.
"Oh, right. I came here, wanting to meet you. And I heard rumors about your family, and you being bullied at school. Oh lord, I was so worried about you! And then I decided to hold a tour in every state of this country, and your coming with me, Meg. Won't you?" Kyle smiled at Megan.
"But, what about my studies? What about school?" Megan asked worriedly.
"Your gonna make it, trust me. Don't you wanna shine, out of this hell?" Kyle offered his hand.
Megan thought about this. Will she risk it to accept this once in a lifetime offer? If she declined this, she won't be able to wake up from this abuse. But if she accept the offer, she could be free after all these years. Like a bird in the limitless sky, flying wherever the wind takes it.
"Fuck it, I'm going with you." She grabbed his hand.
"That's my girl! YOLO, right?" Kyle grinned.
"YOLO indeed." Megan grinned back.