"It's easy, isn't it?" he said, as the cool breeze brushed against his face while he sat on the newly-mowed grass.
"What's easy?" she replied, tilting her head to one side, bewilderment painted across her face.
"Saying 'I told you so' to others who just couldn't get it. There are people who are just too full of themselves that they fail to make the right decisions. They end up taking a detour and then regretting every decision they ever made. It's idiotic, really. How they just never learn! I get that they want to achieve something in their lives, but whatever happened to being realistic?" the night sky, illuminated by the stars, and the ever-beautiful half-moon shining greatly as those words were spoken. She squinted her eyes at what she heard. She could not believe he had the nerve to utter such hurtful words.
"Realistic? Really now? Have you no respect? Those people are doing everything they can to achieve their goals! It's people like you who're too full of yourselves! I mean, just think about what you've said! Saying 'I told you so' won't make them stop going after their dreams. It may be hard to achieve them, but it isn't impossible. Besides, it's people who are really driven and motivated who'll get what they've been working hard for. With the right intuitions, they'll know when to stop and when to keep going. I believe in those people, you see. I'd been working hard on achieving things as well. It was never easy. I had to sacrifice a lot of things. Failed a lot of times, I had. Those failures never stopped me, though."
She looked upon the beautiful night sky as she tried smiling with all the strength she could muster. After which, she turned her gaze to her side and to her amazement she sees his face full of astonishment, his mouth slightly open in disbelief. "What is it? Why are you looking at me that way?"
"You're amazing, you know. I never thought about those stuff the way that you do. Brilliant, that's what you are." he pointed towards the stars, twinkling more brilliantly than ever. She felt a sudden chaos in her chest. What was she feeling towards this awfully conceited guy and why was she feeling that way? "Brilliant, like those stars." he pointed towards the stars, twinkling more brilliantly than ever.