It was the dark hours of the morning, I rested against a tree, letting the song fill my imagination in the darkness of my closed eyes. After a moment, I opened my eyes as the ringing song faded into the pitch black background. Everything was black, the only source of life was from the glowing windows of stories, and battles. All carrying a different story, a different world, a different adventure. It was unreal, the burning desire scared the logic of my mind but, my heart easily won over the screaming brain. My eyes grew in disbelief, a smile formed on my face. All the adventures, all of my desires can be fulfilled right here and now. As I walked down the long dark row of screens, a particular flower caught my eye. It was painted with the colors of a sunset, it’s steam as dark as night, making the glowing flower even more beautiful. I reached out to touch it, lost in my desires, my hand touched another’s. Suddenly, the eyes of a forests looked into mine. The sky beyond them was the most gorgeous blue I had ever seen. With a step back from the vibrant scene, I fell back in the dark room, staring at the window in owe. What just happened? Taking in everything with breath, I turned away from the scene and soaked all that had happened. I turned around, wonder over the mysterious character clattered inside my mind. However, the resting tree stared back at me. I was back home. I looked down at my watch in confusion, time hadn’t passed a second. I moved but, my environment hadn’t.
Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers and Coldplay