It was a typical Monday. I woke up later than I intended, tripped down the stairs and threw myself into the School bus, slamming myself right into a girl who had just gotten on the bus as well. So, yeah, my Monday was pretty normal. It was hell, as usual.
Still, I tried to be a good sport and not yell at every human and inanimate object that got in my way, like how I sometimes did on my worse days.
"Sorry," I mumbled the apology as I straightened the backpack strap on my shoulder. The brunette threw me an irritated look before moving to sit on one of the few empty seats.
I frowned to myself and moved along as well. I sat next the only girl I was really friends with, my girlfriend, Emily, who gave me a sympathetic smile which I secretly appreciated. It was horrible, but the best thing about every bad day was that she would feel bad for me. Maybe that made me sick, or a horrible person, but it kept me going when I felt like staying in all day, hiding under a mound of blankets with my earbuds in. If anything, I figured I could be allowed a few flaws.
We didn't speak on the bus, because we never did. I wasn't sure when we decided it, but it was like a silent agreement we had to wait until we were off the bus. Maybe so we could sort out our thoughts, or maybe so we wouldn't be heard by unwanted listeners, but either way, I wasn't breaking the silent agreement.
But as soon as bus came to sudden stop some time later we quickly hopped off, almost getting trampled as everyone rushed out. Since I was one of the last stops in the everyday route to pick up students, there was only a few others after me. Which meant the ride wasn't so long or horrible for me at least. I counted my blessings often.
"Uh, dammit."
I looked to Emily in confusion, who glanced up after a moment of cursing her backpack, "I forgot to pack my manga."
I rolled my eyes without meaning to, but quickly try to make up for it with something a bit more sympathetic, "Did you bring your game? You could just play that instead."
"Yeah, but I don't feel like farming or romancing an NPC today." She half-mumbled, half-snapped. She sounded exasperated, and I felt sort of bad for her. I could relate, on a level. I didn't care about manga, and I didn't watch much anime, but I knew what it was like to not have my music when I needed it. Wait.
Before I could think to comfort her, my current train of thought led me to check my own pockets and backpack, having a mini-freakout before my worst fears for this day were confirmed.
"Crap! I forgot to grab my phone!"
Emily looked confused. "You can borrow mine if you need to call someone."
"No," I said too loudly, for once not caring if anyone heard as we walked up to the School building, "I mean I can't listen to music now!"
She smiled, shocking me for a moment, until she spoke, "You can listen to music on mine, too, silly."
"Oh. Yeah. Sorry. I mean thank you." I muttered, feeling awkward for reasons even I wasn't sure of.
"Hey, don't worry about it." I nodded to her, but I wasn't feeling it. I was having one of those moment where I realized how ridiculous I was, relying on music so much. But Emily pulled me from my thoughts, grabbing my arm and smiling sadly, her chestnut brown eyes understanding. "Rey, don't overreact so much. Nobody likes a drama queen."
I nodded, smiling this time and trying my hardest to make her believe I was fine. It worked, thank goodness. She nodded back at me before turning to her locker, looking pretty happy, so I went to my own locker, wishing I could say something more, but having nothing more to say.
"Hey, man!"
I jumped a bit, pulling away from my locker and watching Ethan shut the locker with a smile that was too happy for me at this hour of the day. I groaned, opening my locker with more force this time. "What?" I snapped.
"And a good day to you, too! Look at us getting along!"
I was half tempted to ignore him, but I reminded myself that I desperately needed whatever friends I had, so I humored him as I shut my locker back, heading towards class. "I'm having a bad day. Sorry."
"Aren't you always? But hey, I forgive you. So what's on the agenda today?"
I almost went back on my decision. I didn't need that many friends. "Um, surviving School, and then we'll see from there." I told him seriously.
"I can get with that. Oh, me and Jared are doing game night, you wanna join?"
Say no, I told myself. "Er...sure. Why not? I'm sure it won't kill me." Except that I was sure it would.
"Awesome! I can't wait!" He said all sing-song, "We'll play games, and eat snacks, and it'll be awesome!"
"What will be awesome?" Emily asked. Me and her had the first term together, so we usually just walked to class together.
"Game night!" Ethan announced excitedly, "You wanna come along, too?"
"Sure! What games?"
I blocked out all of the surrounding noises as it got too loud. Public places were always too loud, too crowded and too uncomfortable for me. What with all of the chatter, and people everywhere staring at me. Judging me. Not that there was much to judge. I purposely wore things that wouldn't make me stand out too much, but clothes that weren't so boring that I'd get laughed at.713Please respect copyright.PENANAfNkIE5IL9W
Today I was just wearing a pair of worn blue jeans with the holes in the knees, a black T-shirt and my regular old sneakers. My backpack was a bit boring, but I didn't want anything flashy.
And my hair was boring and typical because I figured it was the best choice. Short, and brushed forward a bit at the front. There wasn't anything interesting about it. It was naturally wavy, though, and I always thought that seemed a little cool.713Please respect copyright.PENANArfZxvAltBS
"Rey?"713Please respect copyright.PENANAzG3B9nhzY7
I turned to Emily who was alone now, motioning for me to follow her into class. I must have zoned out again. That was one thing I couldn't prepare for that usually got people talking about me, or laughing at me. I could zone out literally anyway and everywhere. It would be the death of me, no doubt.713Please respect copyright.PENANAuZ60winu6t
I sighed to myself and followed her, hoping the rest of the day wouldn't get worse. If I could survive today, then I'd only have to worry about tomorrow.713Please respect copyright.PENANAsNmYsGAFiT
So, real quick, just wanted to warn everyone that I don't know how schools work, so if I mess anything up, let me know/forgive me, I only know from what I've read and watched.