First off, an intro:
The fog in the distance blurring the sea, hills, and sky together reminds you of the view from your own home in Eastern Canada. Another reminder of home is the old house you, your family, and your tour group are about to enter: an 19th century building perched on a small hill just outside of Levanham, also made in the noticeable gothic style like your own house. The biggest difference, however, is the weed-riddled rock fence - or stile, as the residents call it here - that circles around the property.
As your group clamber up the tired, creaky steps and enter the house, you chance a glance at the upstairs windows. You blink in mild confusion when you see a shadow slide by the window: the dressed-up Tour Guide told you all that only the first floor allows people, with everywhere else off limits because of the house's condition. She also told your group that even small renovations could be hard because of the Crooked Man's ghost that haunts the place keeps locals at bay.
You admit, the Ghost is one of the reasons you signed up for this tour, to see if he is actually real. All throughout the hour-long tour, you keep your eyes peeled for any mysterious guest in the group. Finding none, you dully wait until the tour is over, though your curiosity led you to the locked door that leads up the the second floor.
Later on in the day, you follow your family around the town. Unfortunately, there are many other tourists in the town, eventually separating you from your family. You wander around looking for them as it begins to rain, until you find yourself at the foot of the hill of Crooked Man's historical house. An adorable cat with a bent tail stares at you as she sits on the stile. When you approach to pet her, she takes off into the house through the door... Which just opened of its own accord...
The rain pours down harder. You decide to follow her. If a Guide finds you, just tell them about the cat. Heck, they might let you stay because of the rain or help you call your family. Entering the house, you follow after the cat down the hall - maybe she'll lead you to a Tour Guide. Alas, the cat just vanishes, leaving you in the old, darkened kitchen, with only the drips slashing the windows to break the silence.
"What are you doing here?" A deep and rough voice from behind causes you to turn and tense up. Before you stands a dressed up young man with piercing brown eyes and a twisted neck that makes you gulp.
"T-the rain." You stutter out, watching him watching you as he strokes the cat in his arms. "Who are you?"
"The Crooked Man." He rasps out. "Now, what are you doing here at this time?"
You converse with him for a short time and convince him to let you stay because of the rain.
"Okay..." He says, checking his pocket watch. "I'll let you stay for a few minutes, but that's it. You can look around if you want but keep to this floor, alright? Stay away from the second floor."
Before you can ask why, he vanishes.
-Name: "(The) Crooked Man," or just 'Crooked'.
-Species: Ghost that haunts an old house.
-Appearence: Approx. 5'7, but rather hard to tell for sure since his head is always tilted inhumanely to the side. His father was Scottish and his mother was an Englishwoman of Indian descent, the latter whom he took after in looks more. Brown skin tone and guarded eyes with messy, curly black hair of layers that reaches his shoulders (he has a particular curl that just sticks right out from the top of his head like a crook). Other notable features include a bloodshot left eye, arching eyebrows like an older man, and a nose that looks like someone grabbed and twisted and/or punched that just didn't get the attention it needed!
Clothing includes a road-shouldered, old, and greyed Baxter Frock coat, off-white high-collar dress shirt, black brushed trousers, a pocket watch, and black leather boots.
-Personality: Since I imagine that Crooked will not be a character to play so much as a character to get exposition from, most people who've talked to the Crooked Man comment on him being very quiet, mysterious, alert - yet tired - and analytical.
If the player can get a good relationship with Crooked, he will show to be friendly, polite, calm, and knowledgeable about the house (well, it IS his house), 19th century life, and of black-smithing. He will drop hints to solve the game's puzzle's as well if asked and will let the player stay in the house longer.
If the player gets on his bad side, Crooked won't be afraid to show them aggression. Will act very strict, serious and guarded, following you around for awhile and ask - better say command - you not to touch anything, and locking you out of rooms. If you push his buttons enough, he'll chase you right out of the house, even if it is raining!
Other quirks include fear of water - will avoid the bathroom at all costs, stays away from the windows, won't follow you into the flooded basement, and keeps his distance from any taps. Is VERY MUCH against you even approaching the second floor door, even if you made a bad relationship with him. Doesn't mind talking about his family, with the exception of his father.
-Quotes: "Can I help you?" "Don't go in there." "In a spot of trouble there?" "Stay away from the Second Floor door." "My mother had long, flowing black hair and beautiful brown skin..." "Do turn off the sink, please... You'll waste the water." "*sings* There was a Crooked Man..." "Help me... I can't breathe..." "*sings* Oh~ Don't let the rain fall down~ I might~ just~ drown." "Time is up."
-Abilities: As a ghost his most-used ability is appearing and disappearing Slenderman-style. He has some control over the house, being able to move items and open or close/lock doors. He can also let people see into his memories, which will reveal a little more of the house's history and the darker mysteries lying inside. Another ability is that, when feeling aggressive or scared, water will guzzle out of his orifices - mouth, ears, eyes, etc.
-Background: He apparently was a resident of the house. If the player escapes, they'll hear from one of the locals that The Crooked Man was in fact a man driven mad who killed his family and then took his own life, and that he now haunts the house as a ghost as punishment.
-Extra: Seeing as I've signed up for video game courses this coming term, I'm actually planning on making this game! So, if there's any questions or feedback to help me out, I'll gladly accept them!