Nirvana's song, "Lithium," blared as I navigated through the dance floor crowded with teens. The music mixed with laughter and the overpowering scent of "Love's Baby Soft."
I was confident in my walk. Some kids nodded at me as I passed. The boys gave me admiring glances, but some of the girls' looks weren't as friendly.
I tucked my brunette hair behind one ear, and felt a surge of pride. I knew I looked stunning in my black satin and lace Vera Wang gown. The dress wasn't low cut. It was classy.
People often seem to think that popular girls are easy. I'm far from easy.
As I looked around, I noticed that some kids wore the totally wrong clothes. I'm not a mean person, but I felt like they needed to watch that television show, "What Not to Wear."
For instance, Alexander Chavez, the star basketball player, was wearing plaid slacks and a polka dotted tie. Seriously? Oh,Alex. And his girlfriend, Amanda Stevens, wore a dress with a thigh high slit. She also kept tugging up her strapless bodice.
Fashion Tape, Fashion Tape, I wanted to shout at her. Fashion Tape was double sided tape that was a Godsend for nearly everything. A few of its magical powers were holding dresses up and keeping bra straps hidden or in place. I made a mental note to let Amanda in on this secret when I had a chance.
I noticed my best friend Maddie standing at the refreshment stand and walked over to her. She looked gorgeous in her shimmering red dress that was striking with her blonde hair.
As we each grabbed a can of soda, we saw Principal Jensen trying to lecture Chantal on her sleazy dance moves. We watched as he made her sit out this dance.
"Oh, my God," whispered Maddie after she took a sip of soda. She was glaring at Chantal. "She deserves it. Trying to twerk and all."
"Yeah, ha-ha. Hey, remember the sleepovers we had? We never missed her show "Hannah Montana."
Maddie nodded. "That was when she was cute. I really miss the non-twerking Hannah."
"I know you loved her, but Hollywood can completely ruin you. It's one reason why I'm going to be a psychologist. It's a very stable career," I said and set down my can of soda.
"Come on, makeup check." That was my phrase for time to go to the Ladies' Room.
As we walked, Madonna's song "Vogue," started playing."I love this song," Maddie said.
"Do you think she'll still be around years from now? Her music seems kind of like a fad," I nonchalantly said.
"Of course! She'll be an icon by then. I just know it. Wait and see."
"Maybe," I said as I pushed open the double doors to the restroom.
"The guys should be here soon. Brandon better not be late. I don't know how he can be late to things more than I am," Maddie laughed.
"Luke texted me a few minutes ago," I told her. "He said they're on their way."
A stall door opened and I recognized the girl that exited.She was from my art class. She was pretty but would have turned heads if she wore a little makeup and ditched the huge glasses that hid her blue eyes.
"I love those beautiful sculptures that you made in art class," I said to her.
"Thanks," she said and blushed.
She looked at me with with a sort of awe as if I were a movie star, which I kind of was. The movie star of "Lakeland High." I smiled at the girl.
"Hi there," Maddie said to her. "I think I know you. Your name's Nicole, right?"
"I almost forgot," Nicole said. "Julianne, would you possibly have time to come to a committee meeting or two? I mean, both of you are invited."
"Which one?" I said.
"The one where we spread awareness about drugs and teen addiction. Next week, we have that trip planned to go to the grade schools in our district and give a talk about drug use. It would be awesome if you could talk to the kids and explain how you've handled high school and life in general without depending on drugs. You're a huge role model, you know."
I felt like a traitor as I remembered when I'd thought about joining the committee. It had been right before I had started taking my anti-anxiety pills.
"Oh sure, right. We can meet sometime and can go over the details."
"We'd love to help," Maddie said.
"Thank you so much, guys. I really appreciate it." Nicole replied.
Suddenly, I felt the familiar panicky feeling. I leaned my hands on the sink and took some deep breaths.