Twisting and turning, Juno tried her hardest to find warmth that morning. Awaking to the brightening sun shining right into her face, Juno quickly curled into a ball, but abruptly stop. Looking around, she realized that Sansa was missing.
“Sansa.” She meowed, looking around but found no sign of her. “Sis.” Looking towards their muddy path, she found her sister footprints. Jumping from their tree, she followed them until they receded into a black wire gate.
Something broke deep inside her as she saw a cinnamon abyssinian bouncing around with a white tabby. “Sis…” Shaking her head, she drop it low in despair and slowly headed back home. Turning around, Sansa caught a glimpse of her sis fading into the alley way, her heart hurt to say the most. But it was too late.
She made up her mind to go a separate way, and Juno had made up hers.