In two countries people are getting ready to leave and join512Please respect copyright.PENANAqCHNuVeHvC
the fight on the border.512Please respect copyright.PENANAyJBnj20E4a
512Please respect copyright.PENANA1MSDbXBD5K
In both the places512Please respect copyright.PENANAVYdJIJuQmI
there is fear of defeat. Soon enough as they start journey it all seems world512Please respect copyright.PENANANfvVO1NBC8
depends on their reach. The crying, singing voice of trapped princess is giving512Please respect copyright.PENANAgtBrYqdtt5
their side a call to come and save her. The capture of their princess makes the512Please respect copyright.PENANADXiN5PnpHG
fight between two countries really fast. In both the side river of bloods are512Please respect copyright.PENANAFczNakJRzA
flowing people are dying. The fight is going on with full pressure. People of512Please respect copyright.PENANAohs9S4y1XN
both the sides are fighting with full loyalty towards their country. After a512Please respect copyright.PENANA1m1g6mfW1Y
while this fight ends with a huge win. The winner frees their princess and512Please respect copyright.PENANAaNyeKTO5PJ
those who won feels its glory after giving her strict advice of going back. She512Please respect copyright.PENANACmBYWamrXa
started to go back but when she hears sound of shouts she returns to find the512Please respect copyright.PENANAuZIOou2sf1
whole country being destructed. She sees what never could have dreamt the whole512Please respect copyright.PENANA0gzI572HHn
army robbing the lost country they were playing with the dignity of the lost512Please respect copyright.PENANATZO0UjKLqS
country’s women, who were simply crying looking at the body of their loved ones.512Please respect copyright.PENANAToXjZ84XMz
And with that once again the scene of war goes around of princess. The winners512Please respect copyright.PENANA6ZdkdPIr09
were simply torturing and assaulting the country of those who lost. They were512Please respect copyright.PENANAC1TCaVNJNZ
burning all of it finishing it for forever. Princess looks at it like dream, a512Please respect copyright.PENANARbTadW9FvZ
play. 512Please respect copyright.PENANAAz28Y59gHf
512Please respect copyright.PENANAJnJbw7vqxK
The kind hearted princess then realizes the512Please respect copyright.PENANAX9atNuSljK
misery of war and once again starts weeping because of her guilt to start a512Please respect copyright.PENANAdp40XWcXao
fight because of her carelessness. He guilt to take lives, she again starts to512Please respect copyright.PENANAumnvsycp2s
sing but this time sympathizing songs asking for forgiveness. - by souncritters, view on the stars. which reminded me of war....... 512Please respect copyright.PENANAylgXC7EXRn
pardon me i am writing the entry at ending time and that too not that convincing. i wished to write it before but... because of exams on my head i was unable to listen and write.
by the way thankyou for giving me the chance to listen epic music, i should have never if wasn't for it....
and it was truly beautiful the feeling it gives is strangely beautiful...