The SUV had run off the road and Hella's head made impact with the steering wheel. Glass flew in as the car seemed to collapse inward from the pressure. Her arms were slashed open with cuts as was her head, and the car still rolled down.
She came loose from her seat belt as the bone in her left leg cracked; her right shattering completely. Hella flew through the windshield and screamed as her ribs collapsed and her neck splintered.
She shouldn't feel anything; her neck was broken. But why did it hurt so fucking badly? Her body landed sixty yards away from her car which continued to roll down to the bottom of the embankment.
It hurt to breathe, to live. Hella felt her blood coat every available inch of skin and ground below her. She had to be alive; there's no way death would hurt this much. She wanted to die.
The pain was everything and nothing, and all she wanted was release.
The Figure had followed her; it trailed slowly down the pass, closer and closer. Hella bit back a scream as the figure neared her. It was a young woman; no more than thirty years old at most. She wore a loose fitting silver gown that drifted over the grass. Her blonde hair was tied up in a loose bun with ringlets flying loose. Her eyes were a reflective cold metallic blue as she approached Hella.
The woman was tall and her beautiful features were free of expression. She crouched down next to Hella with her head at an angle. Hella bit her lip to hold in her scream when the cold woman brushed a pale finger across her broken face.
"Hello, Hella. You don't remember me now, but you will. You and my sisters along with myself made a deal. You'll remember too slowly I'm afraid, so I have come to speed up the process a little." She smiled as she ran her now bloody hand through Hella's raven curls.
"What I am saying will make sense soon, I promise, but as for now... listen closely. You have till your twenty-fourth birthday to find Týr or you shall become as your mother was. A rotting beauty." She paused in her petting and placed her open palm over Hella's heart, "But you must remember first, and I'm afraid you'll be sleeping awhile to do so."
"Any questions, dear Hella?"
Hella opened her mouth and blood flowed out as she hoarsely let out, "Who are you?"
The woman smiled, "I am Urðr; that which has happened. Now...sleep."