“You’re the biggest, most foolish, idiotic girl I’ve ever met!” Katla had dashed out from the trees after the Mara had fallen. She had taken a hold of Althea by the shoulders, grasping the fabric that hung loosely against her body. “How can a girl your age be so stupid?” She whispered harshly.
Katla was horrified at the scene that had unfolded in a matter of seconds, but looking at Althea now, her temper faded and just left her exhausted. She pitied the trembling girl but also felt a deep sense of admiration for what she did. Katla gently placed her arms around Althea, patting her head and hugging her petite frame.
“I’m so sorry,” Althea sobbed burying her face into her hands. Her hyper-awareness of the situation had intensified after the incident. She realized that if Cahir hadn’t appeared, she would have surely died. Her independence was rotting along with the memories of her home.
Katla sighed, “Hush now, its over. Next time just don’t be so...well...y’know...stupid.” The Knights that had clamored around the trio turned their expectant eyes at Althea. They were curious about the girl who threw herself in front of a beast feared for more than several centuries; especially over a Knight whose ineptitude nearly cost their most esteemed commander’s life.
“Well look what we have here, the famous Knight from House Sidel. I am the Commanding Officer Friederichs of Arcturus’ conjuring army. What brings you to our border?”
Cahir cleared his throat bowing his head, “I am honored you know me.” A callous grin rested across Cahir’s lips, “I was sent out to peruse the border at the instruction of the King. There seems to be an increase in Mara activity. I didn’t want to risk drawing out unnecessary encounters back into Vega, but it seems you’re experiencing the same problem.”
The commander balanced his chin between his thumb and forefinger, “Yes...we’ve also been given reports of similar activity. Since the Prophets have arrived, it seems they’ve grown hungrier.”
Cahir wearily glanced back at Althea, “So it would seem…”
“And these women? They are under your guard?”
“Unfortunately, yes. I found them wandering around deeper in the forest while I was inspecting the border. I am escorting them to his Highness to determine their fate for trespassing.”
The commander chuckled, peeking over Cahir’s shoulder. Althea bowed her head from the prying eyes of the commander. “My...my...the Knight’s from Vega are just as the rumors say. Quite apathetic, wouldn’t you agree?” The crowd around the commander muttered in agreement.
The commander had been part of the Arcturian empire for years, and sought to bring his homeland to victory. He fought war after war bravely, and never once questioned the wants or desires of his King. The commander was well acquainted with the relationships between each Kingdom, which is why it struck the commander as odd seeing this Knight at his border.
“I’m sorry Commander, but it’s urgent!” A young man approached from the crowd. His face pale and hollow, “The injured Knight,” he glanced nervously back at Cahir, then back to his commander, “he needs...assistance.”
The commander grit his teeth, “Very well. Surely you won’t mind entertaining me with your presence after I’ve finished with this...unpleasant interruption.”
Cahir bowed his head again, “Of course.” The Knights dispersed from their form, following in tow of their commander. Althea breathed a sigh of relief. She had been unconsciously holding her breath throughout the encounter.
When the crowd had left them far behind, Cahir turned and approached Althea and Katla. “I’m glad to see you both alive.”
“I’m sorry!” Althea closed her eyes tightly, “I behaved irrationally, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Well you’ve certainly brought us some unnecessary attention.” He rolled his neck from side to side, stiff from the trek he had taken from Spica. “Truthfully it had been my fault. While you two took the main trail my intention was to lure the Mara away, but I let that one slip away from me. I didn’t plan to encounter one so large.”
“Are you nuts?” Resting her hands on her hips, Katla leaned in towards Cahir, “You realize that thing went down because of you? I was really impressed, I had no idea you were such a powerful conjurer.”
Cahir reached out gently towards Althea’s hand, inspecting her sore, red flesh, “I wouldn’t have been able to do it myself.” When Cahir smiled at Althea, the solemn smile wasn't an expression she expected to see from him. She pulled her hand away from his grasp holding her hand close to her chest. “I hope Katla was able to explain some of the things that I couldn’t. For now, just accept my thanks for helping me save the lives of so many people today.”
Althea was shifting uncomfortably beneath Cahir’s gaze before he turned away. She was flustered from him touching her, and confused as to why he was thanking her. She had never expected any type of recognition. In fact, the only attention she thought she would have received was to be lectured.
Katla shrugged, indifferent to the gratitude he had given Althea. “Try not to dwell on what he said, I’m sure he’s not saying anything about it because he just wants to be careful. Remember, you’re a very hot commodity right now.” Katla winked, and linked arms with Althea to follow Cahir.
The border into Arcturus had wooden carriages on each side creating a path where nearly twenty soldiers lined the entrance. The path was cleared from snow but left a mixture of mud and slush on the ground. Heavy footprints from the boots of the soldiers left indentions deep in its surface.
When Althea entered into the small camp that had been set up for these soldiers, she began to realize the notable difference in physique and overall health of each of the soldier’s that brushed passed her. Dark circles may have lined their eyes devoid from sleep, but the people were in vastly different shape than those from Spica. Even the camp that had been set up was rich with variable necessities for the soldiers, something Spica didn’t have in their own city, let alone the border.
A small group crowded around a soldier who was groaning in pain. Althea gravitated towards the scene, intrigued. She was familiar with the sounds of aches and pains, and she was beginning to become accustomed to the more gruesome injuries the longer she was in this place.
“This is punishment for your weakness. None of us have anymore Sphaeram to offer, you’ll have to tolerate the injury on your own.” The commander stood indignantly over his subordinate, unconcerned.
The young man on the floor threw his head back as another ripple of pain shot through him. He cradled his arm carefully against his chest, but Althea could see his swollen elbow bulging in an unnatural direction.
Althea was used to seeing dislocations, but she was almost certain that a fracture was accompanying it by the way the center of his forearm dipped inward unlike the rest of his arm. Althea made eye contact with the commander, “I can fix it.”
The commander cocked an eyebrow, “Quite the Saint aren’t you? But there’s no need to waste your Sphaeram on this worm.”
Althea resisted the urge to ask a question. Even thinking of the word made her want to roll her eyes in disbelief, but she had heard one too many mysterious words to second guess it anymore. She crouched down next to the man on the floor, cradling his elbow in the palm of her hand, and taking a hold of his hand in the other.
“I’ll do it manually,” Althea smiled at the man, and turned towards Katla. “Can you please sit behind him to hold him up?”
“Why do you need to cause so much trouble.” Katla mumbled, but obeyed as she was asked.
“This will hurt,” Althea explained, “but once it’s done, it’ll relieve some of the pain you’re having. Just take a deep breath for me, please.” She could feel the man shuddering against her hand, but she turned his palm upward anyway and brought it towards his shoulder.
He gasped out in pain, and clenched his jaw tightly, grinding his teeth. It took only a moment before an audible pop was heard, and Althea could see the relief washing over the young man’s pale face. She gently let down his hand, placing it in the same cradling position.
Althea stood up, facing the Commander again, “I fixed the dislocation, but I suspect it’s fractured. That will need to be fixed before it begins to heal improperly.”
The commander laughed heartily, the corners of his eyes creased together from years of stress and fatigue, “Well, aren't you just full of surprises. You’ve done us one too many favors today. I owe you my thanks.”
A tug at her wrist pulled her a few steps back, “That’s unnecessary.” Cahir said gruffly, giving Althea a sharp look. She may have done the wrong thing, and made herself more visible, but she hadn’t cared for someone in what felt like ages. Even if it had been nearly four days since she arrived, she was beginning to feel like she had something to offer to someone. It was the only thing she could do in a world filled with magic.
The commander walked up to Cahir, casually resting his hand atop his shoulder. “Your young, yet you’re so dedicated to your King. I admire that. However, I have to say that presenting your prisoner like this reflects poorly on your King as well as your character. Surely at least a bath wouldn’t hurt?”
Althea blushed, looking down at the floor. Although his intention was to return her kindness with a favor, the Commander’s words had her feeling self-conscious. She had been traveling with blood caked into her hair since she arrived, and the grime had been building up ever since.
Cahir shrugged off the Commander’s touch, “I don’t care how I’m perceived.” Althea could feel his eyes on her, “However, since I have to bear with them until we return back to Vega, if you could provide that for them I’d be grateful.”
The Commander threw his head back laughing, resting his hands casually over the hilt of his sword. He gestured towards one of his female subordinates. “Draw a bath for these two ladies.” The woman tucked both hands behind her back and bowed.
Katla gently hit Althea’s shoulder, grinning widely. “Nice one, troublemaker.”