Agent Black and her merry special forces team. In this mini chapter you hear Black referring to ‘an unfortunate security breach’. Read the full length book “Teen Monster Hunters” to see what adventures have resulted from this breach. 878Please respect copyright.PENANA6IuCoMl3fH
„Teen Monster Hunters“, now available on Amazon in print and as eBook.
Agent Black stood before the combined security and special forces team. Half of the team was responsible for the security of the base, which in this case meant no one unauthorized got in, and no specimen or secret files got out. The other half was the team that got called out into the field whenever something strange had to be investigated and the action promised to get hot and dangerous for the scientists.
“All right, ladies and gentlemen. As you all know, we’ve had an unfortunate breach in our security a few weeks back. Everything is under control now, but it worried the director. And when it worries the director, it worries me. And when it worries me, it means you will feel stress and pain.”
A little pathos and drama never failed to work with the common soldiers.
“We’ll be having a little team-building effort at thirteen-hundred hours. Wheels-up at thirteen-o-five. Sergeant Flint will distribute the mission briefs. Study it, and, most importantly, remember it when we move into the landing zone. No hot weapons for this one, we’ll rely on laser tag. Questions?”
One hand shot up. “What security remains for the base?”
“We have asked the egg-head scientists to stop all live testing as of twelve-hundred. The private security perimeter force will continue duty as usual. Any other questions? None? Dismissed. See you at one!”
Flint passed around the paper of the briefing, and Black left the room.