An announcement comes over the tannoy system “can all passengers please move to platform 1 and wait for the 660Please respect copyright.PENANA4X8sjXnwel
Skullton Flier.”
They climb out of there seat’s onto the platform looking around Biffa takes the lead “whats going on?”660Please respect copyright.PENANAMvSG0luoCx
“I don't know but I want to go home cries Julie.” me to says Kat walking over to Julie and putting her arm around her.660Please respect copyright.PENANAqUoLnfFNhP
“I'll go with that,” says Blabber “me to says Wesley,”660Please respect copyright.PENANALCBoRvmWrv
Biffa looks at all four and says “OK I’ll ask someone.”660Please respect copyright.PENANATIyYITSQIQ
There's a man with his back to them halfway down the platform, Biffa starts off in his direction.660Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9bITKMSDf
“I’ll come with you,” says Wesley.660Please respect copyright.PENANAQhwbAF7Mhc
As Biffa stops behind the man he asks “hey mister can you tell us what we need do to get out of here.”660Please respect copyright.PENANAcNL6i0BRqc
There's no reply.660Please respect copyright.PENANA92Rr4oHBJD
Biffa repeats himself.660Please respect copyright.PENANAThy2BA982V
Still no answer.660Please respect copyright.PENANAkD1XKDqJi8
“Hey mister didn't you hear me?” he taps him on the back.
The man turns around half his face is missing and his eye is out of its socket sitting on his cheek.660Please respect copyright.PENANAB8cwDFoFff
Biffa staggers back, Wesley is frozen to the spot staring as if in a trance.660Please respect copyright.PENANADZaEH0ifJg
The man begins to talk in a blubbery way as if underwater.660Please respect copyright.PENANAiFN62TbTq6
“Go to platform one.”660Please respect copyright.PENANAR6HtOAL5d4
He then points to the far side of the station.660Please respect copyright.PENANAocDz4p7oTN
Biffa and Wesley hurry back to the other three.660Please respect copyright.PENANArYtf0DbvwF
“Whats happening?" says, Kat.660Please respect copyright.PENANA64TLzgjj1A
“He says we got to move to the far side.”660Please respect copyright.PENANAK2EVQ6eN8E
“What for?”