"Somebody told me you were leavin' I didn't know..."
You promised me you stayed. You promised you'll never get tired. You promised me of forever. So why you leaving me... broken and nearly dying...
"Somebody told me you're unhappy but it doesn't show..."
I hope you say it very early. Why you not tell me what's wrong? Maybe I do something for this. Maybe I'll make myself more better. Just for you. Just for your love. Just for our dying love...
"Somebody told me that you don't want me no more. So you walkin' out the door"
It so much hurt to see you leaving me. I want to beg. On bended knees. Maybe we can do something about this. We can still work this. Just so please don't leave baby...
"Nobody told me you've been crying every night"
"Nobody told me you'd been dying but didn't want to fight"
Maybe I also do something wrong. Maybe sometimes, I take you fro granted. Maybe sometimes you also tired of me. To understand me. To my unreasonable anger. To my all unreasonable things I do very wrong. You annoyed to me. You had enough. Maybe in some point. I am the one who do wrong...
"Nobody told me that you fell out of love from me. So I settin' you free..."
And I realized something. I don't want you to be a prisoner of my love... I set you free because this will make you happy. Some people says... If we love a person make them happy and If letting you go makes you happy who are me to not give this to you? To not giving you the happiness? So now baby... I'm letting you go. I'm settin' you free. And I hope this sacrifice will really make you happy. When the time comes that our world cross again. And when we realize the we really are destined together. The we are really for each other... I promise, I'll make it better. I'll do my best. I'm not gonna fake it but I do something better. Because I believed that If the person are really for us, and storm any break ups and any circumstances bad or good, at the end... we ended together. More better. So now, I letting you go my love. But before that baby...
"So Let me be the one to break it up so you won't have to make excuses"
"We don't need to find a set up where someone wins and someone loses"
"We just have to say our love was true but has now become a lie"
"So I'm tellin' you I love you one last time..."
"And Goodbye..."
Song: Let Me Be The One by Jimmy Bondoc
(Worth to listen for a broken hearted! Hehe)