With Taranis, Rudianos and Celdecc, we made camp within the vast forest to rest. It is hard to believe that I walk with a faun and two powerful Celtic gods, not to mention I am related to one of them. Don't know if it's awesome since the evil god Efnisien is after me...576Please respect copyright.PENANAsqKwHgCG6V
"Ina, wake up. It's time to go." Whispered a voice softly at my ear and felt a gentle rock at my shoulder. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. The bright sunlight stung my eyes and tossed over. "Not much of an early bird, are you?" Chuckled Rudianos.
"What gave it away?" I remarked sarcastically, slowly stood up and stretched. I blinked amazed by what I saw in front of me. There was no forest but an endless field of tall grass, and in the distance, I spotted tall green and orange hills.
"Those are the mountains and valleys of the faeries." Noted Rudianos as he followed my glance.
"So we're heading to these mountains? To the faeries?" I wondered.
"Yes, Efnisien won't find you so easily there. I'm afraid heading home will be postponed until you are safe from him." Gave Rudianos gravely, and his warming grin vanished as he faced me.
"But, aren't faeries mischievous by nature?" I wondered shily.
Rudianos chuckled and placed a hand on my shoulder. "As long as you don't harm and respect them, there is no reason to fear."
"You make it sound simple, but she has a point." Remarked Taranis sternly with narrowed eyebrows.
Rudianos pealed in laughter. "No wonder they are mischievous to you since you talk of them in this way. Not to mention they don't like lightning which is your element."
Celdecc adverted his glance and bit his lower lip to suppress a grin. Taranis grunted angered, "let's go." As he walked ahead and muttered a few words. I found myself smirking and followed; apparently, Taranis has his pride, and the gods are, well very human by nature. It is still hard to wrap it around my head because Rudianos is a blood relative like an uncle or better said a descendent. I think he is like my great, great, great, great, great uncle. Best leave it be before I start getting a headache over this.
"Are you alright?" Wondered Celdecc as he noticed me scratching the back of my head and walked beside me.
"Fine, just caught up in my own thoughts," I assured with a grin.
"There's no need to worry about the faeries as long as you stay close to Rudianos."
"Do the faeries respect him more than the other gods?" I wondered.
"In their own way, yes. I've helped the faeries once and have been thankful ever since." Rudianos turned to me.
"Surely the only god who copes well with the faeries." Whispered Celdecc to me.
We marched through the tall green grass as the sun reached the highest point in the sky, but the mountains in the distance wouldn't grow bigger to our approach. I looked over my shoulder to see how far we walked and suddenly tripped and fell. Rudianos caught me up from falling by using his super-speed like powers. Our glances met; his grey eyes looked at me, concerned. "What happened?"
"I tripped, I'm fine."
"Are you sure? If you need to catch your breath-"
"I said I'm fine and can walk on to these mountains there." I snapped annoyed and made distance from him.
"They're a lot farther than they appear, it's the faery's magic. You haven't eaten for a while, and hence you don't have the full strength than usual. That is why I asked." Explained Rudianos calmly.
As he mentioned about that, I felt a deep pit in my stomach and can't recall when and what I ate last, placing a hand to my stomach.
"I thought as much; I'll carry you to the hills." Sighed Rudianos as he stepped closer.
I jumped back. "Don't you even think about it! I have enough strength. I can walk on my own, thank you very much."
Rudiano's stepped closer to me with a teasing smirk but soon halted. Why did he stop- Suddenly I was lifted and found myself thrown over one's shoulder and facing Taranis' back. "No! Let me down! I can walk! Please! Taranis!"
Taranis bellowed in laughter. "Polite but no."
"Why? Am I that slow in walking?" I asked.
"For a mortal, yes."
"Seriously? You couldn't have told me sooner?" I struggled to get off Taranis' broad shoulder, but he is too strong, and I am at the moment too weak without food. I sighed as I gave up and thought I would die of boredom, but I was wrong. I had a better conversation with Celdecc and learnt much of his kind. Fauns belong to the warrior clans and are well known for their physical strength, courage and entertaining music.
"They are natural warriors, but I'm not one of them. I'm different." Celdecc looked away in shame. "I'm not so strong like they are."
"What makes you think that? You're clever, and that's a different form of strength." I grinned at him.
Celdecc blinked at me astounded.
"If you have no physical strength, that doesn't mean you're weak. Your strength lies elsewhere where the others aren't so strong at. You're good at analysing, that way you can quickly see how to confront your opponent and win."
Taranis gave a sudden jolt from his shoulders. "Hey!" I gave surprised. Taranis laughed. "Force is the easiest way, lass."
"Says every knucklehead." I hissed annoyed. I saw from the corner of my eye Rudianos smirking in my direction. I sighed annoyed and looked away.
"How do you know all this about fighting, Ina? Especially when you are a gentle human." Wondered Celdecc.
"I did some fencing during my adolescence, but I wasn't so good at it. I'm better at protecting or use a bow and arrow."
"Ha! Typical women!" Pealed Taranis amused.
Without thinking, I gave a kick in Taranis' stomach. Rapidly he began to gasp and pant for air. Soon I was able to slip down from his shoulder. "Watch what you're saying. The kick wasn't my best, but I could have used my knee to knock you by the jaw, but that would have been painful and was afraid you'd bite your tongue out."
"Seriously?" Taranis wheezed while holding to his stomach.576Please respect copyright.PENANAwY6Jp1hthy
"Calm down, Ina. You gave him a lesson he will remember well." Stepped in Rudianos soon he turned to Celdecc and spoke to him an odd language. Celdecc nodded and responded in the same language. It's hard to say whether Celtic or Gaelic. Either way, it sounds mesmerizing, not to mention hearing Celdecc's soft voice, and soon everything felt heavy around me ...576Please respect copyright.PENANADI8M2AtdB6
In the distance, I began to hear different voices from children and adults; they grew by the moment clearer and louder and spoke an unknown language to my ears. I guess it's Celtic or Gaelic and soon I felt a gentle stroke at my hair and cheek. Although it was nice, I wanted to know who is doing that and open my eyes. Bright light stung my eyes and blinked until I got accustomed. The moment I opened my eyes, the stroking ended. Soon my vision was filled with lush green and other vibrant colours. I sat up and found myself staring down a valley covered by thick green forests and a gentle stream rolling down towards multiple lakes. I heard it's gentle splashes nearby and how the warm wind made the leaves rustle in the trees like a melody. The air was fresh and carried a marvellous scent of sweet nectar from the field of flowers in the lower part of the valley. Magic was everywhere, and I've never seen such wonder. Among the flowers and trees, I spotted the insects and something else-576Please respect copyright.PENANAXP4ywoEuik
"I hope you're well-rested, òigh?" Asked a familiar voice beside me. I turned and saw Celdecc grinning at me. I blinked as I recalled what happened, either he or Rudianos must have placed on me some sort of sleeping spell. "Celdecc, is this the land of faeries?"
"It is." He nodded assuringly and offered his large hand to help me up.
I took his hand and stood up. Suddenly many small colourful spots came flying at me in high speed that I barely made out the wings' shape. I gasped to its sudden appearance and how near they flew past me. From among the tall grass and plants climbed and crawled furth small colourful creatures, they all looked somewhat human and yet again not. Some did remind me of what I saw in books as a child. Some had wings, others had horns and a few looked nearly elven-like with their pointy ears but very short in size. They all looked at me with caution and curiosity, a few were silent and others made sounds that I can't even describe.576Please respect copyright.PENANAf6bexmAtN9
Celdecc chuckled softly. "There's nothing to be afraid of; the faeries won't harm you."576Please respect copyright.PENANAmYhThJYRhy
Quickly I spotted a winged faery landing on my shoulder and snuggled into my long hair. "So soft." She spoke with a sweet voice that sounded like a little bell.576Please respect copyright.PENANAU0NQECxG8A
I smiled at ease. "And who might you be?"576Please respect copyright.PENANA9QBWs8jRXp
"I'm Vinita. What are you, a mortal, doing in the land of the faeries?" She asked.
"Two gods and a faun have brought me here."576Please respect copyright.PENANAWth7rhu9PF
"Hi, hi, you talk just like Rudianos. A simple answer yet in riddles." Vinita flew up to my nose. Her little size reminded me of Tinkerbell from Peter Pan, but the rest of her appearance was something I've never seen before. She had long red curly hair to the elbows and wore a violet flower-like dress with special embroideries. Suddenly she blinked as if recalling something. "You-you're a part of him. That's why you smell differently than other mortals. Iik!" She shrieked excitedly and made a loop in the air. "You're the first part-mortal part-goddess that I see!"576Please respect copyright.PENANACaCYLbPq2Q
I laughed to her delight. "And you're the first faery that I met."576Please respect copyright.PENANAtiriUDKD3k
Vinita landed on my shoulder and snuggled into my hair. "Really?"
I nodded. "I'm Ina."
"Ina" Vinita repeated the name in thought. "That's a human name. Your hair is so soft."
"Come on, this way." Celdecc went ahead and led me the way from platform to another where a large blue lake sat. Along the way, I needed Celdecc's help since the path quickly turned from grass to moist moss, and they can be slippery as hell while Vinita laughed to my graceful sliding and stepping. I could have sworn Celdecc was smirking amused from the corner of my eye.576Please respect copyright.PENANAAcvUhITCQI
"Where are we heading?" I wondered as the path lead closer to the lake.
"To the King! To the King!" Responded Vinita cheerfully.576Please respect copyright.PENANASoUsebBOEh
"The-the King of the faeries?"576Please respect copyright.PENANAPzGulvzhQl
"Aye." Assured Celdecc.576Please respect copyright.PENANAB2qH1TejXS
"Then shouldn't we hurry and not keep the King waiting?" I wondered nervously.
Celdecc shook his head calmly. "He's informed that you're resting and will come when you're ready. Taranis and Rudianos are keeping him entertained. Take your time to freshen up." He faces Vinita. "You know what needs to be done."576Please respect copyright.PENANA6ZpY7MbrMx
"Absolutely!" Gave Vinita gleefully and flew down to my hand to lead me closer to the lake. "Come on, time for a bath."576Please respect copyright.PENANAFjyoxkQin5
I threw a glance over my shoulder to Celdecc, he grinned with a nod and walked ahead downward.
"Let me make you pretty for the King. Step into the water; it's warm." Instructed Vinita.
"You mean, I should take a bath, naked?" I questioned to be sure I follow her.
Vinita crossed her arms with a smirk. "How else do you take a bath, silly?"576Please respect copyright.PENANAiLFtrtnVlA
I gave a nervous laugh, "true." Hesitantly I took off my clothes and stepped into the water. I gasped surprised of its perfect temperature. Not too warm nor cold. After a while swimming and washing, I felt refreshed as I stepped out. Vinita held up a towel and showed me a dress to wear while my clothes got washed by a small group of what appears to be trolls. I blinked to be sure I wasn't dreaming the part about trolls.576Please respect copyright.PENANACUrKUcCB6E
The dress I got presented was beautiful. It had a medieval cut with long sleeves dyed in vibrant turquoise embroidered with some Celtic ornaments in silver. As I wore it on a few faeries placed a violet coloured belt around my waist while others brushed my hair.
"You're ready. You can take a look at the surface of the water." Vinita pointed to the water. Cautiously I walked over and looked upon my reflection on the smooth surface of the water. I saw there a pretty young woman with long dark hair with some flowers in them. Distantly the picture reminded me of an elf. "That-that's me?" I wondered, nearly gobsmacked.576Please respect copyright.PENANAWcqw78dLMG
"Hi, hi, yes, it's you, silly. You have such beautiful hair. Come, the King is waiting." Vinita laughed and pulled my sleeve to lead me the way.576Please respect copyright.PENANAIWb6wrQQ5S
I followed her as she led me to the lower parts of the valley. One of the many platforms was larger than the others and recognized there Rudianos and Taranis talking to another man, whom I presume is the King. His appearance nearly made me halt in the midst of my tracks, the King had elbow long blood-red hair and his complexion was green like leaves in spring accompanied by elaborate and fine dark green lines at his cheeks and forehead as some sort of tattoo. Vinita flew ahead as they were visible and I followed in my pace. Carefully taking the steps to avoid falling, but it did nearly feel like an eternity walking down. The platform was facing another large lake and still held a marvellous view of the green mountains across. I walked up to them and bowed as I knew as a courtesy from my world. "Your Majesty."576Please respect copyright.PENANAkuv9YRwJUq
Suddenly I heard rushed footsteps approaching me and held up my hand to lift me from my bow. I looked up. Apple-green eyes met my glance. "Please move and speak freely as if I were not a king." He spoke softly and smiled warmly. "Now I have a face and voice to the name I have heard much about. Rudianos, Taranis and Celdecc spoke highly of you."576Please respect copyright.PENANAs02JVUvmaG
His apple-green eyes were almost hypnotic, and his voice sounded mesmerizing, I blinked speechless of his presence that all I could was giving the nod. I gasped as Vinita suddenly flew in between. "Dear King, isn't she pretty?" She wondered joyfully.
"Without a doubt and I'm all the more curious to know who you are. Do you like her, Vinita?" Chuckled the King.576Please respect copyright.PENANAgdGf3bYORO
Vinita flew upon my shoulder. "Oh, very, my King."576Please respect copyright.PENANAnP1TYdz3e6
I smiled. After able to find my words and get the chance to speak. Taranis' loud peal of laughter cut in. "I see you're well-rested, lass!" He took a large gulp from his cup.
The King led me to the others. Even his hand was green and had some of the dark green tattoos. Compared to other faeries I've seen today, he has the same height that an average human can have. All the others were smaller than him, I wonder is it only because of his title or is there more? "What gives you in the impression that she is a lass?" He asked Taranis.576Please respect copyright.PENANAqS668SLf3l
Taranis cackled, I think he's already drunk but hides it pretty well. "That's my impression, meaning something only that I see."
I suppressed a sigh put had to roll my eyes. Calm down, Ina, you're in the presence of a King. You can slap Taranis when he's sober. Rudianos smirked at me as if he read my mind.576Please respect copyright.PENANADCq0XsFb6i