I look at my reflection once more in the looking glass. I am wearing a pair of new jeans, a rouge long sleeved shirt and a leopard print scarf. I had put it together by myself; I hope it meets the requirements of the dress conduct here. I was just starting to apply the brown eye shadow when Amy walked in. She smiles when she sees me and gives a two note whistle.628Please respect copyright.PENANAWEBppl5GEm
“You look hot!” I look at her puzzled and lift my hand to my forehead to examine my temperature. She begins to laugh and snorts a bit.628Please respect copyright.PENANAXtC7Imypcq
“I meant that you look gorgeous, silly!” Well if she meant that, why didn’t she just say that? She goes over to my closet and pulls out the brown leather boots I’d bought the other day.628Please respect copyright.PENANA4YaEOljwHQ
“Put these on, they’ll complete the outfit.” I slip them on my feet and do up the zippers on the sides. She nods in approval and smiles. We go into the living room to where her father stands waiting.628Please respect copyright.PENANAjYHCcoj8qn
“Finally, let’s go.” He grounds out and starts making his way to the front door. Mrs. Campbell scrambles out of the kitchen,628Please respect copyright.PENANA5EJIHPyIZB
“Wait, she hasn’t had breakfast!” She calls out to him. He doesn’t even turn around and laces up his shoes.628Please respect copyright.PENANAocnlfyZSwU
“She wouldn’t finish it anyways; I’ll give her money so if she gets hungry she can buy something in the café.” I appreciate her thoughtfulness, but Mr. Campbell is right, there really is no point to it. We climb into his car and pull out of the driveway. I keep my hands neatly folded in my lap and stare at the back of his head. He starts to give Amy instructions about what to do when we got there.628Please respect copyright.PENANA9mo0MGecZ8
“You are not accompanying us?” I asked lightly.628Please respect copyright.PENANARj3hFcsAu0
“No, I have to go to work; I’ll drop you two off at the front.” The car slows down and stops in front of a large beige building. Amy and I step out and I gaze at my surroundings. It was engulfed in young adults, walking, running, screaming, laughing, and again they were all human. I thought at least at a learning facility there would be people of my own kind here. Amy nudges me and we start toward the building she called high school. 628Please respect copyright.PENANAKhBK6rytoN
I don’t really understand the name; I’ve seen dozens of buildings much taller than this one. My muscles tighten and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I am distinctly aware of the eyes that follow me. I try to keep my head down, Amy told me the best way to get through today was to remain unnoticed. So far, I am clearly not succeeding. The lights inside the school are dull and much of the see able light comes from large windows. I ask Amy where we were going,628Please respect copyright.PENANALmACdrm60V
“We’re going to the main office, to get your class schedule. The classes on there are the ones you go to everyday.” The lady who sits in the main office wore a bright pink dress and had red curly hair. She smiles when she sees us and I notice some red lipstick on her front tooth. Amy gives her a slip of paper from her pocket and she scurries off to a file cabinet. She comes back and hands me a simple slip of white paper.628Please respect copyright.PENANAOCUXrLAaty
“There you go dear, and welcome to Maple Creek High.” We walk through the crowded hallways to a set of metal doors.628Please respect copyright.PENANAdYzHEeZXhr
“These are lockers; you are going to share mine. You keep stuff in them.” I watch her fingers spin on the dial lock: 37, 17, 5. I commit the numbers to memory. She hands me a large blue soft cover book,628Please respect copyright.PENANAw1y2UqWjzQ
“That is a binder, there are pens, pencils and paper all ready inside it. You use it for note taking in classes or just keeping things that teacher’s give you.” I nod and tuck it under my arm. Amy leads me down a variety of hallways towards a classroom. Its terrifying knowing how much I have to rely on her. I am not used to relying on anyone besides my guardians and parents. She stops short and I almost bump into her.628Please respect copyright.PENANAyANWQezJmj
"Don't tell anyone about being a thousand years old or what not okay? Also, just pretend your an ordinary human."628Please respect copyright.PENANANA8E4aJvTt
"Why, is there something wrong in this colony?" Her face scruntches up.628Please respect copyright.PENANA7hENujQFzf
"We aren't a colony and there's nothing wrong. It's just its abnormal to be anything but human. So just keep it to yourself alright?" I don't have anytime to ask her more questions and she starts to hurry down the hall once more. We walk into a room teeming with humans. Amy says this is History class, which we had together every morning. 628Please respect copyright.PENANAeoTzyYL8JI
She hands the instructor a note and goes to sit down in an empty desk. She motions me to follow so I sit down in the desk adjacent to her. I didn't understand any of this. If this wasn't a colony, then why was there no here other than humans? Why was I not to express my heritage? Why was my kind such an abnormal thing to them? It was almost is, we didn't exist anymore.628Please respect copyright.PENANAK9U5sKCZ0i
“Good morning students! I trust everyone had a good weekend. Now, before we start I’d like to introduce a new student. She has transferred here all the way from Canada. Sheeta Campbell?” The teacher looks directly at me and the rest of student’s gazes follow. I meet each one of their gazes with a friendly smile.628Please respect copyright.PENANAHcBxMGBBaK
The teacher coughs and everyone turns back around to face the front.628Please respect copyright.PENANAAaXcZcLzGF
“Our new unit for the next few months is all about the Roman Empire. Does anyone know anything about it?” A girl, with bouncing blonde curls, hand shoots straight up. The teacher sighs,628Please respect copyright.PENANA6rc3S7veGk
“Yes, May?”628Please respect copyright.PENANAGfpsCqRO5l
“Rome started along the banks of the Tiber. The Romans overthrew Etruscan masters, brought the Latin peoples under their sway and got sacked by Celts, then rebuilt. After, they fought and destroyed Carthage, invaded Greece, sacked Corinth and stomped their way across Gaul. Then came the civil wars which resulted in the rise of Caesar, Pompey and then Augustus. The Republic then died and the Empire was born. It halted expansion into Germania after Varus lost his legions. Later expansion, in the result of sacking Dalmatia, advanced into heart of Persia via Trajan, then came heaps of homicidal emperors. The crisis in Gaul which brought about a breakaway from the east. Then barbarians begin to attack, some from the recovery via the Diocleatian. The Diocleation then splits the empire in half. More barbarians and Goths arrive, Huns come later, not too far off. Goths thrash Romans at Adrianople after poor treatment from Rome. Visigoths sack Rome after repeated setbacks at the hands of Stillicho. A big battle between Romans and allies erupts against the Huns at Chalons, which was lead by Flavius Aetius. Vandals sack Rome, Odoacer arrives and Rome collapses. The end of Rome occurs in the West. The East Empire then continues on for another millennium.” There was silence, enough to hear a leaf fall to the ground. The teacher coughs,628Please respect copyright.PENANAybtPBswVaL
“Yes well, that is a very brief summary of it. I will get more into those battles later and we discuss each ruler in great length. Thank you, May.” The sound of scratching chalk followed. The girl named May hunched her shoulders and lowered her head. She seems to be embarrassed, which I can’t understand why. Her explanation was accurate and concise, something the instructor failed to praise her for. Is that not something they did in this time period? I copy the notes down from the board in neat scribe. 628Please respect copyright.PENANAP41RqnTnCz
A sharp noise rings out and everyone gets up and begins to leave. Much of the rest of the morning continues in the same fashion. I would sit down, I would be introduced, I would take notes then I’d leave and move on. By the time the third bell rang it was lunch. I wasn’t hungry though, just like Mr. Campbell predicted. Amy instinctively moves toward the table where Courtney and Brad are sitting among their friends. I am about to join them when I spot the girl named May. She sat beside herself in the back corner. I look at Amy, but she isn’t paying attention and is laughing instead. I change directions and head toward May’s table. She looks up as I approach her,628Please respect copyright.PENANAsz82nGH3zt
“Do you mind if I sit with you?” She responds startled at my question and stares at me for a moment. She quickly shakes herself out of reverie and scouts over. I sit down next to her on the bench.628Please respect copyright.PENANAYlQMTSx8U7
“Are you sure you want to sit here? I mean, people like you don’t sit with people like me.” She brings her arms closer to her body as if to shield herself. I ask what she means,628Please respect copyright.PENANAXwYhXm28G7
“I mean, beautiful people don’t sit with freaks.” I give her a friendly smile and she relaxes a bit.628Please respect copyright.PENANAwAc4ubunpG
“I do not find you unusual in the least so you therefore are not a freak. I thank you for the generous compliment though.” Her large eyes only blink at me until, she smiles shakily back.628Please respect copyright.PENANApBFE6QkFe6
“You have the most amazing diction. People don’t ever talk like that.” She picks up her sandwich,628Please respect copyright.PENANAe9at6TuQVw
“I have noticed that actually. I am trying to work on it, to sound more normal.” She picks up her sandwich and takes a bite. She shakes her head vigorously. Swallowing she says,628Please respect copyright.PENANAq5TZ24q9JZ
“Why should you, if people aren’t willing to change for you, I don’t see why you should change for them.” I smile, she was a lot smarter than just knowledge from a book. We continue to talk about old English and fundamentals of slang words throughout the rest of lunch . I decide I liked May and I want her to be my friend. Something for myself that no one else could just give me. Of course her not being human sweetened my decision. 628Please respect copyright.PENANANjFsfvuGl3
Her eyes gave me her secret easy enough; she is a Bai Ze. They were originally from China, but apparently some had taken refuge here. Her family must have been here for a long time for her form to have been altered and adapted to the human culture. The Bai Ze were creatures of knowledge, some specialized in medicinal history, while others were said to see glimpses of the future. I have never personally met one, until now. The transference of such history might not have been passed down to her though. 628Please respect copyright.PENANAr6H5pyJ7sJ
This time period is so strange in that fact. Everyone here is human except her. The way she hunches to go unnoticed seems like she is in fact not aware of her own heritage. She might not know she is a Bai Ze, in such cases I cannot just speak my mind on the matter. If I did, I would very well lose the chance to make my very own friend in this time. Besides, having someone with such great knowledge when I myself is lacking, is surely a miracle. She finishes up her lunch and stands to get up.628Please respect copyright.PENANAeP1jCtzU6G
“Can we do this again tomorrow? I quite enjoyed our discussion.” She beams at me,628Please respect copyright.PENANAcFlB3E1e7G
“Oh yes please! I haven’t had anyone to talk to, in such a long time. At least, not anyone who knew what I was talking about or cared.” It makes me angry that once such a proud species is reduced to high school oppression.628Please respect copyright.PENANALdawMcNT0X
People like us once stood above humans, they knew who we were and what we could do. This age’s ignorance is unbearable. Maybe things would never be as they once were, but that didn’t mean they had to stay like this. No, we would not stay like this, not if I had a hand in making this change.628Please respect copyright.PENANAVc6WKhn63h
628Please respect copyright.PENANAB1HmJnWeqO