I cannot believe that time of year is here, I am so pleased this time I was able to published the Christmas story on here titled May and the Christmas tree.
After Christmas I will be going through The emperor and the hourglass as it has become too big 96 pages long and is focused around the prince now, rather than the emperor. I need to pull it back on to the right path.
Come the new year I hope to start to finish the incomplete short stories except for Jing and Yami as I feel it is going to be long time before I complete that series.
Plans for Master Guardian part three are really starting to come together now, it is still going to be a trilogy and the third is gong to be set in beginning in Akihabara Tokyo at a hidden shrine. This is all I am going to say on that ;)
I do hope all my fans have a wonderful Christmas, I myself hope to get a nice quiet one so I can completely recover from a nasty cold and cough. ^_^