When a girl marries she have many dreams about her husband452Please respect copyright.PENANA92R9ugBZQq
even if we leave the appearance part aside we believe in being loved by them.452Please respect copyright.PENANAwWoAeLfkMA
Well when I was married I was barely 17 and was married to a young men maybe a452Please respect copyright.PENANAbVqJKmW8fb
year or two older than me. My marriage was fixed by my parents so I never knew452Please respect copyright.PENANAtOFE3ZgolC
how he was until first night. Yes, this is the culture here.452Please respect copyright.PENANAH9DD1l69az
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I never wished for anything else to be in him other than those two, first, he452Please respect copyright.PENANAwelL4i0NBG
love me and second he never beat me. I have seen my mother getting abused by my452Please respect copyright.PENANAd1p4uzywpq
father many times in evening when he used to drink and completely become drunk452Please respect copyright.PENANAOj0flIJjDP
he used to beat us all. But he loved me and the beating part it is a practice452Please respect copyright.PENANA9uBYXy6pZ0
here in every married couples.452Please respect copyright.PENANAYdHgk2ENn2
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All I could wish was for that at least I don’t face that. But all my dreams452Please respect copyright.PENANAOFF2selrA2
were broken mercilessly by him after marriage. And by ‘him’ whom am I referring452Please respect copyright.PENANANbngK44ZmD
even I don’t know, my husband or god. But it is true my all the dreams were452Please respect copyright.PENANAOwLHofAdow
shattered with that force that I could only think of dying. I took seven rounds452Please respect copyright.PENANAk6Doh4YJH4
around the fire with him and our belief says that if we do that we are452Please respect copyright.PENANAoHeD3VnK2K
connected to them for seven births. But I was not even able to tackle him in452Please respect copyright.PENANA2CHPkSXZxz
this birth.452Please respect copyright.PENANAyYbmPudxXm
452Please respect copyright.PENANAF1YtVldOeC
He used to drink a lot and when he used to come home after that he used to452Please respect copyright.PENANA92OG5Cymth
humiliate me beat me I was only a machine which he used to please himself and452Please respect copyright.PENANA3cIEJr35UH
for money. Money, damn money he used to snatch all whatever I could earn by452Please respect copyright.PENANAtzMEdhXgcA
working as labour and by selling fire sticks.452Please respect copyright.PENANAaqiCbLF9Fp
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A few years later I was blessed by a boy in my lap that was the only reason I452Please respect copyright.PENANAoSWHbNQnpf
stayed alive during that period I should have died but now even he doesn’t care452Please respect copyright.PENANAiqtNlQAkAk
for me. He hates his father with a burning passion but not his fault his father452Please respect copyright.PENANAa661wspWRz
never left a chance to humiliate me. So when I was pregnant for second time I452Please respect copyright.PENANAoaXFwx3GRd
left his house. What a brave person I must seem for taking that step but the452Please respect copyright.PENANAviQ4TZlq0y
truth is that I faced worst time after this I am not that much educated I have452Please respect copyright.PENANAy7yTkZ5vGw
problem in even reading Hindi. But somehow I managed my life after coming back452Please respect copyright.PENANAAP309juaVm
to my parents. But it was not easy, never easy, to live in this society who452Please respect copyright.PENANA2iYKU63wEu
always looks for faults in girls.452Please respect copyright.PENANA0KaN29s41w
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I by myself was able to make a little hut in parent’s land well it did become452Please respect copyright.PENANAImxyffPvdo
reason for fight because of my brother’s wife but I………. 452Please respect copyright.PENANA94MwfwYmCN
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After all this I still gave my children proper education, the boy who now runs452Please respect copyright.PENANAwJEfib74TK
a small mobile shop, I took a lot to keep sure he get what he needed but now452Please respect copyright.PENANArdBBPjKOux
after his marriage he don’t give a shit about me my house is a cage and I am452Please respect copyright.PENANATj8oorrnLa
the only one to maintain it yes it is only me. Because he don’t even care about452Please respect copyright.PENANAhhwgLUj9Gl
it. Well my second child my daughter is also like that well she did beauty452Please respect copyright.PENANASGQQeC8vxt
courses and was married recently in June 2017. But even her fate betrayed her452Please respect copyright.PENANA2kjitRtXo1
and even after doing all the investigations she got alcoholic husband.452Please respect copyright.PENANAl3xA3J4Iad
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Not to mention that because of the fact that she doesn’t have a father never452Please respect copyright.PENANA8UdIQvbX4w
made her marriage easy and many times it had been broken before. Well she do452Please respect copyright.PENANAzMNMNRCe7C
have father and that *** is still alive but our son hate him so much that even452Please respect copyright.PENANAFcA4ESBKYB
after he got married and became father he never allowed him to come in the452Please respect copyright.PENANAH0KLLUlnIU
marriage or to even come near his son.452Please respect copyright.PENANAg2AMftcfbv
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He didn’t even allow that piece of shit in his sister’s or could say my452Please respect copyright.PENANAlfiz955hvH
daughter’s marriage. Well even her married life became hell but I am happy that452Please respect copyright.PENANAfDCHthmoMt
after these 20-30 years something has finally changed people and society is now452Please respect copyright.PENANAwvaayhAzwu
even looking the same thing that how much my daughter has suffered.452Please respect copyright.PENANAs7ycJM3BYL
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I am happy they are taking her side and she is taking proper action. Leave the452Please respect copyright.PENANAIewnu8Izfn
fact alone that they don’t realize the same thing about me but alas they are452Please respect copyright.PENANAL5VA3ZnuhZ
their now their mentality is changing……452Please respect copyright.PENANArryYCrkuSF
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Not completely but after this age it opens the door of changes…..452Please respect copyright.PENANAnLf0nQEzue
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A/N- this is a true story, it is of my aunt and I tried to write it from her452Please respect copyright.PENANAcFSBAizM2Y
POV please mention if it does not fit in this genre and give me how do you452Please respect copyright.PENANActvBa9rSTF
think she should have tackled or can now tackle all the problems related to her452Please respect copyright.PENANAXpBiXuQQKU
life and her daughter’s life.