For decades, EpiPens have been a vital tool in treating severe allergic reactions, also known as anaphylaxis. This device injects a dose of the drug epinephrine into the user intramuscularly, which can be easy to use and save lives in emergencies. However, the price of EpiPens has skyrocketed in recent years, leading to widespread outrage and efforts to find more affordable alternatives.
So why are EpiPens so expensive? One reason is the lack of competition in the market. EpiPens have been used since 1977 and were purchased by the pharmaceutical company Mylan in 2007. Since then, Mylan has faced little competition and has been able to increase the price of EpiPens steadily. The fact that epinephrine is an inherently unstable drug and that EpiPens should be replaced yearly has also contributed to the high demand and cost.
Another factor is the cost of bringing a new device like this to market. Developing and producing a device like the EpiPen is a complex and costly process, and this cost is often passed on to the consumer. In 2013, a similar device called Auvi-Q was pulled from the market after it was found to potentially provide improper dosages, further limiting the competition for Mylan’s EpiPen.
Despite the high cost, EpiPens are often necessary for those at risk of anaphylaxis, as they can be difficult to self-administer and require proper training to use correctly. However, alternatives are available for those who cannot afford or do not have coverage for EpiPens. One option is Adrenaclick, which also contains epinephrine but is not a generic version of the EpiPen. Some apps like Good Rx can help individuals find lower-cost generic and non-generic alternatives.
The main reason for the high cost of EpiPens is the lack of competition in the market and the costly process of bringing a new device to market. While it may be frustrating for those who need the life-saving treatment but cannot afford it, options are available to help make it more accessible. Working with a healthcare professional is important to find the right solution for your needs.