This Professor meet us for second or third meeting—I can't remember the exact date anymore, it's been a year since that happen. He introduced himself first, he was just a new professor in our department. I don't know his name, because i'm not interested to meet unimportant person. When 'I say unimportant' they are the person that I don't have plan to be part of my life.
Our class goes on. Until we had this certain activity. Where I earn a negative impressions from their reactions. I love to be unique and different from them to retain my genuine personality. I like adventures because I got bored easily. Too ambitious and optimistic in my big dreams. I can live a year without my parents, mom thought us to be independent. A straightforward lady, I can't get deny the fact of being candid to be authentic one. And not to add that I'm unemotional person, where I believe to use more my brain than my heart.
Mister, Professor got this unusual activity. He instructed us to draw our hand in a piece of paper. I can't remember his five questions. I can site only two. The third one and last one. Sometimes, i'm blunt and direct to the point. He ask me some volunteers to share their perspectives in life, I didn't present myself as one. But being the only girl in those irregular student. Plus, the fact that i'm the only one has a painted colors on my rounded face, among the other girls. He asked me to share my work with them. I had no choice left but to stand from my seat. Share my senseless thoughts with strangers.
I give him an spontaneous answer from the two first questions. Inside my head i'm already smirking at them when I answered his third question. I got all of their attentions. Why not? I'm not a hypocrite person to make a saint personality. I'm just too honest that afternoon. And I don't like repeating same answers with same questions that been answered by others. Why bother on telling it again and again for many times.
"Who's the person you can't live without." Not sure if it's the same exact question but it goes something like that.
Me, having a twisted answer, "No one, can't think of someone." A heartless person like me can mingle and live with anyone. As easy as they come and go. And him being some sort of a maniac psychologist—I'm not judgemental, I knew that no one is perfect, I'm not an exception—because that's how I analized his words of choice. Given that artists are open minded, it's not good to harrash students secretly with double-meaning words.
First thing come in his mind was I had a big family problem. But it's not something like that. My family were not broken. Inside our home were jolly. My mom was loud and corny, always telling why she didn't end up with her first boyfriend to tease my father. Dad, on the other hand, saying some jokes that we've been heard hundred times before our childhood. I have elder sister, we always fight. A day won't last that we never had an non-sense argue. But one thing were good at, to bully anyone. Partners in crime in stupid ideas. Plotting like some sort of directors in humor-action film. That's what we are crazy siblibgs.
"Have you ever plan having your own family?" He inquired.
I tried to refrain myself to lift my left arch brow at him. What a stupid questions. When I was young—i'm not that old—still young, I can answer his last questions. '10 years from now, what I'll become'
Maybe, I could say that i'm a successful fashion designer nor I already had my own coffee shop. Have families and happily married. Answer that would probably forget after minutes.
So, I gave him answer he never expect, "I can't imagine myself ten years from now," telling him honestly. I could give him same answer as what he already heard. But since, I already trying to knew myself that time. And knowing i'm not sure anymore if I could be a fashion designer or a business woman in the future. Because I change my mind easily.
I encountered and tried a lot of things that could make me change what's in my heart and mind. Life is invetable. Not permanent. And I just knew that wouldn't ever happen after ten years from now.
So, why would telling them some falsehood things.