The minivan spun counter-clockwise, just before my side was t-boned by another driver. The car instantly flipped over and rolled several meters down the endless interstate.
As we screeched down the road upside down, my face felt like it went through the blender. Eventually, the car stopped as we were completely upside down. Every bone in my body felt like it was on fire, and I blacked out.
Suddenly, all I saw was a white light. I can't be dead already! I thought to myself. No! NO! NOO! How could this happen? I looked around, seeing nothing but white all around as if I was in a formless white sphere. Is Jeremy okay? I wondered frantically. How about Mom? Anyone?
"Jeremy? Are you okay?" I asked. We were all upside down. I could only see Jeremy and David from my spot, thick blood pooling underneath them. I could tell I probably looked like that, too.
"David?" Mrs. Smith sobbed. I began crying, too, and I heard sirens from police cars and fire trucks. Soon, I saw flashing lights.
"Mrs. Smith!" I exclaimed. "Are they…?"
A policeman appeared at my door, a loud sawing noise filling my ears as he cut the door off the car.
I awoke upside down with the most brutal headache ever. Apparently, I wasn't dead, though I was heavily injured. Though moving hurt, I slowly unbuckled the seatbelt, landing face-first onto the roof of the dented car, glass shards impaling my face. I winced, but surprisingly this didn't kill me. I realized that my right arm was also full of glass shards.
I rolled over, looked over my seat, and faced Jeremy. Thick blood dripped from his wounds, but I could see the rise and fall of his chest.
"Jeremy?" I weakly blurted. I reached over and poked him, and eventually started shoving him. He woke up with an even more startled look on his face than the one I had when I woke up.
"What is going on?" Jeremy asked, frantically looking around. "Where are the authorities?"
"That's what I was going to ask you," I said. He unbuckled himself and groaned painfully as he made his landing onto the shard-covered roof of the car.
"Sarah!" Jeremy exclaimed. "Wait, where's your mom? Why is there absolutely no one? Did they forget about us! Did they disappear? What! What is going on!"
"I don't know, but let's get out of here," I said. We attempted to get out, and after lots of struggling and sliding on broken glass, trying in vain not to get more scratched, we succeeded in getting out. All of the windows were shattered and missing. Dents and scrapes covered the once baby blue minivan.
Once I finally crawled out, I stood up, and squinted as I looked around. Glass crunched as I walked around, looking for signs of life.
Freshly abandon cars piled in a line, heading southbound. A high pitched noise caught my attention, and as I turned my head to look, a bright yellow Mustang raced by, going as fast as it possibly could go.
"Who was that?" Jeremy asked, also squinting to see. I remained silent, confused. Everyone just disappeared! Well, except for this maniac driving at 120mph, which didn't help! I was angry. No, really. How could everyone just disappear! There wasn't even an ambulance at the scene or any authority!
"Why?" Jeremy asked. Well, that was the question on my mind, too. Why did everyone disappear? Why were we the only two, other than the maniaco Mustang driver, here, survivors of a crazy accident?
A loud boom echoed through the empty highway when the Mustang crashed into a pile of cars up ahead probably at 140mph. I watched as the already marred cars caught fire, probably since that nutcase's car had a full tank.
I spotted movement near the edge of the fire. A woman crawled from under what used to be a gray Honda Accord carrying something shiny. It took me a second to realize that she was walking towards us, and also that shiny something was a knife.
"Jeremy," I said, prodding my friend to get his attention." There's another crazy lady coming our way."
Jeremy shrugged. "Tell me about it. Next time, you're going to say you saw a woman come out of a car coming at us with a knife."
"Uh, there's a lady coming at us with a knife," I urgently said, tugging at Jeremy's sleeve. "A butterfly knife. Let's get out of here."
Jeremy took one look at that psycho woman and immediately ran past me. We jumped over the railing on the side of the highway and disappeared into the trees, hoping she wouldn't follow.