“What about a movie marathon? I have a bunch of new movies,”
I felt a smile tugged at my lips and I agreed. I took his hand and started to pull him out of the school. On the way home, we stopped by the convenience store to buy some chips to eat as we watch. As we were waiting in line, I looked out the glass wall and saw a man crossing the street. Though, there was something different about him. I just couldn’t place it.
But- when he neared, I finally realized what was wrong. His skin was a scaly blue. And instead of black, round irises his eyes had yellow slits like a snake’s. Wide-eyed, my gaze followed the man. But- the moment I blinked, all those different about him was gone.
What the-?
I blinked a couple of times before I realized that Chris was waiting for me as he held the door opened. I shook my head and smiled at him before I walked towards him and exited the premise. We chatted all the way to the little apartment mom and I are renting.
It was little compared to the other houses on the block but it was the only thing mom could afford with her salary as a personal piano teacher. I had offered to work too but mom waved the idea off. She said that I should enjoy my youth and not worry about money.
Exactly thirty minutes later, Chris and I were sprawled on the floor, munching some potato chips and watching a rom-com. Despite his appearance, Chris was a sucker for a good romantic comedy. He had his arm slung over my shoulder as I used his body as a pillow.
Mom was out today as she taught some nine-year-old two blocks away. But she would be back before dinner though I hadn’t needed to worry about cooking since Chris said he’ll order some take-outs. So, I focused back on the movie. Though, I found it hard to concentrate when Chris was running a hand down the side of my face; caressing the hair that found its way to my cheek. And before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.
The moon-shaped lake was peaceful that only a ripple caused by some leaves that fell disturbed it. The darkness that cloaked it was slowly being vanished by the sun that was rising above the tall pine trees that I always find so fascinating. They shadowed over everything like they were a part of another world. They towered over everything like they can never be brought down.
And as a kid, I always dreamt of becoming as strong as the pine trees I’ve always saw in my dreams. That beautiful scenery always haunted my memories. Though, I couldn’t remember when or where I have seen such a stunning place.
And in that ravishing place, I have witnessed a miracle.
A boy who I knew was older than the seven-year-old me, was standing in one of the thick, sturdy branch of a pine tree. He had his right hand outstretched- holding the trunk of the tree as if he was supporting himself. He was staring straight at the sky and his shadow blackened the glittering water below him.
It was too dark to see him properly. But- as the sun slowly took its place up in the sky; it illuminated the boy above the tree, making him look like an angel. His brownish-blonde hair shone at the rays of the sun. He was standing as strong as the pine tree he was at.
And he was like a fairy from another world.
It was like serendipity to have beheld such a scene.
If only I could remember where that place was. Maybe, just maybe, I would be lucky enough to see him once more. To see the fairy that did miraculous things in front of me.
His figure turned towards me. Even from the distance he was at, I knew he was smiling at me. And like the miracle he was; he jumped down the humongous pine tree and raised both his hands in the air as if it were some wings he was hiding.
And that was the part where I would wake up. With tears in my eyes and feeling like I have lost something important; something that truly matters.
But- I just can’t remember.
Claps filled the room as I ended my story. I blinked a couple of times as I left out a relieve sigh. I was scared no one would get it but it seemed like they liked it. I turned to look at my English teacher by his desk. He gave me a smile and stood up to give me a quick pat.
“Good work, Ms. Ashwood,” he praised and I sat back down on my chair with a huge grin on my lips.
The truth was- that little story I’ve told in front of the class, was not something I came up with for the presentation. It was a dream of mine. A constant dream. I had no idea why I was dreaming of it but it would be always the same. The same lake, the same pine trees, the same sun rise, and the same boy.
Mom always told me it was just a figment of my imagination. Something I had probably seen in a movie. A scene that my brain mistook for my own memory because I was so fascinated with it. But- despite the time I had devoted watching almost every movies- I still couldn’t find that one scene.
“That’s nice,” Chris whispered as another student stood up and started his story. “I never thought you have the gift of writing,” he ended with a smirk.
“Ha ha,” I laughed sarcastically.
“What you say for some sweets?” he asked with his left brow raised. “I heard they added something new to the menu,”
“Really?” my eyes widened in shock and excitement. “We have to go then!”
We listened to the rest of the people taking their turns telling their stories while I kept willing the clock to go faster. I had no idea why but I’m a proud addict of sweets. There was no way I’d survived a day without eating anything sweet. Be that a simple chocolate bar to a cake.
Once the bell rung, Chris was on his feet before I could even put my book back inside my bag. He impatiently tapped his foot and pulled me out of the room once I stood up. I let him pull me through the crowdful hallway. He was a couple of steps in front of me; not even looking back to see if I was having matching his pace.
I rolled my eyes at him and stared at my feet- just letting the sound of my shoes hitting the floor dance in my ears. But- then, I realized that it was the only thing I could hear. The sounds of other shoes were nowhere to be heard. There was no constant chatting from the other people and it finally dawned on me that my hand was raised in the air with no one holding it.
Fear gripped at my heart as I stood up straight. My breathing started to hitch up as panic clung in me. There was no one around. I turned around, circling in my position in my desperation to see someone; anyone. But- there was none. The place was deserted.
Except for me.
Suddenly, I heard a laugh. A little girl’s laugh. I spun around; trying to see where it was coming from.
“Hello?” I called out in the emptiness and the answer I got was another laugh from the end of the hallway.
I took a hesitant step towards the direction when I suddenly felt someone gripped my shoulder. I let out a shriek as I jumped around to see who it was. Chris’ confuse face welcomed me and I looked around me to see everyone staring at me.
“What’s wrong?” he asked; worry clear in his face.
I couldn’t help but let out a couple of relieve sigh as my tears started pooling in my eyes. Chris obviously saw I wasn’t alright. He pulled me in towards him and held me tightly as I gripped at his shirt. My breathing still came in gasps as I tried to calm my panic mind.
“I’m. . . I’m sorry. I just- I just got dizzy for a moment,” I lied through gritted teeth as I stepped out of his arms and gave him a shaky smile.
Chris did not look convinced as he stared down at me. “You sure? We can postpone today if you’re not feeling well,”
“No,” I answered. “It’s okay. I guess you just have to treat me to this new menu you’ve mentioned,” I answered with a laugh as I dried my eyes.
He laughed at me. “You sure you don’t need counseling yet? Your addiction to sweets is quite alarming,”
He started to lead us out of the school and towards the café. He had his arm slung over my shoulder as if he was afraid I’d suddenly faint. But- I don’t have be to a genius to know why he mentioned the new menu was so I’ll come with him without a problem. Just. To. See. His. Damn. Crush.
The man was so oblivious about my feelings that I sometimes would get the urge to hit him in the head.
I quickly sat on our usual spot as Chris fell in line to order whatever was on the new menu. As I waited for Chris, I looked out the window and saw the leather-clad man I had bumped into a couple of weeks ago. He was looking around the café from the outside and when his icy, blue eyes landed on mine- I couldn’t help but feel a slight shiver.
I was hypnotized. Despite the noise of the café, I could not leave his stare. My lips suddenly felt dry and I ran a tongue across it. His gaze dropped to my lips and I suddenly felt self-conscious about my own actions.
“Sherry! Sorry for waiting but here is your fried chocolate mint ice cream,” Chris’ voice interrupted whatever connection I had formed with the stranger and I turned to look at him with a laugh.
“Excuse me?” I asked; unsure of what I had heard. “Fried ice cream? Seriously? How is that possible?”
As Chris set the ice cream down on the table, I looked back to the window only to find the man still staring at me. And- as I stared back, I felt a jolt of fear rushed through me.